D&D 5E Dwimmermount [IC]

Corwin shot an arrow into the large goblin causing it to grunt in pain, its beady eyes starting up at the rogue with hate and malice. Lucious blasted another goblin out of the saddle as he moved to form a line with the others. Hunter, wish mayhaps some divine blessing, shot the goblin leader out of the saddle with a well-placed arrow. The body landing on the ground with a solid thud. The worg that it was riding howled in rage and if looks could kill would have dropped Hunter with its baleful stare. Magen slug his crossbow so he could ready his shield and moved back to protect the others, while Shara tied to blasted another of the goblins. It whelp from the minor burn but otherwise remained in the saddle. Mikel retreats back to the rest of the group…

The large black worg races full out to get close to Hunter (and others) in its mad dash to enact revenge against the Bard. Most of the goblin on black wolves ride about and fire arrows at the rest of the party. Two find their marks and wound Lucian while another slips past Magen’s defense and catch him also. Two others ride forward and direct their mounts to bite at Magen but the knight is able to hold them off, barely! Then the two riderless wolves raced forward to be within striking distance of Mikel and Lucian!!

GM: Initiative
19 – Corwin and Bittertooth
17 – Lucious and the Goblins
12 – Hunter
6 – Black Wolves
5 – Magen
2 – Shara and Mikel
[sblock=Actions and Rolls]Corwin, as a bonus action, tried to hide from the black wolves but failed, he Attacked Bittertooth and hit for 9 damage (bringing him down to 6 HP)
Lucious shot and killed Goblin #6 and then moves 25ft closer to the wall to stand with the others.
Hunter moved 30ft closer to the wall (he is 10ft away) and shot and KILLED Bittertooth.
Magen equipped his shield and moved to stand a bit in front of Shara and Hunter.
Shara hit Goblin #2 for 1 damage (he is down to 8 now)
Mikel took the Disengage Action and moved back 30ft to be with the rest.

The worg moves 50ft and dashes 25ft to get to be adjacent to Shara, Hunter and Megan.
Goblins #1-2 shot arrows at Megan; Attack and damage if it hits: 1D20+4 = [6]+4 = 10; 1D6+2 = [4]+2 = 6; 1D20+4 = [19]+4 = 23; 1D6+2 = [5]+2 = 7
, one hit, one miss for 7 damage (bringing him down to 11 HP). They then ride 50ft closer to be in melee with him (i.e. see black wolf 1-2 below)
Goblins #3 rides 50ft west and shots an arrow at Lucian; Attack and damage if it hits: 1D20+4 = [17]+4 = 21; 1D6+2 = [1]+2 = 3, hits him for 3 points of damage (bringing him down to 21 HP)
Goblin 4 ride 50ft to appear on the board again and fires an arrow (with disadvantage) at Corwin; Attack and damage if it hits: 2D20.LOW(1)+4 = [6, 18]+4 = 10; 1D6+2 = [5]+2 = 7, miss.
Goblin #7 rides 50ft west and shots an arrow at Lucian; Attack and damage if it hits: 1D20+4 = [13]+4 = 17; 1D6+2 = [6]+2 = 8, hits him for 8 damage! (bringing him down to 13 HP)
Goblin #8 rides 50ft south and fires an arrow at Corwin; Attack and damage if it hits: 1D20+4 = [5]+4 = 9; 1D6+2 = [4]+2 = 6
Black Wolves #1-2 bite Magen (advantage); Attack and damage if it hits: 2D20.HIGH(1)+3 = [10, 4]+3 = 13; 1D8+1 = [5]+1 = 6; 2D20.HIGH(1)+3 = [9, 9]+3 = 12; 1D8+1 = [6]+1 = 7, miss both times!!
Black Wolves #5-6 move 50ft and then Dash to be adjacent to Mikel and the group[/sblock]Heroes Actions for Round 7?
Hunter 17/20 HP
Lucious 13/24 HP
Magen 11/24 HP
Mikel 12/16 HP
Shara 15/22 HP

