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DnD 3.5 - Valley of the Dead

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Myth, here's the updated version (fixed stats plus HP) for Peth. Let me know if there's anything else I need to change.

[sblock=Peth Hethas, Archivist/Sage]
Peth Hethas

Lawful Neutral Male Whisper Gnome Archivist 8

Patron Deity: none

EXP: 28000

Strength 8 (-1) (Base 10, -2 racial)
Dexterity 12 (+1) (Base 10, +2 racial)
Constitution 14 (+2) (Base 12, +2 racial)
Intelligence 22 (+6) (Base 18, +2 level, +2 item)
Wisdom 16 (+3) (Base 16)
Charisma 8 (-1) (Base 10, -2 racial)

Size: Small
Age: 62
Height: 3' 7"
Weight: 36 lb
Eyes: Blue-Gray
Hair: Gray
Skin: Tanned

Peth is short even for a gnome; his appearance is thoroughly nondescript, to the point where many of his associates fail to recognize him as often as not. He generally wears his shoulder-length hair pulled back in a tight braid, wound and tied with gray silk nearly the color of his hair. When out and about in a safe haven, he tends towards functional, unadorned clothing of the type favored by explorers; when in his role as sometime Sage, however, he dons fancier clothing fashioned after the robes of an ancient scholarly sect. Outside of havens, his blueshine chain shirt glimmers just at the edge of vision as he slips from shadow to shadow almost unconsciously.

Knowledge is Peth's oldest and deepest love, and it is highly unlikely anything will ever dislodge it. He is happiest prowling through ancient detritus, either physically in some ruined section of the City, or metaphorically while translating some newly discovered text. However, unusually among seekers after ancient knowledge, he feels little possessiveness for his hard-won information, provided fair exchange is given. He revels in the role of Sage, in the dispensing of valued information, not least because it leads to respect and associations that might otherwise be denied a whisper gnome. Nonetheless, Peth has few friends, none terribly close, but his love affairs tend to be highly emotionally charged, if brief, relationships.

Peth cannot stand being lied to, and will only lie himself in dire circumstances; dishonesty and disorganization are anathema to him. He will often refuse to deal further with someone who has told him even a relatively minor lie, and this reputation for fair dealing is as well known as the breadth of his knowledge among treasure-seekers and their contacts.

Total Hit Points: 64

Speed: 30 feet

Armor Class: 19 = 10 + 5 [armor] + 2 [shield] + 1 [Dex] + 1 [size]

Touch AC: 12
Flat-footed: 18

Special: Dark Knowledge 5/day (Tactics, Puissance, Foe); Lore Mastery (Arcana, Dungeoneering); Still Mind

Caster Level: 8
Spell DC: 10 + Spell Level + 6 (Int)

Initiative modifier: + 1
Fortitude save: + 9 = 6 [base] + 2 [constitution] + 1 [resistance: cloak]
Reflex save: + 6 = 2 [base] + 3 [wisdom (feat)] + 1 [resistance: cloak]
Will save: + 10 = 6 [base] + 3 [wisdom] + 1 [resistance: cloak]
Attack (handheld): +4 = 4 [base] + -1 [strength] + 1 [size]
Attack (missile): +6 = 4 [base] + 1 [dexterity] + 1 [size]
Grapple check: -1 = 4 [base] + -1 [strength] - 4 [size]

Light load: 19.5 lb.
Medium load: 20-39.75 lb.
Heavy load: 40-60 lb.
Lift over head: 60 lb.
Lift off ground: 120 lb.
Push or drag: 300 lb.

