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Epic problem OOC


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Ok, hmm, I'm going to rework Salarassa a bit. As is, he's a little bland, and I want to make him a bit more of an artistic fellow. I'll drop the archmage angle and go Lyric Thaumaturge. It plays off of his social demeanor better, as he is supposed to eb a VERY social person, but none of the class skills in his classes allowed for such (thus far, the calculations on skills are very much incorrect).

For now, consider him a lvl7 Rakshasa/lvl1 Bard/lvl 2 Sorcerer/lvl13 Lyric Thaumaturge

Incredibly charming musician/mage with a devil-may-care attitude about everyone but himself.

BUT...is this ok with YOU Jemal? The rest of the concept remains the same, he uses his powers to build himself a financial empire, in which he sells information and weaponry to the highest bidder. I might change out the Salamander part for a Djinni, after reading up a bit on who, precisely, occupies the City of Brass.

P.S. This will also make me a better fit with the Ultimate Magus. This way we will not be stepping on each others toes quite so often.
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Pallandrome - I didn't say you COULDN'T be evil, just that in MY opinion, the personality you described doesn't sound too evil, nor does it fit with the Race... If you just did a few more unscrupulous things, it'd make more sense.. I mean, straight from the MM: "Some say Rakshasa's are the very embodiment of evil. Few beings are more malevolent."

As for the Detecting, no they wouldn't just smite you on site if they didn't have a reason for thinking you were evil.. but they might if they saw through your disguise, realized you were a Rakshasa, and made their knowledge check to know what a Rakshasa is.

Which brings up the question, what happens if a Pally attacks a non-evil outsider that they had just assumed was evil?
Well... even IF an "Always Evil" Outsider was for some reason NOT Evil, it would still retain the "Evil" Subtype (Changing alignment doesn't make you change type/subtype), meaning it would still detect as evil and be Smote by a Smite Evil.. The Paladin wouldn't have any way of knowing you weren't evil, so nothing special happens. You could 'SAY' you weren't, but unless you managed to prove it and get the paladin to stop long enough to listen to you, he'ld just stay convinced you were evil. IF he discovered (And believed that you were actually good, one of two things would happen.. If you were dead, He'ld atone for unknowingly killing a good creature. Otherwise, he would probably attempt to apologize to you. At least that's what my idea of a Paladin would do.

Neph - Why's your follower only lvl 17? Don't have Epic Leadership? As for the money question, I BELIEVE they have NPC gold, which is listed in the DMG. (Don't have it on me at the moment). Wraiths ARE Incorporeal, though I dont believe incorporeal creatures can occupy the same space as each other.. If they can attack each other freely, that must mean they're essentially 'physical' in relation to each other (At least that's how I'm going to rule it for this game). As for how many in a portable hole... They are mindless undead, medium sized, weightless... SOOO... Double the number of creatures that could fit in a normal portable hole?

And I don't think the Insane, Undead controlling Cleric will mesh well with all those Paladins.

PREX - We've actually used VoP at Epic in my RL group, ranging from lvl 24 to lvl 40, and I think the following works well:

Natural Armor: +1/8 levels (+3 at lvl 30)
AC Bonus: 4 +1/3 levels (34 at lvl 30)
Exalted Strike: Doesn't follow an exact pattern at non-epic, but this seems to function well: +1/4 levels after 20 (+7 at lvl 30)
Deflection: +1/6lvls (+5 at lvl 30)
Resistance: +1 at lvl's ending in "3" or "7" {23, 27,33,37,etc} (+5 at lvl 30)
Ability boost: 23(+10/+8/+6/+4/+2), 27(+12/+10/+8/+6/+4/+2), 31 & each 4 thereafter (+2 to all)
Bonus Exalted feat every 2 lvls. (Yes this is a LOT of Exalted feats, but keep in mind that these feats are NOT retroactive if you take the feat after level one. By epic you could have pretty much all of them, and they DO have effect on the game, though not always a LARGE effect.)
DR: Doesn't follow an exact pattern at non-epic, but this seems to function well: 15/evil @ lvl 25, +5/5 levels. There's no indication it should become /Epic b/c the point of it seems to be Evil things hurts you. not really powerful things. (20/Evil at lvl 30)
Energy Resistance: Every 7 levels after 20, increase by 10. (25 at lvl 30)

I'll also give a few Extra powers as is in the spirit of the Feat (Replacing Magic Items you could have by that level with similar powers naturally).
LVL 21 - Superior Sustenance (EX): You no longer require sleep, though if you're a spellcaster, you still require 8 hours of rest/inactivity to memorize/rejuvenate spells.
LVL 24 - Bonus Epic Feat : You may choose one of the following as a bonus feat: Ignore Material Components, Distant Shot, or Dire Charge. You must meet all the Pre-Req's as normal, if you do not meet the pre-req's for ANY of these feats, you may instead choose one of those pre-requisite feats as this bonus.
LVL 25 - Crit Resistance - You have a % chance to ignore extra damage from Critical hits/Sneak attacks (ETC) equal to your Character Level.
LVL 27 - Fast heal 3(EX) (Instead of Regeneration)
LVL 30 - Holy Radiance(Su): SR 15+Character Level vs Evil spells and spells cast by Evil beings. Blocks possession and mental influence as Protection from Evil.
LVL 32 - Base movement speed is doubled. Also you grow Angelic wings which allow you to fly at twice your land speed.
LVL 36 - Planeswalker(Sp): You may use Plane Shift and Teleport each 3/day as spell-like abilities (Caster lvl = Character level)
LVL 40 - ETC, ETC.
*These specials are subject to change*

There are some people who think you should have to spend another, EPIC, Feat to get abilities past level 20, but I say you're allready giving up Millions of GP worth of Equipment.. isn't that enough?