Goblin #1 HP 9/9
Goblin #2 HP 8/9
Goblin #3 HP 9/9
Goblin #4 HP 9/9
Goblin #5 dead
Goblin #6 dead
Goblin #7 HP 9/9
Goblin #8 HP 9/9
Black Wolf #1 HP 21/21
Black Wolf #2 HP 21/21
Black Wolf #3 HP 21/21
Black Wolf #4 HP 21/21
Black Wolf #5 HP 21/21
Black Wolf #6 HP 21/21
Black Wolf #7 HP 21/21
Black Wolf #8 HP 21/21
Bittertooth dead
Worg HP 32/32[/sblock][sblock=Map] Map.Ran4.jpg
NOTE that the scale is now 5ft [/sblock]

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Although she was scared and losing hope only a moment ago, Hunter's voice restores the cleric's resolve. She reaches an open hand toward the sun, then closes her fist and pulls it quickly downward, calling out, "Sun-Father's wrath upon you!"

She then turns to the wall that looked so tall and impassable a moment ago, climbing it now with ease.

OOC: Shara would not be 10 feet from the wall, or adjacent to the worg, this round.

Last round she started 20 feet away, and moved all the way against it:

Shara moves 30ft and takes the Dodge action. She is now 20ft from the homestead wall.

Shara calls down a blast of sunfire upon the nearest goblin, but he only gets singed. She retreats, backing up until she's against the homestead wall.


Actions this round:

Action: Channel Divinity - Radiance of the Dawn (DC 13 con save for all enemies within 30 feet, half damage on success)
Move: Up the wall
Reaction: Warding Flare if attacked

Radiance of the Dawn: 2D10+2 = [6, 6]+2 = 14

Athletics with Inspiration: 2D20.HIGH(1)+1D6-1 = [20, 14]+[6]-1 = 25

Last edited:

Magen Brigward, Fighter 2

Magen lashed out with his shield at one of the mounts, shoving it back but the rider managed to remain seated and keep his mount standing. Drawing his sword Magen swings at the other rider still within reach, but the nimble creature dodges away.

Action: Attack goblin in I13
Bonus Action: Shield shove wolf in I14
Move: as required to guard the rear of the formation.
Shield shove vs wolfs acrobatics save: 1D20+5 = [16]+5 = 21
1D20+2 = [13]+2 = 15

Goblin riders DEX save: 1D20+4 = [14]+4 = 18

attack and damage: 1D20+5 = [6]+5 = 11
1D8+3 = [4]+3 = 7


[SBLOCK=Mini Stats]
Passive Perception: 11
AC: 17 (19 with shield)
Initiative: +0
HP: 23/24 (HD: 1/2d10)

Longsword: +5 5ft 1d8+3S
Longsword (2hnd): +5 5ft 1d10+3
H. Crossbow: +2 150/600 1d10P Heavy, Two handed, Loading
Shield Bash: Bonus action +5 contested roll vs athletic or acrobatics

Second Wind: 1/1
Action Surge: 1/1
Inspiration: 2
Healing Potion: 1
Bolts: 36[/SBLOCK]

Hunter’s mind whirled as the enemy forces closed in. Drawing his rapier he called out, “A rope or two might be nice, I’m not much of a climber.”

Hunter grits his teeth and takes a swing at the monstrous worg that stood before him; taking a little satisfaction in the fact that if the worg kills him, he at least will have made him pay for it.

I’m (-1) Str so hopefully someone can throw a rope down so I can make the climb easier. I’m going to stay on the ground unless that happens don’t want to give the Worg an OA and then fail to climb up the wall. 
Attack on Worg: 1D20+5 = [12]+5 = 17

Rapier damage: 1D8+3 = [6]+3 = 9


Lucious takes a mean arrow to the chest that finds a hole in his armor that would cost most men to grimace in pain, but Lucious only smiled. He ripped the arrow from his side and let out a tremendous roar in response. As the lead goblin was laid to rest by his companions the worg he had been riding became enraged and surged forward until he was close, too close. Lucious swung at the beast not once, but twice.

