D&D General Dungeons & Dragons Animated Series: Requiem The Final Episode

Fans have made the "final" episode of the Dungeons & Dragons cartoon. The original series was cancelled before a final episode could be made, although its script is apparently findable online. [Update - for some reason they've disabled sharing of their video, so click this link to go directly to it]. Fear not: Ranger, Barbarian, Magician, Thief, Cavalier, and Acrobat. That was Venger, the...

Fans have made the "final" episode of the Dungeons & Dragons cartoon. The original series was cancelled before a final episode could be made, although its script is apparently findable online.

[Update - for some reason they've disabled sharing of their video, so click this link to go directly to it].

Fear not: Ranger, Barbarian, Magician, Thief, Cavalier, and Acrobat. That was Venger, the force of evil. I am Dungeon Master, your guide in the realm of Dungeons and Dragons!

"The Final episode of the 1980s Saturday morning cartoon Dungeons and Dragons. From a script written by series writer Michael Reeves. Fully animated by using original footage from the series. Dialog from the DVD radio show released in 2006 by BCI eclipse. With original cast member Katie Leigh graciously reprising her role of Shelia. Music reconstructed from the original series (with varying degrees of success) The creators of this episode are fans first, amateur animators second. There are many things I wish could have done differently in this presentation, but I am very proud of what we have accomplished and it is my hope that those who love this cartoon as much as we do will be pleased with what we have put together. "

Gary Gygax's son, Ernest Gary Gygax Jr., said this about it -- "Two individuals have spent months of time to create this fan ending episode to the D&D cartoon. This was not the chosen closer that my father had so wished, as he had desired at least another season or three. With that in mind this fan generated not for profit episode is first rate and deserves to be seen and shared with other D&D gaming fans and perhaps now with this in hand more parents will look for the cartoon and share it with 21st Century youngsters."

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Flexor the Mighty!

18/100 Strength!
loved this as a kid. Would love a modern D&D animated series, a bit closer to the game.

This brings back memories when the only time you got great cartoons other than the vintage Loony Tunes stuff was on Saturday morning. It used to be magical and I was up early for 3-4 hours of cartoons every week. This, the Spider friends, etc.

Today Disney is the owner of the rights and I doubt this wants to allow Paramount to produce a remake or sequel of this cartoon.

It is curious but this cartoon is "ikesai", a very popular manga subgenre about people from this earth going to other world (sometimes by means of reincarnation).

Wolfram stout

I always imagined the ending would be like that of Quantum Leap, after a standardish episode (With the kids still in D&D World) the screen would go black and a place card would come up with "And the Children never made it home."


Honestly I'm not necessarily interested in a reboot of this particular 'toon, but why hasn't there been more animated D&D stuff?

We're going to have The Legend of Vox Machina which is based on Critical Role's first campaign on Amazon. They had a kickstarter and generated a good chunk of change for a first season and Amazon is footing the bill for a second. To a certain degree that's related to the popularity of the podcast, but I think there's also demand for a high quality D&D cartoon.

Personally I'd love something along the lines of the recent Star Wars animated shows. Given the popularity of fantasy, I'm assuming there's something to do with copyright, etc that I don't know about. I think Hasbro is still trying to figure out how to grow D&D into multi-media so there's still hope.


Personally I'd love something along the lines of the recent Star Wars animated shows. Given the popularity of fantasy, I'm assuming there's something to do with copyright, etc that I don't know about. I think Hasbro is still trying to figure out how to grow D&D into multi-media so there's still hope.

like Marvel was, I believe the rights are all over the place.

Flexor the Mighty!

18/100 Strength!
I remember when the Dragonlance cartoon with all the names doing voice work came out...and the animation was so bad. Why Lord why?

Not into CR but I'll have to check that out when it hits.


I was reading that if they had brought it back for a 4th season it was going to be re-imagined. Anyone got more info on that?
My understanding is that EGG felt the kids' reliance on unusual magic items was taking the focus away from the AD&D ruleset and wanted to re-center the show on them using mechanics that would be more standard around the gaming table. Ironically, I'm not actually sure the show would have been all that different without the special magic items since those items were basically exaggerations of their class features anyway (magic bow for the ranger, invisibility cloak for the thief, etc).

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