Envoy Warforged: You Pass Butter

Gold-plated and designed for etiquette & protocol?

Reminds me of this.


Some guys just don't care about doing damage.

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...I call him, Fister Roboto....and he is learning...

I do like the idea of a latrine-bot that gains sentience an decides to do something else with his life.

The C3PO idea is a good one too. I like the idea of somebody pre-programmed for diplomacy, but physically built for war.

Water and Land Vehicles are tool profiencies as well.

That's right my Warforged Envoy can have a Galleon or Chariot as a tool!

Okay if the restrict that to the cheapest options a Rowboat and Cart, that wouldn't be over powered, those are cheap and not too big. Maybe the Warforged can act as a flotation/raft device and use it's arms as ors, and the land vehicle can have an extendable storage compartment, and roller skates on it's feet (so animals can pull him or her).

More than meets the eye?

I still stand by my idea of a Warforged from the Last War who transforms into a small boat to fjord marines across rivers behind enemy lines and then join them in battle (without having any cumbersome craft for them to either carry around or have to stow somewhere where it can be discovered) and am determined to now play this character (probably with Ranger or Scout Rogue levels).

I still stand by my idea of a Warforged from the Last War who transforms into a small boat to fjord marines across rivers behind enemy lines and then join them in battle (without having any cumbersome craft for them to either carry around or have to stow somewhere where it can be discovered) and am determined to now play this character (probably with Ranger or Scout Rogue levels).

The concept of like, a pair of special ops soldiers, one an elite assassin and the other a warforged that serves as their boat carrying them behind enemy lines is Cool As Hell. It's like Metal Gear Solid if the sub Snake rides in on then turns into a robot.

There's some good story potential here for something like a warforged blacksmith. Maybe he was originally just the guy who worked the bellows, or made nails or horseshoes. What if he aspires to make weapons or armor that rival the best work of the dwarf masters? What if he is an artist at heart?

I also like the notion that one of these guys could be a divine soul sorcerer, blessed by a god associated with his craft / toolkit.

I think that in an earlier edition, there was some talk about integrating warforged into Faerun, and they were linked to Gond. Envoy warforged are about as Gondy as it gets --- craftsmen who are themselves the product of craftsmanship.

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