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Dwimmermount IC:

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"Well that's handy," comments Midgrim when the armor auto-fits, actually looking a bit disappointed: he'd been looking forward to applying a little dwarven ingenuity..... "Ah well. Horses and teeth and all that."

Gargrim says, "I feel bit bad about the crazy feller. Let's finish cutting up a path so we can go back and get him out of here proper." Gagrim takes the lead into the next room.
"Aye," agreed the (much) rounder of the two, following. "But I'm also worried about these dwarven statues here, if'n yee follow my thoughts on this, brother. I'm thinking something, somehow's been twisting them inta kobolds, maybe the blasted kobolds themselves." That would explain where the foul vermin suddenly comes from, and the missing statues here and there too...

Midgrim turns to Pieter, explaining: "They be like sleeping babies ta us. Full a potential, but fragile too... Tell yee what, Pieter the human, yee help us clear the rooms around there, keep our kin safe, we help yee get yeer wounded man back through the Red Doors."

And everybody sleeps better tonight, including Gargrim apparently.

He extends a callused hand a bit upwards, for Pieter to shake and seal the deal should he agrees.

OOC: Midgrim is suggesting they clear the two unexplored rooms around #34 (the statue room) before trying room 23 and the red door. He can be convinced otherwise though.

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Klyman Sylar

Klyman just shrugs. He has no real opinion about where they explore next. Midgrim's proposal to Pieter sounds good to Klyman, as long as it will help ensure that Pieter helps them and he doesn't try to eat anybody's leg or anything. :)

Jimmy Disco T

First Post
Pieter stretches his arms cautiously and rolls his shoulders as he tests the fit of the armour. Uncomfortable, certainly, but it will suffice. He hopes it serves him better than it did Rayna.
He hefts the iron spit in both hands, testing the grip. It's longer and differently weighted than his ornate Typhonian mace, but he thinks he can make use of it until something better presents itself.

He turns to Midgrim. "Yes, clearing the rooms - that sounds like a good idea. You're very... reasonable for a Dwarf, Midgrim."

Pieter had only the vaguest inkling of how new Dwarfs came into the world, and it threw him for a moment to hear Midgrim talking with such concern and care about the statues as if they were his own children... Even from this briefest of encounters with the two dwarves, he's learning that maybe not everything his father told him was true.

"Let's make a start. Which room shall we enter first?"

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"Yes, clearing the rooms - that sounds like a good idea. You're very... reasonable for a Dwarf, Midgrim."
The dwarf just shares a brief look with his brother at that, but his inner thoughts aren't hard to guess. Dwarves are the most reasonable race in the world, of course!

As to the question of which room: "I'm thinking the small one right of the entrance. Keep the best for last, right?" He bares his teeth, a slash of white amid the browns of his beard.

He figures any remaining kobolds are probably through the wider passage... Probably.

OOC: Midgrim will make his way back to the statue room and, assuming nothing happens before them, resume exploration with Klyman up front?

Deuce Traveler

Gargrim follows his brother. "You keep being reasonable. Me, I like unreasonable. Its very reasonable for me to be so." He smirks at his own poor joke and hopes to see more kobolds to smash.


As you enter the closest of the two exits you enter into a small room with a life sized statue carved out of the rock in high relief. It's nothing like the dwarven statues, it's human for one, and carrying a bundle of rods and an axe head bound together with leather in one hand, and a mace in the other. Peiter recognizes it almost instantly as an old Thulian depiction of Typon. The bundle of rods is the Fasces of Typhon, an old holy symbol infrequently used now.

At the statues feet there is a pile of gold coins. Some of them appear to be quite old, possibly dating back to the earliest days of the Thulian empire.


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Jimmy Disco T

First Post
Pieter cautiously moves closer to the statue.

"This is Typhon." he says with a mixture of awe and fascination. "These rods... the Fasces. An old holy symbol. Not many people know about this, but I've seen pictures in the old Thulian scrolls."

He looks down at the coins. "Would it be wise to risk the wrath Typhon for a few coins? This is an old statue for sure, but still... I would prefer if we left them undisturbed."

Voidrunner's Codex

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