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Jemal said:
Neph - Why's your follower only lvl 17? Don't have Epic Leadership?

Nope, I value the spellcasting feats higher. The ability to cast four quickened spells a round and quicken all of his spells with no increase of their level is pretty devastating. Besides, Undead Mastery will get him some additional allies and is more flexible (even though I can't control undead of higher than 17 HDs)
Leadership was just a feat I picked because there weren't that many feats I felt I had to have after I'd taken Spell Penetration, SP(G), Craft Wondrous and I-Initiative.

Jemal said:
As for the money question, I BELIEVE they have NPC gold, which is listed in the DMG. (Don't have it on me at the moment). Wraiths ARE Incorporeal, though I dont believe incorporeal creatures can occupy the same space as each other.. If they can attack each other freely, that must mean they're essentially 'physical' in relation to each other (At least that's how I'm going to rule it for this game). As for how many in a portable hole... They are mindless undead, medium sized, weightless... SOOO... Double the number of creatures that could fit in a normal portable hole?

:lol: So, a portable hole is 10x10x10ft=1000cubic ft and the average short and skinny person takes up 5x2x1ft=10 cubic ft, then we could technically fit 100 people into a portable hole, but they would be pretty uncomfortable and would soon run out of air. Undead would take up the same space (or double?), but could have no problem being packed that tight.

Btw, may I start the game already having cast Create Greater Undead a few times?

Jemal said:
And I don't think the Insane, Undead controlling Cleric will mesh well with all those Paladins.

On second thought I'm beginning to lean towards making him an Evil, Insane, Undead controlling Cleric. Evil just makes for a more convincing Insane.
Are there any deities who have the Madness and Magic domains that would fit? Some God who doesn't mind the undead?
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couple things... Portable hole doesn't say it's a 10' Cube, it says the hole is 10' deep... It's still the same size as the Hole itself (Which is a 6' Diameter hole), just 10' deep..

Thus is a 6' diameter, 10' deep Hole, which has a volume of 283 Cubic Feet.
And the reason I said "double" the number is b/c you CAN pack the wraiths tight, whereas you couldn't pack a hundred people into the room.
I'll say in an area that size you could fit roughly 50-60 wraiths.

AS for the god.. Evil, Insane, Undead, Magic.. Hmmm.. a couple. Leave it as an un-named 'power' for now, though it definitely exists. :D and you'll be finding out the true power during the campaign.


Jemal said:
**EDIT : Hmmm. On second thought, I'ld like it if we could get another 'uber-good' type character that fits well with the 3 paladins and the Angel, and I could switch Void to the Evil team.**

I will still accept a submission or two more if they're coming, so long as you think you can have the character done relatively soon.

I submitted you a concept just after you closed recruiting. The uber-good St. Sollars the Twice-Martyred back on page one. He was a Lawful Good Martyred Champion of Ilmater should I whip up a sheet?


hero4hire said:
I submitted you a concept just after you closed recruiting. The uber-good St. Sollars the Twice-Martyred back on page one. He was a Lawful Good Martyred Champion of Ilmater should I whip up a sheet?

Sure, Do it!

And Pallandrome, Epic Lyric Thaumaturge would have the exact same Epic Progression as normal Bard for Feats.(The only abilities they have that follow the formula enough to keep going at Epic are Bard spellcasting, and Bardic Music.)


First Post
Jemal said:
PREX - We've actually used VoP at Epic in my RL group, ranging from lvl 24 to lvl 40, and I think the following works well:


DR: Doesn't follow an exact pattern at non-epic, but this seems to function well: 15/evil @ lvl 25, +5/5 levels. There's no indication it should become /Epic b/c the point of it seems to be Evil things hurts you. not really powerful things. (20/Evil at lvl 30)

Looks fine. Mostly similar to what I had already. I'll update to your version and repost tomorrow. Going to miss my couple extra Epic feats though.

The major reason we went with [Epic & Evil] DR in the version I posted is that even continuing the bonuses from the Vow, AC for a VoP character in Epic levels is laughably low. Credible Epic threats will be hitting me on a roll of 2 or higher. Some of the PC's posted will hit me on a roll of a 2 on their third and fourth iterative attacks. Without AC as a viable defense, I need to fall back on DR. Going from [Evil] to [Evil & Epic] gives me back my DR against non-epic Evil Outsiders.


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I don't own the spell compendium and am not sure of the contents. Is it all right if I use the Quickshift spell (I know it from the BoED)?


Wrahn - I'll check out the spell and get back to you later today.

Pyrex - There's only 2 kinds of AC at Epic level.. The one you can hit on a 2, and the one you can hit on a 20. If you're not one, you're the other. And if you're an Aesetic Monk, you many just be able to get the second kind.. I know I've seen it at lvl 40.

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