HP: 23/24
AC: 16
Reaction: Atk Worg // Atk Act: Atk Worg // BA: 2nd wind
2nd Wind: 1d10 9 forgot the +1 for fighter level so it's 10.
Reaction: 1d20+5 17
Reaction Dmg: 1d10+3 5
Attack the Worg: 1d20+5 18
Attack Dmg: 1d10+3 12

Corwin throws down a rope and calls out to the other heroes to start climbing! Lucious shakes off the pain of the arrows and slashes and slams the large worg while Hunter stabs it with his rapier. Then Magen knocked one of the wolves down and slashed at the other goblin but missed. The goblin rider of the prone wolf had rolled off the beast and was standing a few feet back, looking like he was going to bolt and flee… of course he did not have time as Shara channeled divine power that killed both of the goblins and the worg!!!! The other black wolves yelped in pain also. Then she spirits back and climbs the rope with the rogue’s assistance. Mikel called on his arcane power to burn the pair of wolves in front of him but while it stung them they did not die!!!

The four goblins ranging outside of melee and rained arrows at the party, but only one got luck as an arrow pieced Shara lower leg armor and caused her to grimace in pain. The black wolf that Magen had knocked over stood back up and the pair attacked the knight but only one got past his defense to deal a light bite against him. The pair attacking Mikel were far more vicious and the wizard cried out as the pulled the wizard down!!!

Then the ranchers popped up from behind the wall again and shot arrows into the beasts that were dragging down the wizard, wounding one and killing the other!

GM: Initiative
19 – Corwin and Bittertooth
17 – Lucious and the Goblins
12 – Hunter
6 – Black Wolves
5 – Magen
2 – Shara and Mikel
[sblock=Actions and Rolls]Corwin throws down a rope
Lucious takes his second wind and attacks the worg twice hitting it for 5 and 12 damage (bring it down to 17 HP)
Hunter attacks the worg and hits it for 9 damage (bring it down to 8 HP)
Magen knocks black wolf #1 prone, and the goblin steps off and is 5ft back. He then missed the other goblin
Shara uses her Channel Divinity, saves for Goblins #1-2; Con saves: 1D20+2 = [6]+2 = 8; 1D20+2 = [4]+2 = 6, both fail, both die. Worg; Con save: 1D2+4 = [1]+4 = 5, fail he takes 12 damage, killing it. Black wolves #1-2 and #5-6; Con saves: 1D20+3 = [16]+3 = 19; 1D20+3 = [14]+3 = 17; 1D20+3 = [13]+3 = 16; 1D20+3 = [5]+3 = 8, 1-2 and 5 made it and took 7 damage (bring them down to 14 HP), 6 failed (bring it down to 7HP)
Mikel casts burning hands on Wolf #5-6; Burning Hands: 3D6 = [5, 1, 4] = 10; INT saves INT saves: 1D20-2 = [20]-2 = 18; 1D20-2 = [17]-2 = 15; hey both made it. Why couldn’t I roll that for the worg? Anyway they both take 5 damage.

