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Feng Shuit Campaign (Closed)


Corlon said:
I think I'll start it default in hong kong, but I really was too lazy to read about the secret war, so there will be a temperal war of sorts, I'm not sure if that's what the secret war is or not.
The secret war is summarized quite nicely in the introduction to the game.

There are certain sites scattered all across the world that harness and intensify the life force of man and nature, or chi. These sites are known as Feng Shui sites, and those who control these sites will have things go their way due to the benefits from the increased flow of chi.

History favors those who are attuned to these sites and gain power from them, and depending on who gets the most Feng Shui sites, history will take a much different path than the one we're generally familiar with.

This battle takes place across time, because there are factions from all different time periods who don't want the past or the future intruding upon their present, and lots of these factions want to dominate the entire time stream for themselves. Warriors from the different factions travel through time by moving through the Netherworld, a mysterious realm that connects all different times and where people and beings outcast from their own times live out their days.

Mainly, it's an excuse to have wildass wuxia swordplay, Jackie Chan and Jet Li style martial arts heroics, and hyperkinetic ten-thousand-bullets gunplay side-by-side.


So, what changes are you thinking about for 2056? I can only guess that you're not too crazy about the Arcanowave stuff -- it's pretty wonky on the believability scale, even if the idea of Gigeresque Tech earns some cool points from me, and it doesn't much fit with the HK action stuff that Feng Shui is inspired by. So I can pretty much guess that the Architects (and possibly the Jammers) are out. Got any ideas on replacements?
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Since everyone seems to be wanting to play "normal" characters i suggest leaving the transtemporal thing for the moment and decide to include it later.

Oh, and I´ll definately(sp?) play a ninja, because they are cool and FLIP OUT ALL THE TIME!


I headed over to Chris Pound's Generators, went through some names, and came up with One Eye Tsui as the name for my maverick cop. I like the "one eye" thing -- it gives him character, and is going to tie into his melodramatic hook in a big way.

As for melodramatic hooks, I'm thinking on the order of an ugly feud with a brother who fell in with the opposite side of the law and is now a member of a major Triad gang. What caused their little falling-out is something I'll have to think about when I sleep tonight, as I don't want to go the Spike/Vicious route and have their feud be over a woman -- I don't want to totally rip off Cowboy Bebop, and it's a tad cliched to begin with, even though the game thrives on cliches to some degree.

Oh, and Someone, why don't you delete the first post and just use the second one, as it looks like you've got a bit of double-postage going on. Next time, use the edit function (it should be right next to the reply/quote button on a post, IIRC).


First Post
So, Ninja and Maverick Cop for sure, maybe an Everyman Hero and a Special Force... That whole bunch is missing a bit of supernatural. I think I'll go for the Magic Cop, I'll just need to find a good concept and I don't want to simply get out of X-file... but I will think of of that.


rbingham2000 said:
Oh, and Someone, why don't you delete the first post and just use the second one, as it looks like you've got a bit of double-postage going on. Next time, use the edit function (it should be right next to the reply/quote button on a post, IIRC).

I know how editing works; I thought the boards ate my first reply.


First Post
I've got a good idea for a character, here it is:


Sun Jin Lee was a cop at Honk Kong, in the paranormal departement. Him and his partner, Man-Yee Fei, a beautifull girl, was working on a case of a robotic monster. The two partners had arroived to the conclusion they were hunting a monster who have a metal armor of some kind, but robot are still at the level of a small stupid dog who can hardly walk, so a cyborg is just impossible.

They were not fools. They know monsters exist. At least once a year, some creature appear in Honk Kong and start to do trouble. They had to be neutralized, and that's what the job of Sun Jin and his partner. They had both be trained to figth them, and the best way was by magic. It is pretty rare to see magician in these years, but the police have a squad to figth any who would use those power badly. Fight fire with fire, or should be said magic with magic.

That night, they were in the car, talking about nothing... The sky was covered, so Sun Jin wanted to be sure their would not be too much light to see into the car, a little trick he have learned over the years. They were watching at an old temple. It was there the monster was last seen, and it was the second time for that place, a good lead to follow. They had found nothing during the day, but they become more lucky during the night. The creature was entering the temple.

