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Doctor Who 28 x 11: Fear Her [SPOILERS]


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Not a bad episode, although I felt as if it was having a hard time finding an appropriate ending. The initial climax was suitably poignant, IMO, but then there were two additional final moments, one of which (the Doctor carrying the Olympic torch) was actually rather nifty, but the other (with Chloe's "dad") was sort of odd and unnecessary. The dialogue seemed a bit too rushed in points, but I've felt that to be the case a lot this season- that plus Tennant's accent makes it a bit difficult to follow for me at times (although it may also just be crappy sound on my end).

Of course, the most interesting bit was the "I was a father once" line of the Doctor's that throws Rose but doesn't get followed up on. It seemed as if they emphasized it a little too much to have it just be a throwaway, but I'm not sure if they'll have time to get back to it in the next two episodes. Of course, if supposition that the Face of Boe's last words to the Doctor will be "You are not alone," then it would certainly fit.

As far as I am aware, this side of the Doctor's life has never been followed up on. I know that the first Doctor's first companion, Susan, was said to be his granddaughter, and everything I know of still holds that she is, in fact, his genetic grandchild, which obviously means the Doctor has had progeny of his own (at least one child). It never occurred to me before that Susan should have, theoretically, not been a part of the Time Wars that destroyed the Time Lords, since she had been left on Earth. At this point, the Doctor may have great-grandchildren on Earth, then. Interesting line, in any case.

The preview for next week looked pretty intense. Given the recent news about Billie Piper, and the narrative over the trailer, it definitely looks as if these final two episodes will be her swan song, which is too bad. I really have enjoyed her as a companion, although- to be honest- it doesn't seem as if she has been all that big a role this season as she was last season. I hope they don't kill her off, though, as I would prefer her to possibly return at some point.

Notable absence in the preview- Captain Jack Harkness. I was hoping to see him pop up there, especially as the preview was otherwise so bleak. Wonder if he'll show up in the last few seconds of next week's episode, as a lead in to the finale?

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An interesting episode. The isolus is a good idea for an alien life form, though it does seem a bit powerful - if the child has the ability to destroy planets, then what're the adults capable of?

The "I was a father once" revelation is not really a surprise, but is a pretty direct foreshadowing. Susan (his grandaughter) had been left in 2164 after fighting some daleks, so from a metaplot perspective she could easily have been caught up in the time war, either draughted by the time lords or explicitly targetted by the daleks.

What if the Face of Boe's message is "I am your daughter"? :lol:


I hated this episode. For me, the sole redeeming features were the statement of impending doom at the end, and the trailer for next week.


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Viking Bastard said:
Is it me, or did the Doctor Who crew sound downright apolagetic for this episode in the Confidental?

Well, it was the replacement episode for the Stephen Fry penned one, which they had problems completing. It was obviously written and shot in a hurry. The budget looked a little low too - hopefully they were saving it all for the season finale.


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Huw said:
The budget looked a little low too - hopefully they were saving it all for the season finale.

LOL, that's putting it rather mildly. A few giant paper-meche bugs would've been preferrable to the "scribble monster".

The opening shot of those flats bugged me for some reason. It looked like the street from one of those videos for Billie Piper's godawful music videos--the one with her dancing in the middle of the street with the spaceship flying by overhead.


First Post
I liked the scribble monster. Although that's probably because they had something similar on the Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends cartoon. ;)

Not the strongest episode, but they can't all be gems. I did enjoy Rose having to figure out how to get the Doctor back on her own. I also liked his comment "I was a dad once", and I had a feeling that Rose wanted to say something more to the Isolus about love and relationships, specifically with regard to her relationship to the Doctor, but held back. I shouldn't be surprised if part of her farewell includes actually telling him she loves him.

One of the podcast commentaries, I think for 'Love & Monsters', mentioned that there are 14 episodes this season instead of 13. I wonder if that includes the Christmas special? I know they're doing another Christmas episode this year.

Flexor the Mighty!

18/100 Strength!
A bad episode. This is the most uneven show ever. For every great story there is one weak one and one horrible one. They need new writers and to kill Rose.

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