Goblin 3-4 keep their distance and shot at Lucian and Hunter (in that order); Attack and damage if it hits: 1D20+4 = [9]+4 = 13; 1D6+2 = [6]+2 = 8; 1D20+4 = [2]+4 = 6; 1D6+2 = [6]+2 = 8, both miss.
Goblin 7-8 move closer and shot at Corwin and Shara (in that order, but they get ½ Cover or +2 to their AC vs. these attacks); Attack and damage if it hits: 1D20+4 = [3]+4 = 7; 1D6+2 = [4]+2 = 6; 1D20+4 = [16]+4 = 20; 1D6+2 = [5]+2 = 7, miss Corwin, hit Shara for 7 (bring her down to 8 HP).
Black wolf #1-2 attack Magen (with Advantage); Attack and damage if it hits: 2D20.HIGH(1)+3 [8, 9]+3 = 12; 1D8+1 = [3]+1 = 4; 2D20.HIGH(1)+3 = [2, 15]+3 = 18; 1D8+1 = [2]+1 = 3, hit once for 3 damage (bring him down to 8 HP). Magen also needs to make a Strength save DC11 or be knocked prone.
Black wolf #5-6 attack Mikel (with Advantage); Attack and damage if it hits: 2D20.HIGH(1)+3 = [8, 20]+3 = 23; 1D8+1 = [3]+1 = 4; 2D20.HIGH(1)+3 = [11, 19]+3 = 22; 1D8+1 = [7]+1 = 8, both hit knocking him to 0 HP! He will have to start making Death Saves next round.

Then the rancher attack, they are shooting at the black wolves that just dropped Mikel; Attack and damage if it hits: 1D20+4 = [12]+4 = 16; 1D6+2 = [1]+2 = 3; 1D20+4 = [15]+4 = 19; 1D6+1 = [5]+1 = 6, wolf #5 takes 3 damage (bring it down to 6) and wolf #6 dies.[/sblock]Heroes Actions for Round 8?
Hunter 17/20 HP
Lucious 23/24 HP
Magen 8/24 HP
Mikel 0/16 HP unconscious
Shara 8/22 HP

Goblin #1 dead
Goblin #2 dead
Goblin #3 HP 9/9
Goblin #4 HP 9/9
Goblin #5 dead
Goblin #6 dead
Goblin #7 HP 9/9
Goblin #8 HP 9/9
Black Wolf #1 HP 14/21
Black Wolf #2 HP 14/21
Black Wolf #3 HP 21/21
Black Wolf #4 HP 21/21
Black Wolf #5 HP 6/21
Black Wolf #6 dead
Black Wolf #7 HP 21/21
Black Wolf #8 HP 21/21
Bittertooth dead
Worg dead[/sblock][sblock=Map]Map.Ranch4.jpg
Squares are 5ft[/sblock]

Magen Brigward, Fighter 2

The wolf grabs Magen by the leg and topples him over, the two of them causing a lot of pain. Magen manages to stand up and uses his shield to pin one of the wolves, hacking at it with this sword, but he's not able to finish the beast off.

Move: Stand up
Bonus Action: shield bash wolf 1
Action: Attack wolf 1
Action Surge: Attack wolf 1

Magen strength save: 1D20+5 = [3]+5 = 8

Shield bash on wolf 1 vs wolf acrobatics save: 1D20+5 = [13]+5 = 18
1S20+2 = 1S20+2 = 3

Magenta attack on wolf 1: 2D20.HIGH(1)+5 = [7, 13]+5 = 18
1D8+3 = [4]+3 = 7

Magen action surge attack on wolf 1: 2D20.HIGH(1)+5 = [6, 2]+5 = 11
1D8+3 = [8]+3 = 11


[SBLOCK=Mini Stats]
Passive Perception: 11
AC: 17 (19 with shield)
Initiative: +0
HP: 8/24 (HD: 1/2d10)

Longsword: +5 5ft 1d8+3S
Longsword (2hnd): +5 5ft 1d10+3
H. Crossbow: +2 150/600 1d10P Heavy, Two handed, Loading
Shield Bash: Bonus action +5 contested roll vs athletic or acrobatics

Second Wind: 1/1
Action Surge: 0/1
Inspiration: 2
Healing Potion: 1
Bolts: 36[/SBLOCK]

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"Bloody Hell, I'm not doing enough back here." Corwin ties the rope off at the top of the wall, then rappels back down, drawing his rapier. He moves up to the wolf nearest Magen, hoping to split the wolf's attention and give Magen a better chance.

OOC: Action: Tie rope. Move: Rappel down. Bonus: Dash to I16.

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