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Finn Alastair Kincadd, Human Swordsage and Dilettante

See below for updated sheet

[sblock=old sheet]Finn Alastair Kincadd
Male Human Swordsage 3
CG Humanoid (human)
Initiative: +9
Senses: Listen +9, Spot +3
Languages: Common, Gnome, Elven

AC 21, touch 17, flat-footed 17; +4 Armor, +4 Dex, +3 Wisdom
Hit Points: 27 (3 HD)
Fortitude +2, Reflex +7, Will +6

Speed 30'
Melee short sword +8 (1d6+4 / 19-20 x2) or
Melee dagger +7 (1d4+4 / 19-20 x2) or
Ranged dagger +5 (1d4+4 / 19-20 x2)
Base Attack Bonus: +2; Grapple: +2
Maneuvers Known:
Desert Wind: Wind Stride
Diamond Mind: Moment of Perfect Mind, Sapphire Nightmare Blade
Setting Sun: Counter Charge
Shadow Hand: Clinging Shadow Strike, Shadow Blade Technique, Shadow Jaunt
Tiger Claw: Wolf Fang Strike
Stances Known:
Setting Sun: Step of the Wind
Shadow Hand: Child of Shadow

Abilities Str 10, Dex 18, Con 13, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 15
Special Qualities: Quick to Act, Discipline Focus, AC Bonus
Feats: Adaptive Style (flaw bonus), Improved Initiative (flaw bonus), Shadow Blade (human bonus), Desert Wind Dodge (1st level), Weapon Finesse (3rd level)
Flaws: Murky-Eyed (reroll concealment miss chance, take lower roll), Shaky (-2 to ranged attacks)
Traits: Easygoing (+1 Gather Information, -1 Intimidate and Sense Motive), Polite (+1 Diplomacy, -2 Intimidate)
Skills: Bluff +4 (2 ranks, 2 cha), Concentration +7 (6 ranks, 1 con), Diplomacy +7 (0 ranks, 2 cha, 1 trait, 4 synergy), Disguise +2 (0 ranks, 2 cha), Gather Information +5 (2 ranks, 2 cha, 1 trait), Hide +10 (6 ranks, 4 dex), Intimidate -1 (0 ranks, 2 cha, -3 traits) Knowledge: Local +7 (5 ranks, 2 int), Knowledge: Nobility +7 (5 ranks, 2 int), Listen +9 (6 ranks, 3 wis), Move Silently +10 (6 ranks, 4 dex), Sense Motive +8 (6 ranks, 3 wis, -1 trait)
Equipment: (2700g; 280g, 35s remains)
mithral chain shirt (1250g, 12.5lb)
masterwork short sword (310g, 2lb)
dagger x5 (10g, 5lb)
backpack (2g, 2lb)
~small steel mirror (10g, 0.5lb)
~everburning torch (110g, 1lb)
belt pouch (1g, 0.5lb)
traveler's outfit (-g, 5lb)
everlasting rations (350g, 2lb)
everfull mug (200g, -lb)
potion of cure light wounds x2 (100g, -lb)
signet ring (5g, -lb)

light horse (75g)
riding saddle (10g, 25lb)
bit and bridle (2g, 1lb)
saddlebags (4g, 8lb)
~bedroll (1s, 5lb)
~disguise kit (50g, 8lb)
~courtier's outfit (30g, 6lb)
~feed, 5 days (2.5s, 50lb)

Quick to Act: +1 to initiative.
Discipline Focus: Finn gains the benefit of the Weapon Focus feat for Shadow Hand weapons (dagger, short sword, sai, siangham, unarmed strike, and spiked chain).
AC Bonus: Finn applies his Wisdom bonus to AC when in light armor or no armor, unencumbered, and not using a shield (as Monk except useable in light armor).

Finn fits many poor farmers' daughters' ideal of a dashing young hero, come to carry them away to a life of luxury. He stands just under 6 feet tall; his skin is lightly tanned and he keeps fit but is not overly muscled; his dark hair straddles the border of unkempt and presentable; his emerald-green eyes seem to contain secrets just waiting to spill forth; his smile is dazzling to behold; his long-fingered hands are as graceful as any elf's; and even his traveling clothes speak of a person who is Important.

