Corwin shot an arrow into the large goblin causing it to grunt in pain, its beady eyes starting up at the rogue with hate and malice. Lucious blasted another goblin out of the saddle as he moved to form a line with the others. Hunter, wish mayhaps some divine blessing, shot the goblin leader out of the saddle with a well-placed arrow. The body landing on the ground with a solid thud. The worg that it was riding howled in rage and if looks could kill would have dropped Hunter with its baleful stare. Magen slug his crossbow so he could ready his shield and moved back to protect the others, while Shara tied to blasted another of the goblins. It whelp from the minor burn but otherwise remained in the saddle. Mikel retreats back to the rest of the group…
The large black worg races full out to get close to Hunter (and others) in its mad dash to enact revenge against the Bard. Most of the goblin on black wolves ride about and fire arrows at the rest of the party. Two find their marks and wound Lucian while another slips past Magen’s defense and catch him also. Two others ride forward and direct their mounts to bite at Magen but the knight is able to hold them off, barely! Then the two riderless wolves raced forward to be within striking distance of Mikel and Lucian!!
The large black worg races full out to get close to Hunter (and others) in its mad dash to enact revenge against the Bard. Most of the goblin on black wolves ride about and fire arrows at the rest of the party. Two find their marks and wound Lucian while another slips past Magen’s defense and catch him also. Two others ride forward and direct their mounts to bite at Magen but the knight is able to hold them off, barely! Then the two riderless wolves raced forward to be within striking distance of Mikel and Lucian!!