Languages: Common, Gnome, Dwarven, Elven, Goblin, Orc

Scribe Scroll
Insightful Reflexes (Complete Adventurer)
Trivial Knowledge (Races of Stone)
Draconic Archivist (Heroes of Horror)
Master of Knowledge (Heroes of Horror)


Appraise + 11 = 5 [base] + 6 [Int]
Balance - 2 = 1 [Dec] + -3 [armor]
Bluff - 1 = -1 [Cha]
Climb - 4 = -1 [Str] + -3 [acp]
Concentration + 8 = 6 [base] + 2 [Con]
Craft + 6 = 6 [Int]
Decipher Script + 10 = 2 [base] + 6 [Int] + 2 [Lore Mastery]
Diplomacy + 1 = 2 [base] + -1 [Cha]
Escape Artist - 2 = 1 [Dex] + -3 [acp]
Forgery + 6 = 6 [Int]
Gather Information + 11 = 10 [base] + -1 [Cha] + 2 [synergy: Knowledge Local]
Heal + 3 = 3 [Wis]
Hide + 8 = 1 [Dex] + 4 [size] + 4 [racial] + 2 [armor] + -3 [acp]
Jump - 4 = -1 [Str] + -3 [acp]
Knowledge (Arcana) + 19 = 10 [base] + 6 [Int] + 1 [feat] + 2 [Lore Mastery]
Knowledge (Architecture) + 9 = 2 [base] + 6 [Int] + 1 [feat]
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) + 19 = 10 [base] + 6 [Int] + 1 [feat] + 2 [Lore Mastery]
Knowledge (History) + 9 = 2 [base] + 6 [Int] + 1 [feat]
Knowledge (Local) + 9 = 2 [base] + 6 [Int] + 1 [feat]
Knowledge (Religion) + 17 = 10 [base] + 6 [Int] + 1 [feat]
Knowledge (The Planes) + 17 = 10 [base] + 6 [Int] + 1 [feat]
Listen + 5 = 3 [Wis] + 2 [racial]
Move Silently + 2 = 1 [Dex] + 4 [racial] + -3 [acp]
Profession: Sage +5= 2 [base] + 3 [Wis]
Ride + 1 = 1 [Dex]
Search + 8 = 2 [base] + 6 [Int]
Sense Motive + 3 = 3 [Wis]
Spellcraft + 19 = 11 [base] + 6 [Int] + 2 [synergy: Knowledge Arcana]
Spot + 5 = 3 [Wis] + 2 [racial]
Survival + 3/5/5 = 3 [Wis] /+ 2 [synergy: Knowledge The Planes] /+2 [synergy: Knowledge Dungeoneering]
Swim - 7 = -1 [Str] + -6 [acp * 2]
Use Rope + 1 = 1 [Dex]

Known Spells:

0 level: Amanuensis (SC), Create Water, Cure Minor Wounds, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Guidance, Inflict Minor Wounds, Light, Mending, Purify Food and Drink, Read Magic, Resistance, Virtue

1 level: (9, 2 bought, 11 total) Protection From Evil, Sanctuary, Shield of Faith, Cure Light Wounds, Comprehend Languages, Scholar's Touch (Races of Destiny), Inflict Light Wounds, Magic Weapon, Lesser Vigor, Guiding Light (SC), Inhibit (SC)

2 level: (4, 10 bought, 14 total) Resist Energy, Cure Moderate Wounds, Lesser Restoration, Darkness, Sound Burst, Inflict Moderate Wounds, Bull's Strength, Iron Silence (CAdv), Make Whole, Balor Nimbus (SC), Close Wounds (SC), Master Air (SC), Curse of Ill Fortune (SC), Ghost Touch Armor (SC)

3 level: (4, 10 bought, 14 total) Dispel Magic, Glyph of Warding, Magic Circle Against Evil, Remove Curse, Mass Resist Energy, Cure Serious Wounds, Mass Lesser Vigor, Locate Object, Speak With Dead, Magic Vestment, Fell The Greatest Foe (SC), Swift Fly (SC), Mass Align Weapon (SC), Light of Venya (SC)

4 level: (4, 6 bought, 10 total) Freedom of Movement, Cure Critical Wounds, Inflict Critical Wounds, Neutralize Poison, Restoration, Divine Power, Greater Magic Weapon, Arc of Lightning (SC), Assay Spell Resistance (SC), Sheltered Vitality (SC)