Finn is a freewheeling information broker, information gatherer, and collector of stories. He's quick with a joke, but equally as quick to listen to any story, tale, or bit of information presented to him. He's insatiably curious and has gotten into enormous amounts of trouble in the past by digging too deep for a story. He means well, and won't give out useful information to someone he knows is actively evil, but at the same time his concept of the law is "It's not illegal if they don't catch me!".

Born in rural Aundair, Finn was never much of one for hard labor. As soon as he was old enough to get along on his own, he ran off to Fairhaven to find his own adventure. He quickly made a name for himself by being quick and efficient with information gathering, eventually being able to support himself on his reputation as an information broker. Still, he eventually ran out of interesting stories in Fairhaven and skipped town one night in search of new adventures. In this manner he has travelled across the majority of the Five Nations, never staying in one place for too long, and frequently leaving with the law, the criminal underground, or even a pretty maiden's upset family fast on his heels.
Along the way, he has heard (and memorized) just about every epic, folk story, fairy tale, and parable there is to hear - and to hear him retell them, he's figured prominently in half of them. He's also made his own fair share of stories, spun from his experiences travelling across the continent. People tend to scoff at some of his more unlikely stories - until he steps into a shadow and re-appears a dozen yards away, doffing his cap and waving farewell.

[sblock=Readied Maneuvers]Wind Stride, Clinging Shadow Strike, Shadow Blade Technique, Shadow Jaunt, Wolf Fang Strike[/sblock][/sblock]
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Olotumeal (known as Olot to most people who know him)
Alignment: Neutral
Height: 6'8''
Weight: 180lbs
Olot looks more orc than human. His nose is short and pushed up, his ears
pointed, his eyes an odd color of orange. He is missing half of one ear due
to an incident with a wild dog. He has many scars over his body, as he was
a slow learner in the art of avoiding attacks.

Level 4 Fighter 

Str: 18  (16 + 2 racial)   +4 mod
Dex: 10                       +0
Con: 18                       +4
Int: 12 (14 - 2 racial)    +1
Wis: 16 (15 +1 level)     +3
Cha: 10 (12 - 2 racial)   +0

[color=orange]HP:[/color] 52 (10 base + 12 con mod + 30 3d10)

[color=orange]AC:[/color] 18
[color=orange]Touch AC:[/color] 10
[color=orange]Flat-footed AC:[/color] 18

[color=orange]Base Attack Bonus:[/color] +4
[color=orange]Base Speed:[/color] 20ft
[color=orange]Initiative Mod:[/color] +0
[color=orange]Saving Throws:[/color]

Fortitude: +8 (4 base save + 4 con mod)
Reflex:     +1 (1 base save + O dex mod)
Will:         +3 (1 base save + 2 wis mod)

[color=orange]Skills:[/color](only those with ranks)
(2+int mod)x4 = 12 + 3 +3 = 18 skill points

Craft (armorsmithing):    6 (6 ranks +0 ability mod)
Climb:                         7  (3 ranks + 4 ability mod)
Intimidate:                   9 (6 ranks + 0 ability mod +3 skill focus)
Spot:   cc skill              5 (3 ranks + 2 ability mod)

Power Attack
Weapon Focus (greataxe)
Skill Focus 
Weapon Specialization (greataxe)


Masterwork Greataxe, Masterwork Warhammer, Light Crossbow,
Bolts (20), Spiked Fullplate, Waterskin, Backpack, Belt Pouch, 
Whetstone, Potion of Cure Light Wounds (5), Potion of Mage Armor(5)


Grapple=        8 (4 base attack bonus + 4 str mod)

Greataxe:      Attack bonus +10 (4 base+1 weapon focus+1 masterwork+4 str mod)
                   Damage: 1d12+6    Critical: x3  (slashing)

Warhammer:  Attack bonus +9 (4 base+1 masterwork+4 str mod)
                   Damage: 1d8+4    Critical: x3  (bludgeoning)

