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EoM game discussion! (Was: EoM game recruitment!)

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I'm thinking about 5th level.
We have Krug, Keia, and Krizzle. That's enough, but there's still a spot open.

Let's not bother with the subclasses of Mage this time. They can be replicated with the regular Mage class anyway.

I have a feeling that even with three or four people, there's no way anybody will choose the same spell lists. I did some calculating:

20 elements
12 creatures
9 outsiders

11 Lists that affect elements = 220 lists
11 Lists that affect creatures = 131 lists
4 Lists that affect outsiders = 36 lists
21 Lists with no conditionals = 21 lists

total: 308 lists

Each with 9 spell levels = 2772 effects



First Post
I'm sorry Victim, but your user name doesn't start with "K"....

Just kidding.

That's 4.

Post your 5th level characters when you have finished them so everybody can see the other persons stats and spell lists and better understand the rules.


First Post
MerakSpielman said:
I'm sorry Victim, but your user name doesn't start with "K"....

Just kidding.

That's 4.

Post your 5th level characters when you have finished them so everybody can see the other persons stats and spell lists and better understand the rules.

I'll make my character's name start with a K, is that better. :) I'll post my character tonight, probably.


First Post
Here's a version of my iconic wizard character using the mage class. I'll probably use him, but I've got a couple other concepts I'm going to try writing up if I have time.

edit - Oh, I should mention that I used 32-point buy for the stats, and 9,000 gp for items (from the DMG chart). I took max hp for first and rolled the rest. Let me know if any of that should change.

Elwent Leondrahne
Human Mage 5

Alignment: neutral
Age: 30
Gender: m
Height: 5’8”
Weight: 140 lbs
Eyes: green
Hair: auburn brown
Skin: light tan

STR: 8
DEX: 18
CON: 14
INT: 16
WIS: 12
CHA: 12

Hit Dice: 5d4 + 10
HP: 24 (4+1+2+4+3+10)
AC: 16 (10+4+2)
Initiative: +4
BAB: +2
Melee: +1
Ranged: +6
Speed: 30’

FORT: +3 (1+2)
REFL: +5 (1+4)
WILL: +5 (4+1)

Dagger +1 +7, 1d4 piercing damage
Ray +7, damage by spell

Race & Class Abilities: Spellcaster level 5, moderate magical infusion (+2 dex), resist fear (+4), chosen spell list (Evoke Lightning, +2 DC and penetration)

Spells: Maximum spell level 3; Spell lists known 20; Magic points 23; Cantrips 6; Spell expert [Air, Lightning]

Spell lists:
Abjure [Air, Force, Lightning, Sonic]
Abjure Magic
Command [Humanoid]
Compel [Humanoid]
Create [Air, Light, Lightning] Object
Evoke [Air, Force, Life, Lightning, Sonic]
Evoke Area [Air, Lightning]
Infuse Creature with [Air, Lightning]
Power Word

Feats: Silent Spell, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Weapon Focus (ray), Weapon Finesse (dagger)

Skills: (4+3+1)*(4+4) = 64 points, max ranks 8
Concentration con +8 / 6
Decipher script int +11 / 8
Dispel magic wis +9 / 8
Divination wis +5 / 4
Intimidate cha +5 / 8x
Intuit direction wis +3 / 2
Knowledge int
- arcana +11 / 8
- history +6 / 3
Scry int +10 / 7
Speak language - - / 4
Spellcraft int +9 / 6

Languages: common, auran, draconic, dwarven, elven, giant, sylvan, undercommon

477 gp
+1 dagger 2,000
bracers of armor +2 4,000
ring of feather falling 2,200
potion of cure light (6) 300
scroll case 1
belt pouch (2) 2
spell component pouch 5
spellbook 15
Last edited:


First Post
A few notes on my character that might be of interest (and perhaps give ideas for others building their own):

The original Elwent was arrogant and a bit unfriendly. I had to give him more charisma than I normally would have since that's the stat that save DCs are based on. Wisdom also is now an important stat with dispel magic based on it.

I focused on Air and Lightning (and the related Sonic, with a little bit of Light and Life). Actually though, with 20 lists, you could spread out your element types pretty widely (especially if you just take Evoke [Element] and don't bother with the area versions). One idea I had was to pick a wide enough array of elements so that I'd be able to deal extra damage to any elemental creature-type (in other words, have Evoke spell lists that oppose each element).

