D&D General Dungeons & Dragons Animated Series: Requiem The Final Episode

Fans have made the "final" episode of the Dungeons & Dragons cartoon. The original series was cancelled before a final episode could be made, although its script is apparently findable online. [Update - for some reason they've disabled sharing of their video, so click this link to go directly to it]. Fear not: Ranger, Barbarian, Magician, Thief, Cavalier, and Acrobat. That was Venger, the...

Fans have made the "final" episode of the Dungeons & Dragons cartoon. The original series was cancelled before a final episode could be made, although its script is apparently findable online.

[Update - for some reason they've disabled sharing of their video, so click this link to go directly to it].

Fear not: Ranger, Barbarian, Magician, Thief, Cavalier, and Acrobat. That was Venger, the force of evil. I am Dungeon Master, your guide in the realm of Dungeons and Dragons!

"The Final episode of the 1980s Saturday morning cartoon Dungeons and Dragons. From a script written by series writer Michael Reeves. Fully animated by using original footage from the series. Dialog from the DVD radio show released in 2006 by BCI eclipse. With original cast member Katie Leigh graciously reprising her role of Shelia. Music reconstructed from the original series (with varying degrees of success) The creators of this episode are fans first, amateur animators second. There are many things I wish could have done differently in this presentation, but I am very proud of what we have accomplished and it is my hope that those who love this cartoon as much as we do will be pleased with what we have put together. "

Gary Gygax's son, Ernest Gary Gygax Jr., said this about it -- "Two individuals have spent months of time to create this fan ending episode to the D&D cartoon. This was not the chosen closer that my father had so wished, as he had desired at least another season or three. With that in mind this fan generated not for profit episode is first rate and deserves to be seen and shared with other D&D gaming fans and perhaps now with this in hand more parents will look for the cartoon and share it with 21st Century youngsters."

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Deluxe Unhuman
Didn't they do a comic where they were stuck there until adulthood and all got eaten by Tiamat?

Related, there's a comic book series vaguely sort of about this: DIE by Keiron Gillen and Stephanie Hans. There's 3 collections out, too. It's "a pitch-black fantasy where a group of forty-something adults have to deal with the returning unearthly horror they barely survived as teenage role-players". They went to some fantasy realm as teens, survived, came back, and have all dealt with the experience in different ways since then. It's pretty good!

Oh, and there's an rpg to go with it!

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Myself bought three of these comics, because I couldn't watch two episodes, I was working in my olive season for Christmas. Myself there are still at my home with other old comics. That cartoon was very popular in Spain, or at least I remember it like this.

Flexor the Mighty!

18/100 Strength!
It came out right as I was discovering D&D and playing a mish mash of The Red Box and AD&D. We had no idea what we were doing but through my rose colored glasses I'll say that was the best gaming of my life. The cartoon hit at the perfect time.


Someone want to clue me in on who the girl was that Presto went to? Is that from a prior episode? Forgive me - it's been decades since I've watched that series.


Related, there's a comic book series vaguely sort of about this: DIE by Keiron Gillen and Stephanie Hans. There's 3 collections out, too. It's "a pitch-black fantasy where a group of forty-something adults have to deal with the returning unearthly horror they barely survived as teenage role-players". They went to some fantasy realm as teens, survived, came back, and have all dealt with the experience in different ways since then. It's pretty good!

Oh, and there's an rpg to go with it!

I tried to read that comic, but unfortunately I came down with a rapid-onset case of Eight Deadly Words.

Hey everyone. Glad you all enjoyed it. Just wanted to answer some questions. I am not sure what you mean by not shareable? I might not have set for sharing because honestly I just don't know much about youtube settings. The audio quality. Sigh. Well, everything relating to the audio was a challenge and a compromise. The original dvd radio show, while I liked the voice actors, the production was problem filled. They used random music and sound effects that didnt mesh well with what was happening on screen. I tried my best to make it as undistracting as possible, to various levels of success. As far as the additional audio that sounds like it comes from different speakers? I had no idea how hard it was to make the dialog sound like it belonged. We recorded in the living room, the bathroom, laundry room, closets, and even in the car. Of all the dialog, what we came up with was the best we could make. It was literally the last element the production that was done. We felt we were spinning our wheels and just made the call to upload. Thinking back, we should have just went and found a sound booth somewhere. I'm kicking myself now, but am relieved that people are still enjoying it. Thanks! - Ryan

As someone that's done a lot of work recording music over the years, from four-tracks to studios to computers, I get it. Getting the levels and overall feel right will always be a struggle, especially when you're dealing with stuff you can't just go and re-record.

Regardless, it was vastly enjoyable to watch.

The audio quality. Sigh. Well, everything relating to the audio was a challenge and a compromise.


Hey everyone. Glad you all enjoyed it. Just wanted to answer some questions. I am not sure what you mean by not shareable? I might not have set for sharing because honestly I just don't know much about youtube settings. The audio quality. Sigh. Well, everything relating to the audio was a challenge and a compromise. The original dvd radio show, while I liked the voice actors, the production was problem filled. They used random music and sound effects that didnt mesh well with what was happening on screen. I tried my best to make it as undistracting as possible, to various levels of success. As far as the additional audio that sounds like it comes from different speakers? I had no idea how hard it was to make the dialog sound like it belonged. We recorded in the living room, the bathroom, laundry room, closets, and even in the car. Of all the dialog, what we came up with was the best we could make. It was literally the last element the production that was done. We felt we were spinning our wheels and just made the call to upload. Thinking back, we should have just went and found a sound booth somewhere. I'm kicking myself now, but am relieved that people are still enjoying it. Thanks! - Ryan
You did a monumental task. One that thousands are enjoying. Don't get caught up in lessons learned and things you'd do differently. Revel in the positive feedback because you've certainly earned it.

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