Light Crossbow:  Attack bonus +4 (4 base +0 dex mod)
                       Damage: 1d8  Critical: 19-20x2  Range: 80ft (piercing)



[color=orange]Max Carrying Capacity:[/color]
Light load: up to 100lbs
Med  load: up to 200lbs
Heavy load: up to 300lbs
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Voda Vosa

First Post
 Name: Frundor Termen
Class: Warlock
Race: Human
Size: Medium
Gender: Male
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Str: 14 +2 (XXp.)     Level: 4        XP: 0
Dex: 18 +4 (XXp.)     BAB: +3         HP: 36 (4d6+9)
Con: 16 +3 (XXp.)     Grapple: +5     Dmg Red: 1/cold
Int: 14 +2 (XXp.)     Speed: 30'      Spell Res: 
Wis: 10 +0 (XXp.)     Init: +3        Spell Save: 
Cha: 15 +2 (XXp.)     ACP: -X         Spell Fail: 0%

                   Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total
Armor:               10    +5    +0    +4    +0    +0    +0    19
Touch: 14              Flatfooted: 15

                           Base   Mod    Total
Fort:                      1     +3          +4
Ref:                       1     +4          +5
Will:                      4     +0          +4

Weapon                Attack   Damage     Critical
Quarterstaff              +5     1d6/1d6     20x2
Eldrich blast             +6     2d6 +1

Languages: Common, Elf, Infernal.

Abilities: Endrich blast  (2d6)
Feats(Class): Damage reduccion 1/cold, Detect magic

Feats: Weapon focus (Ranged spell-like abilities), Combat expertice, Ability focus (Eldrich blast)

Skill Points: 16+5+5+5       Max Ranks: 7/3
Skills                   Ranks  Mod  Misc  Total
Use Magic Device         7    +2          +9
Intimidate                   7    +2          +9
Knowledge(arcana)       5    +2          +7
Concentration              5    +3          +8
Bluff                          7    +2          +9

Equipment:               Cost  Weight
+1 Chain shirt           1100 
Potion of cure light wounds x5 250
Potion of Mage armor x5       250
Potion of Invisibility x2    600 
Potion of cure moderate wounds  300          
        Money: ?

Spell DC:  2 (Cha) + 2(feat) + Spell Level

               Least:[/B] Earthen grasp, Sickening Blast, Hideous blow

Age: 34
Height: 1.8 meters
Weight: 60 kg
Eyes: red
Hair: black
Skin: withe


Frundor is somehow tall, and skinny , with penetrating red eyes. His hands are thin and fast. He is very thoughtfull and 

speculative, and never take others ideas lightly without questioning.The reason for this its "Frundor way" as he referes to 

'energy saving ways' that are the usual strategy with which Frundor deals his problems: thinking a lot, doing a little. His 

eldrich blasts are used very usually, agains enemies, against stubborn objects which seems not to be in the correct place, 

and anything that Frundor think must be "fixed" .His chaotic behaviour is strong, making him a dreadfull rival, though it is 

hidden beneath his friendly face and his big smile. Bluffing and lieing are usual when he interact with other persons. 

Frundor is a cunning warlock, descendant from a long tradition magic user family, that was cast out because a deal with 

deamons they had in an early past. The Tremen family swere vengance upon thouse wizards that have cast them away, and ever 

since, what was a prominent wizard breeding family, became a warlocks and wild mages 'factory'. Frundor is one of the 

offsprings of the now feared Termen family, but he didnt take that to siriously, he preferes to find the easiest way to 

became wealthy and powerfull.  Ever since he left his home, Frundor wanders around, looking for something easy and productive 

to do.
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First Post
First, this really should be put in the Plots, Places, and Rogues forum, rather than in Talking the Talk.


