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Dwimmermount IC:


Midgrim's silver piece joins the other coins on the pile and after a quick prayer from Pieter you turn to leave. On your way out, a small brass box slightly larger than a matchbox hidden in a alcove by the door catches Pieter's eye. It is set with Typhonian iconography and small semiprecious stones. Upon opening it you see a desiccated fingerbone. It only makes sense as one thing... A holy phalange... A relic of a cleric martyered in the service of Typhon.

You enter into a small room, with a pool of silvery black liquid bubbling up from the floor. Climent stops short when he sees it. His eyes grow wide, and drops to his knees beside it, fumbling for a flask. "Azoth... We've found azoth! By all the gods, this, this is the power, and the danger of Dwimmermount..." Upon seeing your questioning expressions, he seems to be working himself up for a long winded explaination when the phalange in Pieter's hand suddenly grows very warm to the touch and several Kobolds come streaming out of the other exit.

monster init: [1d6] = 2
PC init: [1d6] = 3

Pieter was able to shout a warning when he noticed something was strange with his relic so you are able to react before the kobolds actually entered the room, and keep them bottled up in the corridor.


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Deuce Traveler

Gargrim gives a shout and moves up towards the tunnel where the kobolds are coming out from, mace swinging. "Oi! Why don't these things ever learn!"


Jimmy Disco T

First Post
Pieter shuddered briefly at the sounds of the kobolds, memories of their cruel tortures still fresh in his mind. But he is given hope by the mysterious warning that Typhon saw fit to grant him. Who would have thought such a potent relic would have fallen into his hands...

His wandering thoughts snap back to the present and he readies himself for the coming assault. Moving alongside the dwarves he takes a swing with the iron spit at the first kobold within reach.

Attack 1d20, damage 1d4 = attack 19 (hits AC 0), damage 2



Climent shouts over your shoulder, "I can do better than that!" and what you assumed was an oil flask hurtles over your shoulder into their back ranks.

to hit [1d20] = 12 damage [1d10] = 7

The flask lets out a bright white flash of flame and sparks when it impacts and no fewer than four of the little beasts char and die. "Azoth! Makes lamp oil seem like water!"

Gargrim's warhammer smashes into the skull of another one dropping it like a sack of potatos, while Pieter's iron rod crushes the kneecap of one of the others. Unfortunately, it fell to one knee when struck causing Midgrim's swing to pass over it's head.

OOC: Klyman, you are in position to backstab the injured Kobold should you so desire, or you can wait until the next round

Deuce Traveler

Gargrim attacks once more. "I got lucky with last hit brother. But squashing kobold brains is good business, and business is good." The dwarf takes a look to see how many more kobolds are still incoming.



Klyman Sylar

Klyman eases up to backstab the crippled kobold, but, alas, it is a miserable failure, and Klyman slinks backwards and fades back into the shadows again.



The kobolds behind the conflagration created by the exploding Azoth are unable to move forward this round, but the wounded one frantically flails at Midgrim.

Kobold to Hit [1d20] = 5 Damage [1d6] = 3

PC init: [1d6] = 3
monster init: [1d6] = 6

You hear the twang of bowstrings from the far side of the still roaring fire, as a number of arrows fly through the flames.

Kobold to Hit [1d20-4] = 11-4 = 7 Damage [1d6] = 4
Kobold to Hit [1d20-4] = 16-4 = 12 Damage [1d6] = 1
Kobold to Hit [1d20-4] = 6-4 = 2 Damage [1d6] = 6

If you want to fire a missile weapon through the flames it is a -4 to hit because you can't see the target. If you want to run through, it's 1d8 damage, save vs. dragon breath for half.

Voidrunner's Codex

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