0 level: 4
1 level: 6 = 5 + 1 [Wis]
2 level: 5 = 4 + 1 [Wis]
3 level: 5 = 4 + 1 [Wis]
4 level: 3 = 3 + 1 [Wis]

Prepared spells:

0 level: Cure Minor Wounds, Detect Magic, Mending, Read Magic
1 level: Sanctuary, Shield of Faith, Comprehend Languages, Scholar's Touch, Magic Weapon, Protection From Evil
2 level: Cure Moderate Wounds, Iron Silence, Balor Nimbus, Close Wounds, Master Air
3 level: Dispel Magic, Magic Circle Against Evil, Cure Serious Wounds, Magic Vestment, Mass Lesser Vigor
4 level: Cure Critical Wounds, Divine Power, Arc of Lightning


[sblock=Level Advancement]
1: Archivist - Knowledge (arcana) +4, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +4, Knowledge (Religion) +4, Knowledge (Planes) +4, Concentration +4, Spellcraft +4, Gather Information +4, Decipher Script +2, Search +2

Feat: Scribe Scroll, Insightful Reflexes (CAdv)
Special: Dark Knowledge (tactics) 3/day

2: Archivist - Knowledge (arcana) +5, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +5, Knowledge (Religion) +5, Knowledge (Planes) +5, Concentration +5, Spellcraft +5, Gather Information +5, Diplomacy +1

Special: Lore Mastery (Knowledge (Arcana))

3: Archivist - Knowledge (arcana) +6, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +6, Knowledge (Religion) +6, Knowledge (Planes) +6, Spellcraft +6, Gather Information +6, Skill Trick: Collector of Stories (Undead)

Feat: Trivial Knowledge (Races of Stone)
Special: Dark Knowledge 4/day

4: Archivist - Knowledge (arcana) +7, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +7, Knowledge (Religion) +7, Knowledge (Planes) +7, Concentration +6, Spellcraft +7, Gather Information +7, Diplomacy +2

Special: Still Mind

Attribute Increase: Int

5: Archivist - Knowledge (arcana) +8, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +8, Knowledge (Religion) +8, Knowledge (Planes) +8, Spellcraft +8, Gather Information +8, Skill Trick: Collector of Stories (Magical Beasts)

Special: Dark Knowledge (puissance)

6: Archivist - Knowledge (arcana) +9, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +9, Knowledge (Religion) +9, Knowledge (Planes) +9, Spellcraft +9, Gather Information +9, Knowledge (Local) +1, Profession (Sage) +0.5

Feat: Draconic Archivist (Heroes of Horror)
Special: Dark Knowledge 5/day

7: Archivist - Knowledge (arcana) +10, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +10, Knowledge (Religion) +10, Knowledge (Planes) +10, Spellcraft +10, Gather Information +10, Profession (Sage) +1, Knowledge (History) +1

Special: Lore Mastery (Knowledge (Dungeoneering))

8: Archivist - Knowledge (arcana) +10, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +10, Knowledge (Religion) +10, Knowledge (Planes) +10, Spellcraft +11, Gather Information +10, Knowledge (History) +2, Knowledge (Local) +2, Knowledge (Architecture) +2, Profession (Sage) +2, Skill Trick: Collector of Stories (Outsiders/Elementals)

