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Death in Freeport



I count 23 skill ranks and 34 ability score point buy allocation. So one more skill point to spend and two less ability score point buy.

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Dogrynn's sheet is updated back on page 3 with all his stats. To continue,

Description: Dogrynn is a pretty typical Sibeccai, which in Freeport is not very typical at all. He is a tall humanoid hound with mangy brown short fur covering his body. He is muscular and lean with a long narrow snout. His ears are pointed and larger than those of even the most accentuated elven ears. His face is typically formed into a scowl though a sneer would not look out of place. He has a dark brown marking across his chest similar to a tattoo that has a lot of sharp edges and thin lines. It appears to abstractly resemble lightning. He wears a rough suit of scale mail with ragged leather straps at the shoulders. The scales look worn and poorly cared for. A sheathed scimitar and heavy shield are strapped to his back most of the time.

Personality: Dogrynn is a wanna-be pirate. Despite the fact that his lack of social graces would naturally indear him to most scallywags, his equally poor mental faculties, wisdom, and grace often get him into scraps at many of the local watering holes. In fact he is so often the instigator of such trouble that captains of many of even the worst vessels choose not to hire him. His drinking habit of course makes the point even more so. His hyenna-like laugh though has to be his most annoying trait.

History: Dogrynn has not had the best of times in Freeport. He is naturally capable with the scimitar, and his birthmark grants him abilities that tend to put him ahead of his opponents. The problem is that he makes opponents often. He is actually quite insecure and uses his strength when he feels offended. The one person in Freeport who has treated him kindly is Brother Egil. Brother Egil has always been the one who Dogrynn turns to when he needs help (or food when really down on his luck). In turn Brother Egil has been trying to help Dogrynn realize his independance and increase his self-confidence. Brother Egil is convinced that if Dogrynn were to come about he'd be a kind individual who could really help society out.


First Post

[Sblock=Arcata - beguiler]Name: Arcata
Race: Human
Class/Level: Beguiler 1
Exp: 0

Desc: Arcata is a lovely young woman with fine, almost delicate features that belie her inner fortitude. She has fair skin and hair the color of fine spun gold. Slightly rounded cheeks, piercing blue eyes, full rosebud lips...she is every inch the fairytale princess come to life. Though she is dressed in common clothes and muted colors, there is a hint of something regal in how she walks, how she speaks.

Strength (STR) 8
Dexterity (DEX) 14
Constitution (CON) 14
Intelligence (INT) 16
Wisdom (WIS) 10
Charisma (CHA) 15

Alignment: Neutral
AC: 14 (10 +2 Dex +2 armor)
Hit Points: 8
Movement: 30'

Base Attack Bonus: +0
Init: +2
Melee Attack: -1
Ranged Attack: +2
Fort: +2
Reflex: +2
Will: +2

Race Abilities
Bonus Feat
Bonus Skills

Class Abilities:
Armored Mage

Skills: 40
Bluff +6 (4 ranks + 2 Cha)
Concentration +6 (4 ranks +2 Con)
Diplomacy +10 (4 ranks +2 Cha + 4 feat)
Disguise +6 (4 ranks + 2 Cha)
Gather Information +6 (4 ranks + 2 Cha)
Knowledge: Arcana +7 (4 ranks + 3 Int)
Knowledge: Local +7 (4 ranks + 3 Int)
Knowledge: Nobility +7 (4 ranks + 3 Int)
Sense Motive + 4 (4 ranks + 0 Wis)
Use Magic Device +6 (4 ranks + 2 Cha)

1 Spellcasting Prodigy (FRCS)
1 Born Leader (Arcana Unearthed)

Languages - Common, Dwarvish, Elvish, Draconic

Spells (Beguiler) - Base DC 14 (15 for compulsions)
0 - 5/5, 1 - 4/4

0 - Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Message, Open/Close, Read Magic
1 - Charm Person, Color Spray, Comprehend Languages, Detect Secret Doors, Disguise Self,Expeditious Retreat, Hypnotism, Mage Armor, Obscuring Mist, Rouse, Silent Image, Sleep,Undetectable Alignment,

Whelm, Ventriloquism

Money - 48gp

Weapons -
Rapier, -1 to hit, 1d6-1 dmg, 20gp, 2lbs

Armour -
Leather armor, +2 AC, +6 max dex, 0 acp, 10gp, 15lbs
Traveller clothes

Gear -
Signet Ring, 5gp

- On person
2 belt pouches, 2gp, 1lb
Spell Component Pouch, 5gp, 2lbs

- In Pouches
Small steel mirror, 10gp, .5lb


Arcata d'Toussein is the daughter of Duke Gray d'Toussein, the lord of a small but prosperous duchy sandwiched between the rich ores of the mountains, and the industrious woodsmen of the great forest that stretch down to the lowland plains of the empire. Control over the trade road running through these areas has made the d'Toussein family financially and politically well off. Gray was not an ambitious man; he was content with his family and his fiefdom and ruled both wisely and well.

