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Dwimmermount IC:


Klyman's shortsword slips into the dwarf's back severing his spine and driving the point of the sword into his heart. He falls to the ground, blood pooling around his corpse...

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Klyman Sylar

'Nasty, nasty business, that. I always think that maybe the next one won't bother me as much, but it always does."

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
In the meantime Gargrim's hammer smashes into his foe's ribcage. Blood erupts from the beasts mouth as it collapses to the ground gurgling.

"Well struck, brother!" congratulates Midgrim, not taking his burning eyes off his foe. "Well get the abominations yet!"

Then the kobold-father falls and Klyman comments...

"That one doesn't deserve yeer sympathy," flatly contradicts the rotund dwarf. "He twisted the will o' the Makers; set us back hundreds of years, or more." He looks like he might still smash the kobold-father's face in for him, dead or not!

Then Midgrim breathes in, and out again before kneeling to remove the dead one's armor off of him. It's done now. "And well done. Every one." Pausing to look at Klyman, Pieter and Climent in turn from his kneeling position... "We dwarves owe yee a favor for this," he reluctantly admits.

OOC: Since that last blow of his should have hit a *normal* banded mail, he figures this one is likely magical. :) Can he tell anything about its make, and how badly it's been damaged in the fight, Imperialus? Oh and he'll search the kobold-father too while he's at it, of course.


Klyman Sylar

"That one doesn't deserve yeer sympathy[, Klyman]," flatly contradicts the rotund dwarf. "He twisted the will o' the Makers; set us back hundreds of years, or more." He looks like he might still smash the kobold-father's face in for him, dead or not!

Then Midgrim breathes in, and out again before kneeling to remove the dead one's armor off of him. It's done now. "And well done. Every one." Pausing to look at Klyman, Pieter and Climent in turn from his kneeling position... "We dwarves owe yee a favor for this," he reluctantly admits.
"No, Midgrim, you misunderstand. I give not a tinker's damn for the loss of another wretched, foul kobold." Klyman has a look of utter distaste, and he spits to emphasize his contempt. "No. Not at all. What troubles me is a more philosophical problem. There are those, you see, who hold that the taking of a life, even a life as worthless as a kobold's, diminishes a person's soul, and moves him one step closer to the everlasting torment."

"And I will gratefully accept the favor that you owe, or say that you owe, anyway. Truthfully, I judge that we all, each one of us, owe each other one of us many favors for the parts that we each play in our hoped-for success."
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Jimmy Disco T

First Post
Pieter is surprised by Klyman's sudden remorse. He moves closer and puts a hand on his shoulder.

"Our actions were just. These beasts attacked us and we defended ourselves. And who is to say that these creatures even truly have souls..." He catches himself before he says something offensive to the dwarves... or at least he hopes.

"...ah, that is to say, the gods will judge our actions accordingly. My soul is safe as long as I serve our lord Typhon. Perhaps if you are worried as to your fate in the hereafter, you could consider joining a church or temple in order to serve your god all the better - whoever that may be."

[OOC: I am assuming I haven't got any memorised spells as I would have already used it to heal Vidnar?]


Klyman Sylar

Evidently, Klyman's crisis of conscience was a passing thing, because he wipes his eyes (dust, I swear!), draws himself up, and says, "Yes, you may have something there, Pieter. You and I will need to discuss this more in depth fujrther when we get back to civilization. Until then, I will just have to do what i've always done, and deal with it. Thanks, though."

Deuce Traveler

Gargrim grunts then spits on the corpses, "Ack. Any god worth his pair of beans would appreciate us putting down this lot. But if you insist, I'll give a moment of silence before picking their rotten corpses clean of stuff of worth."

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"Agreed," grumbles Midgrim, already back at work on the prime evil. He obviously favored his moment of silence during the picking. :)

As for who owed whom what, he'd already had his say.

Jimmy Disco T

First Post
Having seemingly put Klyman at ease for the moment, Pieter turns his attention to his dwarven comrades as they loot the corpses.

"Midgrim, Gargrim - did that crazed dwarf carry a mace, or hammer at all? Something I can use instead of this clumsy iron pole?"


Midgrim, you actually recognize the maker's mark on the armour since your armour bears the same anvil over a shield on the breastplate. It belongs to Renar Ironaxe, a dwarven smith from Adamas. He's best known for making good, serviceable equipment at a reasonable price for sellswords and the like. You know he is a popular outfitter for custodians heading into Dwimmermount but there is nothing remarkable about him or his work, and you've never know him to produce anything of sufficient quality to be enchanted.
OOC: the crazy dwarf had a dex bonus, that's all

Other than that, after removing the Dwarf's enclosed helmet you recognize the face as Guran Stonetell. At least you think it's Guran... His teeth have been filed into points and his hair and beard are filthy and matted but he is still recognizable. You met him briefly when he passed through Adamas on his way to join the custodians. You didn't speak to him very much, but he struck you as an honorable dwarf and you're mystified as to what could have led to his fall.

Beyond that though the only other item of note that Guran had was a two handed axe. The Kobolds have a total of 4 Adamasian gold pieces, 8 silvers and 6 coppers. They also had two older gold pieces of Termaxian mintage.

Voidrunner's Codex

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