Feat: Master of Knowledge
Special: Dark Knowledge (foe)
Attribute Increase: Int


[sblock=Whisper Gnome]
* +2 Dexterity/Constitution, –2 Strength/Charisma
* Humanoid (Gnome)
* Small: As a Small creature, a whisper gnome gains a +1 size bonus to Armor Class, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, and a +4 size bonus on Hide checks, but he uses smaller weapons than humans use, and his lifting and carrying limits are three-quarters those of a Medium character.
* Whisper Gnome base land speed is 30 feet, despite their size.
* Low-Light Vision: A whisper gnome can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination.
* Darkvision: Whisper gnomes can see in the dark out to 60 feet.
* Weapon familiarity: Whisper gnomes treat gnome hooked hammers as martial weapons rather than exotic weapons.
* +1 racial bonus on attack rolls vs. kobolds and goblinoids (including goblins, hobgoblins, and bugbears)
* +4 dodge bonus to Armor Class against monsters of the giant type (such as ogres, trolls, and hill giants)
* +4 racial bonus on Hide and Move Silently checks.
* +2 racial bonus on Listen and Spot checks.
* Spell-Like Abilities: 1/day - silence (centered on whisper gnome's body). A whisper gnome with a Charisma of at least 10 also has the following spell-like abilities: 1/day: ghost sound, mage hand, message. Caster level 1st; save DC 10 + Cha modifier + spell level.
* Favored class: Rogue
* Racial Feats: The Extra Silence and Silencing Strike feats can be taken by whisper gnomes.
* Level Adjustment: +0



2 x 1 level scrolls 50 gp
10 x 2 level scrolls 1500 gp
10 x 3 level scrolls 3950 gp
6 x 4 level scrolls 2400 gp

Ring of Sustenance 2500 gp
Handy Haversack 2000 gp
Chain Shirt (100 gp) Masterwork (150 gp) +1 (1000 gp) Blueshine (1500 gp) 2750 gp
Morningstar (8 gp) Masterwork (300 gp) 308 gp
Heavy Crossbow (50 gp) Masterwork (300 gp) +1 (2000 gp) 2350 gp
50 bolts 5gp
2 Daggers 4 gp
Cloak of Resistance +1 1000 gp

Darkwood Shield 257 gp

Headband of Intellect +2 4000 gp
Wand of CLW 750 gp
Lesser Iron Ward Diamond (DR 3/- up to 30 dam/day, 2000 gp)
Pearl of Power, Level 1 (1000 gp)

Explorer's outfit
Scholar's outfit 5 gp
Standard Adventurer's Kit 15 gp
Belt pouch
2 sunrods
10 days' rations
50' hemp rope
Spell Component Pouch 5 gp
Prayer Book
Journal (50 sheets) 20 gp
5 candles 5 cp
4 scroll cases 4 gp
2 pieces chalk 2 cp
Ink (2oz.) 16 gp
Inkpen 1 sp
Sewing Needle 5 sp
Thread 5 sp

Total: 26890.17 gp

GP on person: 109.83

Peth set the foaming tankard of ale on the edge of the table above him, then heaved his slight frame into the too-tall chair. Wriggling into a more comfortable position, he drew the mug closer to him with his right hand, and with the other opened his worn, stained journal to the first blank page. He paused, downed nearly a third of the ale, then pulled a tattered piece of parchment, an inkpot, and a pen from the backpack laying on the table beside him. Laying the parchment carefully next to the journal, he dipped the pen into the ink and began to copy its contents into his book.

Several mugs later, Peth finished the last flourish on the last line. He sprinkled sand carefully over the newly finished page, then returned the ink, pen, and parchment to his pack and closed his journal. Weary and sore as he was, a sense of accomplishment at saving one more piece of ancient knowledge from the ruins of the past suffused his soul. He hoisted his mug one more time and drained the last of his ale, then hopped lightly off the chair and headed for the market to see if any new antiquities had shown up since he'd last been in this safe haven, three weeks ago.

Wandering through the market, searching for treasures among the fakes, the mundane, and the just plain weird, Peth mused on how his fortunes had increased in the last few years. Peth had never been much interested in clerics and gods; the whole idea felt too much like fakery and performance to the utterly honest gnome. Yet the powers those clerics wielded were fascinating; Peth had long felt there must be rules to divine magic itself, rules that transcended mere deities. His breakthrough had come with a lucky find, a tattered scrap of an ancient text inscribed with strange runes in a glittering ink that had not faded, even though it must have been several hundred years old at least. It had taken Peth nearly six months just to begin to translate the scroll, a time that led him to begin building up one of the most comprehensive libraries of ancient knowledge in his area--a fact that occasionally brought other treasure-seekers to his door, seeking advice and information.