Though the d'Toussein's are related via a somewhat convoluted chain of cousins to the Emperor, they are

not considered in line of succession, and in fact would be a rather minor nobility if not for the main

trade artery passing through their domain. Gray rarely attended to matters beyond his borders, and sent proxies to the moots as needed. His attention was much more focused on his two sons and his daughter. The daughter, Arcata, in particular had unusual circumstances, as the court wizard soon discovered she was using minor magics by instinct. A trait not uncommon to sorcerors, though not exactly the same. He recommended she be taken to the Athenaeum for more tests and study.

With some trepidation, Gray made it so. Although there were chapters closer, Arcata was taken to Freeport's Athenaeum. There would be less chance of starting rumors and gossip that way, and Gray did not want such things to dog Arcata. Magic outside the auspices of the Church was still in low esteem in some quarters, especially the more conservative nobility. Rumors of sorcery and tainted blood would do neither him nor his daughter any good.

The magic Arcata possessed was like sorcery, and was in fact likely an offshoot of sorcery. Yet, she wielded it with much less effort, needing little time to learn even large numbers of spells, and able to use much more abbreviated motions and gestures to summon the powers. On the other hand, there were limits to what she could accomplish with the magic...it seemed unusually focused for sorcery. More study would be needed...but Arcata had been away from home too long. Promising she'd be back, she and her father returned, and eventually, mostly, let events distract them from what they'd learned.

Forgiveable, for events were dire, and proceeded rapidly. An heirless death, and civil war erupted. Despite his attempts to be neutral, to preserve his own fief, the Duchy was too valuable, too strategic, to simply leave in the hands of an undeclared. Not to mention, there was a great deal of suspicion that he and his family might declare; having a verifiable...if tenuous...blood link. For these reasons and more, Duke Gray was attacked by the most powerful pretender to the throne. In the terrible battles that followed, his sons were slain...one in combat, the other by an assassin. Fearing for Arcata, Gray had her exchange places with one of her maids, and had her flee with a band of other refugees just before the enemy forces broke in and laid siege to the castle. A siege which, as far as Arcata has heard, is now over...the castle captured.

With nowhere else to go, Arcata fled to the Atheneaum in Freeport disguised and under an assumed name. They helped her learn a bit more about controlling her magic, and helped her safely sell some jewelry and get set up in town. She's been working as a server since then, but it hasn't been long. No, not long at all before she got a letter from Brother Egil at the Athenaeum asking for help...[/sblock]


So I've got preliminary character sheets for everyone except Blind Azathoth. Doghead is also still working on rewriting his background.

BA please check back in so I know you are still interested and planning on participating.

If anyone wants to tie their characters together in some way feel free to discuss it here and do so.

Blind Azathoth

I apologize for not checking in until now; that I had applied for this game kept slipping my mind.

I'm afraid that I've been very busy with the offline world lately, and it's only going to get worse from here on out--I'm not certain I should be adding another PbP to a schedule that's already packed as tight as it is. I think it would be best if I withdrew and let someone with more time to devote to the game have a shot.

Good luck with the game!


ooc - Freeport

Hinjo's background and description has been added to the post above [#94].

Six is a good number. Time to get rolling, yes?

aka thotd


ooc - Death in Freeport

Voadam said:
If anyone wants to tie their characters together in some way feel free to discuss it here and do so.

I haven't really got my head around the other characters. As for Hinjo ....

Hinjo is curious about people from all walks of life. While he enjoys reading about other lands and people, he enjoys listening to stories more. Hinjo is fairly open minded and accepting of people generally. He knows what it is like to be judged by his clothes and background. However, Hinjo has little time for liars, cheats, braggarts and charlatans. He is a little straight laced in some regards. Hinjo is most likely to be encountered in the Athenaeum chapter-house, possibly talking with Brother Egil.


OK. had a look at the other characters. Hinjo's likely response to the others, if they have met.

Shayuri's Arcata (Beguiler) - more than likely charmed, sympathetic if he knows anything of her plight.

Erekose's Dogrynn (Sibeccai Gestalt Anima/Weapon Master) - likely to be curious, especially about the Sebecci, also about his fighting style. Perhaps somewhat cautious.

Azgulor (Ghostly Buccaneer) - hard to say based just on numbers. The guy is a pirate, however. Which would count against him initially. Assuming Hinjo knew.

Lorthanoth's Rikki Bone-sticks (Gestalt Witch/Rogue) - as above. But I think Hinjo would be somewhat non-plussed, unsure what to think.

Tailspinner's Grockuprim (Orc Half Dragon Dragon) - umm, not sure :)

All of the above is kind of assumes the characters meet for the first time in Freeport. Of course, much also depends on how the others respond to Hinjo.

I tend to see Hinjo as a new arrival in Freeport (relatively) without any established circle of friends or companions. But I'm open to the idea of tie ins. Something simple like staying in the same inn, or perhaps something that predates arriving in Freeport.

aka thotd



I am not going to allow spellcasting prodigy as is. Even restricted to 1st only I find it unbalanced in 3.5 with spell focus being only +1 for one school.

I will allow spellcasting prodigy to grant the bonus spell benefit only, but able to be taken at any level. This would mean it would not make sense to take it until you can cast 4th level spells.

Voidrunner's Codex

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