Finn Alastair Kincadd
Male Human Swordsage 4
CG Humanoid (human)
Initiative: +9
Senses: Listen +10, Spot +3
Languages: Common, Gnome, Elven

AC 21, touch 17, flat-footed 17; +4 Armor, +4 Dex, +3 Wisdom
Hit Points: 36 (4 HD)
Fortitude +2, Reflex +8, Will +7

Speed 30'
Melee short sword +9 (1d6+4 / 19-20 x2) or
Melee dagger +8 (1d4+4 / 19-20 x2) or
Ranged dagger +6 (1d4+4 / 19-20 x2)
Base Attack Bonus: +3; Grapple: +3
Maneuvers Known:
Desert Wind: Wind Stride
Diamond Mind: Moment of Perfect Mind, Action Before Thought
Setting Sun: Counter Charge
Shadow Hand: Clinging Shadow Strike, Shadow Blade Technique, Shadow Jaunt, Cloak of Deception
Tiger Claw: Wolf Fang Strike
Stances Known:
Setting Sun: Step of the Wind
Shadow Hand: Child of Shadow

Abilities Str 10, Dex 19, Con 13, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 15
Special Qualities: Quick to Act, Discipline Focus, AC Bonus
Feats: Adaptive Style (flaw bonus), Improved Initiative (flaw bonus), Shadow Blade (human bonus), Desert Wind Dodge (1st level), Weapon Finesse (3rd level)
Flaws: Murky-Eyed (reroll concealment miss chance, take lower roll), Shaky (-2 to ranged attacks)
Traits: Easygoing (+1 Gather Information, -1 Intimidate and Sense Motive), Polite (+1 Diplomacy, -2 Intimidate)
Skills: Bluff +7 (5 ranks, 2 cha), Concentration +8 (7 ranks, 1 con), Diplomacy +9 (0 ranks, 2 cha, 1 trait, 6 synergy), Disguise +4 (0 ranks, 2 cha, 2 synergy), Gather Information +5 (2 ranks, 2 cha, 1 trait), Hide +11 (7 ranks, 4 dex), Intimidate +1 (0 ranks, 2 cha, 2 synergy, -3 traits) Knowledge: Local +7 (5 ranks, 2 int), Knowledge: Nobility +7 (5 ranks, 2 int), Listen +10 (7 ranks, 3 wis), Move Silently +11 (7 ranks, 4 dex), Sense Motive +9 (7 ranks, 3 wis, -1 trait)
Equipment: (2700g; 280g, 35s remains)
mithral chain shirt (1250g, 12.5lb)
masterwork short sword (310g, 2lb)
dagger x5 (10g, 5lb)
backpack (2g, 2lb)
~small steel mirror (10g, 0.5lb)
~everburning torch (110g, 1lb)
belt pouch (1g, 0.5lb)
traveler's outfit (-g, 5lb)
everlasting rations (350g, 2lb)
everfull mug (200g, -lb)
potion of cure light wounds x2 (100g, -lb)
signet ring (5g, -lb)
travel papers
identification papers (real)
identification papers (false identity)

light horse (75g)
riding saddle (10g, 25lb)
bit and bridle (2g, 1lb)
saddlebags (4g, 8lb)
~bedroll (1s, 5lb)
~disguise kit (50g, 8lb)
~courtier's outfit (30g, 6lb)
~feed, 5 days (2.5s, 50lb)

Quick to Act: +1 to initiative.
Discipline Focus: Finn gains the benefit of the Weapon Focus feat for Shadow Hand weapons (dagger, short sword, sai, siangham, unarmed strike, and spiked chain). He also deals +3 damage when initiating a Shadow Hand strike.
AC Bonus: Finn applies his Wisdom bonus to AC when in light armor or no armor, unencumbered, and not using a shield (as Monk except useable in light armor).

[sblock=Readied Maneuvers]Shadow Blade Technique, Shadow Jaunt, Cloak of Deception, Counter Charge, Wind Stride[/sblock]


First Post
OnlytheStong, it's fine if you just edit... I'm not all fanatical about stuff like that.

mcnathan80, if you can get it up during the weekend that'd be great. Don't think I'll have to much time before then anyway (have a MAJOR paper to deliver friday), have to get ready to graduate in WT (also this friday) and various other personal activities that I can't miss...

Anyway, we'll resume the game once all sheets are posted here....

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