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Epic M&M: Issue 5 (IC)


"Several...days...?" Sanjay says sullenly. "No, don't bother yourself or your people with that, we'll deal with this in a different way. Thanks, goodbye," he says with a genuine smile, consoled by the fact that he got to see her again.

He gets up and says to Pavo, "You were right, that's not doable. I'll get back to the others and we'll see what we can do from here."

Getting back to the containment bay, he tells the others. "There's no way wer're getting in there, so I guess we'll have to set up a defense around it."

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"Naked, schmake-ed," X12 says. "I'll just wrap a towel around myself and go do something else." Tucking his towel into itself around his waist, X12 collects his things and leaves, nodding to Dara as he passes.

Returning to the boy's rooms, X12 looks around for Carl.

If I find him:
"You haven't said much since you got back, Carl. I might be able to heal the scars -- the drain from resuscitating Nova has passed, and my healing abilities are working again -- that is, if you'd allow me to try." X12 says with concern.

OOC: If I don't find Carl, I'll dress quickly and go back out towards the main house to see if Master Wen is still taking his tea.

If not, I'll go over and ask him when would be an appropriate time to speak with him. If he's still taking his tea, I'll try and track down Carl.
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Raisa shakes her head at Dara and Michael as they run off and smiles at Li. "At least its entertaining. My money's on Dara today."

She goes back into her room, grabbing the small woven basket that held her toiletries and a change of clothes before heading toward the bath house.


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Holding up the sunglasses, Vince tries them on for a moment then hands them to the outstretched hand of Cosmo. "Those things make 360 degree vision look wierd. Half is dark and the other half is still fully lit. Besides they are too small now."

Looking to Straightjacket, Vince nods, "Sure I can help with the Mole. At least I'll try to be effective while you two heavyweights slug it out."


First Post
Lancheng, China
October 25, 2120

"Hey, you can't leave me alone in here," you hear Michael call out as you pass Dara. Clutching her kendo stick, she rushes into the bathroom. You hear a loud "Aw crap!" from within, followed by many loud cracks. She's already walking to the bunkhouse, broken stick in hand, as you reach it, a cannister tucked under her arm.

You find Carl in his room, his door open. He shows very little emotion.

"It was attempted. Doctor Johnson made a trip to China to help us," he says, flexing his hands. "There's nothing you can do." He calmly walks by you into the hall and towards the main house.

Master Wen is not at the tree, but you see him in the main house, sitting at the table and eating. Carl is heading that way as well. When you enter, Master Wen looks up. "Ah, what you want talk about?" Michael walks in after you, limping slightly. "You beat up by girl again?" Master Wen asks.

"Something like that," he mumbles. "Who the heck gave her access to those sticks?"

Li, Dara and yourself end up in the bathhouse at the same time, Dara carrying her cannister of jerky along with her, leaving little doubt as to who won this morning. You get cleaned up and ready for breakfast with plenty of time to spare.

You get the bathhouse to yourself and clean up, just in time for breakfast. Everyone is already in the main house by the time you arrive.

Brazilia, SAA
SAP Research Facility
As you set up the scanners under Anna's supervision and generally look around the area to get a good feel for the warehouse, the van arrives. Michelle, Johan, Monica and Rebound all join you in the storage facility. Soon enough, the EPIC Van is brought down by staff to the bay, looking humerously out of place, but its scanner is badly needed. It also shows nothing on its tracking system.

When they come down, Ms. Price is with them. She has some strange devices in hand. "These are auto injectors. There is an antitoxin designed to halt the progress of Anaconda within it. If you are exposed, the injection system will pump you full of the stuff. It won't cure you. That can only be done with time and several treatments, but it will halt the progress of the virus." She shows you how to wear the devices against your upper arm, and they can fit under your uniforms and armor. "I don't need to tell you that being exposed, even with these devices, will be a painful and debilitating experience," she says, handing them out.