The key to understanding his collection lay first in learning to read the glittering writing, and to do that Peth began searching out other, similar writings. Finally he discovered what seemed to be a beginning lesson -- it referred to itself as a "prayerbook" -- covering the principles of learning divine magic, without any reference to deities or external powers. For days he struggled to understand the lesson and the scroll, until finally the entirety of the spell contained within it was his. He closed his eyes, chanted the strange syllables of the spell, and felt a surge of pure living energy well up within him. Opening his eyes, he saw that, as the prayer book had described, a faint nimbus of golden light surrounded his hands, the power of the spell awaiting its release. He touched one hand to his chest, experimentally, and the nimbus flowed into the rest of his body, leaving him refreshed and invigorated--quite aside from his pride at mastering the spell! It wasn't until nearly ten minutes later that he noticed a cut he'd given himself making dinner the night before was gone as if it had never been.

After that, Peth's studies began to accelerate. Three months later he had managed to research a spell specifically for the translation of magical texts--and a month after that he had mastered everything his current library had to offer.

It wasn't enough. The pure joy of discovering a new spell, or a description of some ancient experiment, beast, or item, or even an otherwise banal journal entry by some millenia-ago writer, drove Peth onward. He began to establish contacts with others who collected the detritus of ancient civilizations, cautiously. His library grew by leaps and bounds, for a while. Then it seemed he'd tapped out the things he could buy or borrow, and his gaze turned outwards, away from the safe havens of the city in which he lived.

With his deep knowledge of the creatures and constructs common to ancient ruins, the spells he'd wrested from his writings, and his own innate ability to pass unnoticed, Peth had many advantages over other treasure hunters. At first he restricted his movements to relatively safe areas, but those same areas had already been picked over many times before, and before long he was forced to travel further afield, into unexplored and more dangerous areas. Each time he returned with more treasure -- gold for his expenses, but more importantly a few scraps of paper, or an item that still held the flickering auras of divine power; at the very least, his journals held more notes and drawings of the creatures and things he'd found on his journey.

Unfortunately, the last few trips had resulted in fewer and fewer interesting finds. Then Peth heard of a new mystery, a valley that was suddenly producing all the hallmarks of a really great ancient ruin recently come to light: disappearances, apparitions, and unexplainable beasts.

Peth began packing at once; surely his array of knowledge would be indispensable in discovering and containing whatever dangers the vallery held, and just as surely there would be many interesting things for him to add to his collection.

His eye fell on the map unfurled on his table, a single small dot drawing his eye far out of proportion to its size. "Angelwatch," he murmured, pausing for a moment in his packing.


First Post
Shayuri: Good point about the bonuses.

Theroc, do you prefer +4 STR/CON as enhancement bonuses (does not stack with Wondrous Items), or +2 STR/CON as "undefined" bonuses. The formed will give you more power at the start, the latter is more late-game oriented. I intend to take you guys to lvl 20 and possibly beyond, so choose wisely. I'll make you a deal - if we get to epic, i'll let you get the other +2 STR/CON from the Morphic Body SU ability.

Definitely the +2/2 Unnamed bonus. I like stacking... and don't like burning future advancement potential, lol.

At the moment, I'm debating which Fighter-based class I should go into.

Fighter, Barbarian, Knight, or Swashbuckler.

Fighter is a pretty solid choice always, though they have no ability to keep focus on them. Barbarian amps up the tank, making him harder to ignore(Rage). Knight can compel enemies to attack him instead, actually holding focus on themselves. Swashbuckler would be a good finesse-type fighter, focusing on avoiding hits and debilitating foes... though as I just noticed, those things only apply on a critical hit.

Which leaves me with Fighter, Barbarian or Knight, and I'm leaning towards Fighter or Knight.

Knight will make me slightly weaker offensivewise, but as I'm supposed to be a meatshield, I should be able to help out with the other stuff.

Anyone have an opinion on Knight versus Fighter as a tank?

Edit: Just noticed in your one post asking for reviews on Meteoric stuff.

I want some! ;) Though, the name sorta sounds like the Starmetal from Complete Arcane, I think your stuff is actually more useful.

