D&D General DND survey! (gathering data Statistics) Please help, 30 second survey!


1) What is your favorite DND class? Druid
2) What is your favorite race? Halfling
3) What is your favorite setting (if own setting such as a homebrewed one, just write homebrew)? Dark Sun
4) What is your favorite alignment? Lawful Neutral
5) How many hours per session do you typically play? 4-6 hours

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1) What is your favorite DND class? Warlock_____________

What is your favorite race? Half-Elf____________

3) What is your favorite setting
(if own setting such as a homebrewed one, just write homebrew)? Forgotten Realms____________

4) What is your favorite alignment?
Neutral Good____

5) How many hours per session do you typically play?

1) What is your favorite DND class? 4e Swordmage if you're allowing any edition, Fighter if just 5e

2) What is your favorite race? Any: pixie from 4e. 5e: Grung

3) What is your favorite setting (if own setting such as a homebrewed one, just write homebrew)? Eberron

4) What is your favorite alignment? Don't care, it's not a system of the game I really use or think much about.

5) How many hours per session do you typically play? 4


1) What is your favorite DND class? Rogue

2) What is your favorite race? Wood-Elf

3) What is your favorite setting (if own setting such as a homebrewed one, just write homebrew)? Planescape

4) What is your favorite alignment? Neutral good

5) How many hours per session do you typically play? 3 if online, 6 if in-person


Victoria Rules
1) What is your favorite DND class? Fighter

2) What is your favorite race? Human

3) What is your favorite setting (if own setting such as a homebrewed one, just write homebrew)? Homebrew

4) What is your favorite alignment? CG/CN

5) How many hours per session do you typically play? 4 to 5


Loves Your Favorite Game
1) What is your favorite DND class? Cleric

2) What is your favorite race? Halfling

3) What is your favorite setting (if own setting such as a homebrewed one, just write homebrew)? Forgotten Realms

4) What is your favorite alignment? Neutral Good

5) How many hours per session do you typically play? 3


Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
1) What is your favorite DND class? tough choice - Rogue

2) What is your favorite race? Halfling

3) What is your favorite setting (if own setting such as a homebrewed one, just write homebrew)? Greyhawk

4) What is your favorite alignment? Chaotic Good

5) How many hours per session do you typically play? 3-4


1) What is your favorite DND class? Cleric

2) What is your favorite race? Dwarf

3) What is your favorite setting (if own setting such as a homebrewed one, just write homebrew)? Forgotten Realms

4) What is your favorite alignment? Chaotic Neutral

5) How many hours per session do you typically play? 3-5

I also like playing Halfling Rogues, Elven/Human Rangers, and Elven/Drow “Magic-Users”. I also like True Neutral.

Voidrunner's Codex

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