That done, Anna and Rebound start examining the storage container and its blueprints, trying to find a physical way past its security system. Tara walks around the walls with Hoppy in her arms, running her hand along them as if feeling for something. Cosmo relaxes in the passenger seat of the van. Monica is dragging Sanjay off to the side.

We should probably plan for a few days of this, don't you think?" Cosmo says. "Set up watches and make a battle plan?" he says, looking at Michelle and SJ.

I'll need a watch pattern, watch duration, and if you have any specialized plans, now is the time to say so.

Monica drags you to the side. "So?" she says. "How was it? You better have saved some in the tank for me," she says, punching you playfully in the chest. "Tell me everything."


First Post
"You know... I'm tired of trying to handle this in private -- everyone ought to know it anyway," X12 says to Master Wen. "I'll wait until everyone is assembled for breakfast, and then I'll relate my problem. It potentially affects everyone, anyway."

Once everyone has arrived...
"I need to apologize to Li and Xi -- Prophet is trying to glean information about other people from me in my sleep, as he does not already possess information I expected he would have without me. He has begun torturing me directly in my sleep, trying to force me to divulge facts that I have learned while here, which I'm sure some of the other EPIC members have already discovered. Please, do not refer to anything about which I'm speaking in the open -- he has the ability to recall my memories, some of them with speech, but he hasn't been able to learn what he wants to know," X12 says.

"I have overestimated the reach of Prophet's abilities... and unless a way can be found to stop him from breaking me in my dreams, he will learn something about others here he should not. I apologize to both Master Wen and Li for bringing this into their house -- others are suffering because I have made a mistake.

"I... really don't know what to do, though. Locking myself away will solve nothing... short of killing myself before he breaks me, or killing him, I can't think of anything else within my powers to stop him from having the information he wants."


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When Kevin enters the room, he doesn't watch at anybody, as since the last events. He only looks at his food and eat it. He doesn't speak, and it is hard to tell if he only listen. When he finish his meal, he stand up, and go back to his room to prepare himself for the training.


Sanjay gets a smile on his face. "Oh, yeah, it was awesome. She's got this tricked out room with all these weird devices. And she showed me how to do something I've never done before, and made me do it over and over until I got it right. I was exhausted afterwards," he says, trying his best not to laugh.

His brow suddenly furrows at a thought, and he asks, "Uh, you actually think we were...and you're not angry?"


First Post
Michelle meets up with StraightJacket. So how do you like being leader? She tells him with a smile.We got a short reading while we were coming up here, it was about 2 hours back, we didn't have the forces to investigate it then but with more of us it might be worth giving it a quick look see. If we could encounter them outside the facility it would be better I think.

Michelle looks around, although it looks like your setting up camp here and we would have the advantage on home ground, what other defensives were you thinking about? Flick seems to be able to deflect direct attacks but what about a net or sleeping gas for her? Aerin is a flyer, again a net or somehow grounding him would be good.

As for the others it would seem that Cosmo is the crucial player, if he can nullify thier powers they should be easy to take down. They will more then likely come through the floor, easier then the walls. She adds looking over to the wall where Tara and Hoppy are. As much as I don't like saying this, be careful of Tara, I am not sure exactly sure where her loyaties lay when it comes to Anithos. She tells him in a lowered voice, so only he can hear.

She finally notices what Tara is doing, she stares at her curiously for a moment. Hang on for a minute, she tells him, heading over to where she is standing. Hey, didn't know you were into rocks, whatcha doing?
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Raisa swallows the piece of fruit she had been chewing while listening to X and shakes her head. "Talk about mixed blessings. Sucks that he's taking to tormenting you in your dreams and all, but thank god he's not as omnipotent as we were thinking. If he had been, I would seriously consider hopping the first aerodyne back to Brazil instead of facing him again. Still am, honestly."

She picks up another apple slice. "Maybe you need to build up a resistance to people in your head. Have Dara try to weazle her way inside that mellon of yours and you try to keep her out. Best offense if a good defense... or some thing like that."

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