They both get out of the car and they walk into the temple. It was dark insight, so Man-Yee light up the four torch with her magic, her trick she learned over the years. They start to look everywhere. No sign at all. It had dissapear. Sun Jin saw something moving in a dark corner. He took his gun and shot in the shadow. The sound of metal against metal was heard. The bullet didn't seem to had scratch anything.

The creature leap out of the shadow and charge Sun Jin. Just before he rush the man, a wall of ice just appeared in the way, blocking the wayy of the creature. Sun Jin create a wind and the wall falled on the creature, but it seems unaffected. With his big metal claw, the monster hit Sun Jin who fly out the temple and fall 20 feets from where he was standing. He hit his head on the stairs of the temple, knocking him a moment.

When he take back his sense, he saw his partner being grapple by the creature. It was sucking the blood of her partner. Sun Jin rush the creature and the three fall on the ground. The first to stand up was the creature who hit Sun Yee who was still on the ground. A rush of pain streamed in his body. Never he has feel something like that. It was like a volcano was erupting inside his chest. The pain gained his brain. He tought his skull was on the point to blow under the pressure. He knew it, it was his end.

But the pain stops. His sense was back. He saw the creature take out his claw from his chest and start to walk to his partner. Not vanquish, Sun Jin stand up and blast the creature with a ligthning bolt. The creature fall on the ground. Sun Jin continu with another blast, and blast over blast until the creature stop to move.

When the creature stop to move, he looked at Man-Yee. She was unconsious. He used his art of healing to get her back on her feets. When she opened her eyes, she starts to scream, and then she cast her wards against monsters. Sun Jin didn't know she was acting like that, but when she finish to cast, he starts to feel fear. He was afraid of her partner. He flee as far as he could. When he come back to his sense, he didn't know what to do. What could have happened.

He start to walk back to the temple, but when he was standing in the doorway, he saw himself, lying dead in the temple. He was dead. How could that be possible. He saw her partner crying near his body. She was telling how she was loving him but didn't dare to tell him. She didn't saw the ghost outside the temple.

And then the creature start to move again. It was still alive. the creature start to run and jump in a window and flee in the dark. he start to hear the police car who was coming. Sun Jin decide it was better to hide for now.

That was about a year ago. He had been the hunter all his life, but now he is the prey. He is a creature who would be hunt down by his old friends. He has learned that Man-Yee have been taking all the ghost files. It seems she want to kill him. She loved him but now want to kill him because he is no more human, what a faith. Worst, he was loving her too, and still do it today. And that metal monster. It was still somewhere. He had meet him once since that tragic night, and he was roaming near Man-Yee house. He shock him before it run away. The creature was hunting Man-yee, but he will not let him kill his partner and the only girl he loved.


So, what do you think of it? I think it is a nice melodramatic hook, nice character, I like the concept, but their is only one thing, the ghost come from contemporary juncture and not from 69 junture. Except that, it will be in all respect the ghost type. Will you approve that?


First Post
the ghost from contemporary sounds okay.

and the secret war thing, that's basically what I was thinking of.

And the changes in 2056, I guess your characters will have to experience that for themselves if that's where this goes.

so we have an everyman hero, maverick cop, ghost, ex special forces, and one more?

and Curran, are you still here?

Edit: and one more thing, I will be counting on you guys to keep track of your shot score or whatever it's called and I'll probably let you guys roll your own dice you're trustworthy aren't you?
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Corlon said:
so we have an everyman hero, maverick cop, ghost, ex special forces, and one more?

A ninja, called Edge. Over the course of the years dedicated to utmost secrecy and shadow, he has forgotten even his name and lost his voice: he´s afraid of totally losing his humanity if he doesn´t find anything more imprtant than shinobi


First Post
You guys can start posting your characters, I'll make a rogue's gallery thread.

I'll also think of a name for the campaign, right now it's just feng shui.

oh yes, and I will tell you that the beginning has you in or right near Tsou Tsoung's burger joint.

So you can think of reasons being there.

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