The Starmetal from Complete Arcane is crafted from "Meteoric Iron" according to the Complete Arcane stuff... but the starmetal is kinda meh unless you're fighting alot of 'extraplanar creatures'.

In other words, I like your shiny metal from the stars much better! :)
Last edited:

Myth and Legend

First Post
On Knight - as soon as i read the entry in PHB2 i wanted to play one. Hence i rolled one for Jemal's school game. What's not to like? d12 HD, heavy armor and abilities to make enemies target you instead of the 60 HP gnome on the right, flinging fireballs at full throttle.

I haven't got the time now to review all the options but here are the disadvantages: Knight is a 20 level progression, and it's not a good "dip" class. It doesn't synergize well with a warshaper, and it requires good CHA (I only got 12 on my PC Knight and i'm now regretting that). You'll be up against a lot of Undead, which tend to be immune to fear, and a lot of them are dangerous but have very low INT. The ones that have high INT and could be affected by your challenges will probably make the will save.

What i think (as a player mind you) is that you'd be much better off going the Barbarian/Frenzied Berzerker route. Bear warrior is always nice, if going Teddy is your thing. I'd wait for the other obviously experienced players to comment on your build though.

On Meteoric items - some of the artifacts that i've designed will make you guys drool.Ask around town, there is surely someone who knows something about Meteoric magic items, and artifacts in particular.


First Post
Sorry I haven't thrown anything out yet, I'm kinda putting together a b-day party and haven't had time to really examine what's already up but I'll get something in by tomorrow night or Friday if things get really hectic


First Post
On Knight - as soon as i read the entry in PHB2 i wanted to play one. Hence i rolled one for Jemal's school game. What's not to like? d12 HD, heavy armor and abilities to make enemies target you instead of the 60 HP gnome on the right, flinging fireballs at full throttle.

I haven't got the time now to review all the options but here are the disadvantages: Knight is a 20 level progression, and it's not a good "dip" class. It doesn't synergize well with a warshaper, and it requires good CHA (I only got 12 on my PC Knight and i'm now regretting that). You'll be up against a lot of Undead, which tend to be immune to fear, and a lot of them are dangerous but have very low INT. The ones that have high INT and could be affected by your challenges will probably make the will save.

What i think (as a player mind you) is that you'd be much better off going the Barbarian/Frenzied Berzerker route. Bear warrior is always nice, if going Teddy is your thing. I'd wait for the other obviously experienced players to comment on your build though.

On Meteoric items - some of the artifacts that i've designed will make you guys drool.Ask around town, there is surely someone who knows something about Meteoric magic items, and artifacts in particular.

Well, the Knightly Challenge was intended more to make them hit ME than run away. So... not good against skeles and zombies, but useful against almost any other sort of Undead(Since I just checked the Monster section in the SRD, most Undead have at least 6 Int, if they have an INT score). Granted, as the DM, you could end up throwing me curveballs and throwing dumber versions of the monsters at us... but if they are stupid, they'd likely attack me first anyway.

For the Synergy, I don't remember all of the Warshaper abilities offhand and can't see it just yet, but where does becoming immune to crits and stunning, getting a strength and con boost, and a natural weapon to add to my BAB routine not synergize?

Barb/'serker could work, though I'm leery of 'serker, since well... if we kill all the undead while I'm still frenzying, I might frenzy all over my allies... which would be bad.


First Post
I'll probably go divine with a focus on undead/evil/shadow type since their are already two arcanists, a tank type, a paladin and a rogue type. I was trying to look for undead based PrCs but they all seem pretty much the same


First Post
I'll probably go divine with a focus on undead/evil/shadow type since their are already two arcanists, a tank type, a paladin and a rogue type. I was trying to look for undead based PrCs but they all seem pretty much the same
Speaking for myself, Peth would be more than happy to have another divine caster along to learn new spells from. ;)


First Post

We have a wizard, it seems. Maybe a warlock would be acceptable after all...


What do you guys think? Warforged warlock? Or some kind of blasty sorceror?

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