Two other things to note with Evoke - black elements do the most dice of damage while white elements do less dice but with a higher die. White elements also cause side effects at lower levels than black. It's worth thinking about if you want to focus more on side effects than damage, and it also might be worthwhile to make sure you have at least one black and one white element.

The force element uses the smallest die but there's no save. I took Evoke Force and Abjure Force for that reason.

Also, while we're thinking about evoke lists, wizards can now have cure spells! Evoke Life on the 'touch' setting is a cure spell, but with the added flexibility of using it at range as a ray (I suppose you'd have to roll to hit though), or as 'cure missiles!' You could also take Evoke Area Life to make curing 'circles,' though there are again several options to what shape you want the area to be.

Back to side effects - check out Create [Element] Object. Even the cantrip of this list produces the low level side effect, and at level three you can get the medium effect. I wanted a light spell, so I took Create Light Object. But depending on the element it can also be used offensively - Create Air Object to call up a windstorm, for example.

Infuse Creature with [Element] is a useful buff spell, and could even determine which elements you pick depending on what abilities you want to be able to raise. Note that it also provides a the ability to ignore some elemental side effects, and also provides elemental resistance when used to give a natural armor bonus.

Speaking of elemental resistance Abjure [Element] is another list that gives nice extras - especially the fact that a specific abjure spell also gives protection from all related elements at two levels lower power. You could pick up a handful of abjure lists and be able to give at least limited protection from any element. And while thinking about defenses, Abjure Magic is almost a must for anyone who wants to be able to seriously duel with other mages, with flexibility to provide spell immunities, spell resistance, or spell turning as desired.

Before I move on to what lists I rounded things out with, if you do go the route of focusing on Element-type lists, don't forget you'll qualify for Spell Expert if you take any three of the lists I've mentioned above with the same element. The bonus for an expert isn't huge by any means, but it could come in handy.

So, I knew I wanted the Power Word list, as Elwent used those in past incarnations. Also they fit with the Air-focus, and indeed Evoke Air fills the prerequisite for Power Word. I really like the low-level words they've added, and adding Silent Spell onto them means I can cast them with just a thought when necessary.

I also wanted sleep, which is one effect of the Compel [Creature] list. I took Compel Humanoid to get that effect (plus all the other things you can get out of the spell - hold effects, turning effects, etc.). I thought about getting Compel with another creature type, but decided on Command Humanoid instead as my last list (which has Compel as the prerequisite) to provide a few more options. I'm pretty happy with those as I think they fit well with Power Word and the Air-focus.

Lastly, on boons, I had a hard time picking. The major ones didn't really fit with what I was looking for, but I had about two more minors and one moderate in mind. I feel compelled to point out that while the minor boon that provides a +5 bonus to one skill doesn't work with INT or CHA skills, divination and particularly dispel magic are WIS skills. I almost took the +5 with dispel.

Well, I hope I provided some ideas, since we're mostly doing this to explore EoM. I have to say I like it a lot. Discovering the different ways to use spell lists is fun, and the flexibility is amazing. Not just from having the sorcerer's ability to cast on demand, but the flexibility within a single spell list to choose both power level and the type of effect is...well...liberating ;) I'm sorely tempted to use it for all the games I run.

I can't wait to test it out in play either, so let's get this together! Does anyone need help with their character?


I aim to misbehave
Just a note,

This is gaming weekend (Saturday, Sunday & Monday - hoody-hoo!!) so I wont get to my character until Tuesday.

My apologizes


First Post
How are we doing stats? The unweighted, begin at 8, 32 point buy that Krizzel used? DMG point buy?

I've decided on the following spell lists:

Prestidigitation (free)

**Fire: Evoke Area, Evoke, Infuse Creature, Infuse Object, Abjure, Create object, Summon

Fast Healing
Abjure magic


Wall of Force, Lava
Abjure Force
*Evoke: Force, Lightning, Lava
*Evoke Area: force, Lava


First Post
Victim said:
How are we doing stats? The unweighted, begin at 8, 32 point buy that Krizzel used? DMG point buy?

LOL ;) Actually I did use the weighted, DMG point buy - but coincidentally it does work out to 32 unweighted as well. What I did was start with DEX 15, added +2 for the moderate magical boon, and then +1 for the 4th level ability increase.

I like the fire and lava focus, BTW. I've been looking at the Wall of [Element] list today and that's another nice way to use the side effects.

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