Dragonlance Dragons of Deceit: Check Out the Dragonlance Novel Cover

While we've known about the upcoming Dragonlance novel trilogy since October 2020, Margaret Weis has shared the wraparound cover of the first book in the new Dragonlance novel trilogy, Dragons of Deceit and confirmed the release date August 9th 2022. As we've noted before, Weis & Hickman are using the brand "Classic Dragonlance" which features the older-style title banner...


While we've known about the upcoming Dragonlance novel trilogy since October 2020, Margaret Weis has shared the wraparound cover of the first book in the new Dragonlance novel trilogy, Dragons of Deceit and confirmed the release date August 9th 2022.

As we've noted before, Weis & Hickman are using the brand "Classic Dragonlance" which features the older-style title banner.

Previous information indicated that the second book in the trilogy would be called Dragons of Fate.

Tracy Hickman shared some more information, including the book description which was revealed back in November.

It’s official! Dragons of Deceit by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman, published by Del Rey, will be released August 9, 2022. We’re returning to old friends while introducing a new heroine to the classic world of Dragonlance. Our gift to you this holiday season is to share a first look at the cover!

Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman return to the unforgettable world of the New York Times bestselling Dragonlance series as a new heroine—desperate to restore her beloved father to life—sets off on a quest to change time.

Destina Rosethorn—as her name implies—believes herself to be a favored child of destiny. But when her father dies in the War of the Lance, she watches her carefully constructed world come crashing down. Not only does she lose her beloved father but the legacy he has left her: the family lands and castle. To save her father, she hatches a bold plan—to go back in time and prevent his death.

First, she has to secure the Device of Time Journeying, last known to be in the possession of the spirited kender Tasslehoff Burrfoot. But to change time, she needs another magical artifact—the most powerful and dangerous artifact ever created. Destina’s quest takes her from the dwarven kingdom of Thorbardin to the town of Solace and beyond, setting in motion a chain of disastrous events that threaten to divert the course of the River of Time, alter the past, and forever change the future.

Margaret Weis commented on the logo usage -- "We are so pleased that Wizards of the Coast permitted us to use the classic Dragonlance logo from 1984. The logo was designed by the TSR art director at the time, the late James Roslof, and was hand-painted by Larry Elmore."


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I get the criticism for Dragonlance writing, I really truly do. But I'm excited to read a new book from Weis and Hickman in this franchise, it's such a big part of my childhood. And yes, even as a kid I caught some weirdness in the writing, but it never stopped my enjoyment.

It'll be nice to return to this, warts and all.


That is a horrible looking cover; there is a very "uncanny valley" cringe that runs through my veins looking at the dragon and individuals on it.

I'm guessing sending Tasslehoff back in time (since time-traveling Kender actually allow time to be changed) will be their McGuffin for changing the Dragonlance world to fix it's problematic issues. I lost interest with DL novels around Summer Flame, and I don't see this book as something likely to get me interested in picking the series back up.

Geoff Thirlwell

Does the word “Classic” on the logo indicate that there will be something which isn‘t “Classic”?. My money is on an in-universe reboot like the last lot of Star Trek movies which allows WotC to tinker with elements that they deem important to a modern audience. It’s kind of a problem that they‘ll face with any of the older settings with an ongoing timeline. Most have moved past their glory days so it’s a quandary of whether to ignore the later elements or have some big world shattering event like The Sundering for Forgotten Realms and seemingly this for Dragonlance.
I‘m kind of nervous about the plot. Who is the target audience? Older fans will no doubt be annoyed by the changes and new fans will be oblivious to the original novels, so why not just make an entirely new setting?
5e doesn’t seem like a good fit for the heroes of the original novels. Raistlin certainly doesn’t go round firing cantrips every few seconds.


Is that a dwarf, a human, and a kender on the cover? If so, some observations:
  • That dwarf's SlimFast diet seems to be working wonders. Seriously, I think that's the slimmest dwarf I've ever seen.
  • I thought kender were halfling sized. Tasselhoff's looking pretty tall there. I get that he's the closest to the viewer, but he looks to be as tall as the dwarf.
  • The local boots shop must have been having a sale, because they're all three wearing pretty much identical boots.


Is that a dwarf, a human, and a kender on the cover? If so, some observations:
  • That dwarf's SlimFast diet seems to be working wonders. Seriously, I think that's the slimmest dwarf I've ever seen.
  • I thought kender were halfling sized. Tasselhoff's looking pretty tall there. I get that he's the closest to the viewer, but he looks to be as tall as the dwarf.
  • The local boots shop must have been having a sale, because they're all three wearing pretty much identical boots.
Heh, I wasn't thinking about that, but, yeah, if you go by D&D standards, that would make the woman in the background about 3-4 feet tall, if Tasslehoff is the correct height. And that dwarf would be under 3. That's some pretty small people or a REALLY big kender. :D

As far as audience goes, I don't think folks would be quite as upset about a reboot here as all that. So many people dropped out of DL long before the 90's and 00's stuff got added. For many folks, DL=War of the Lance. Sweeping away a lot of the later stuff would make me, personally, very happy.

Geoff Thirlwell

As far as audience goes, I don't think folks would be quite as upset about a reboot here as all that. So many people dropped out of DL long before the 90's and 00's stuff got added. For many folks, DL=War of the Lance. Sweeping away a lot of the later stuff would make me, personally, very happy.
I guess most folks just read the original 6 books and maybe a few others. It depends how far back the reboot goes

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