D&D 5E Finally


Do Armor of Agathys or Arms of Hadar require concentration?

Does Hex allow a save?

I really love the flavor of Hadar - 'approach, fool, & writhe in the dark energies of my patron'. *wicked smile*

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No problemo, like I said I do not know all the limitations of rules, and I saw pictures before which was why I asked.

Do I get both the saving throws and skills of the Mage class? My first class is fighter.

No, you don't get any proficiencies. You get the class features & hit points.

Juomari Veren

One question; Are Warlocks naturally proficient with Short Swords?

I ask because I made a magic item for Warlocks that's normally a dagger until a Warlock picks it up, then it becomes a Short Sword. I wanted to know if I either have to make the item grant proficiency with it or if Warlocks will be naturally proficient with them. Thank you!


Does the skeleton/zombie in the PHB have the same stats as the ones from the playtest?

The skeleton in the PHB has a few more HP, higher Dex and uses a Shortsword instead of a Longsword, as well as x2.5 the XP.
The PHB zombie has over double the HP, slightly lower Strength, 1/3 the Cha, Shambling has been removed, Slam does one die higher and XP is also x2.5.


Wandering. Not lost. (He/they)
One question; Are Warlocks naturally proficient with Short Swords?

I ask because I made a magic item for Warlocks that's normally a dagger until a Warlock picks it up, then it becomes a Short Sword. I wanted to know if I either have to make the item grant proficiency with it or if Warlocks will be naturally proficient with them. Thank you!

Dont have a book, but I'm making a suggestion anyway.

Have the magical sword "treated like a pactblade by a warlock who wields it". This way they are always proficient. And can, I think, do neat stuff with it.

But I haven't the foggiest about balance implications.



One question; Are Warlocks naturally proficient with Short Swords?

I ask because I made a magic item for Warlocks that's normally a dagger until a Warlock picks it up, then it becomes a Short Sword. I wanted to know if I either have to make the item grant proficiency with it or if Warlocks will be naturally proficient with them. Thank you!

They are not proficient with shortswords, only simple weapons. HOWEVER, simply having the weapon as a dagger that actually deals shortsword damage(or is just a long dagger) is a simple request to your DM.


Here's a general question on feats: Do they have prerequisites? If so, what are those like- are any limited to specific races?
About 1/3 of the Feats have prerequisites, of which none are racial. Most seem to be "Ability to cast spells", and there are 5 with ability prerequisites of 13+. The rest are armor proficiency-prerequisites.

Ea Tunes

First Post
yup drow is in :D

it feels just like 2nd ed

dex + 2 cha +1 superior darkvision sunlight sensitivity drow magic and drow weapon training

Could you or someone else please elaborate some more regarding the drow? In 2nd edition they had magic resistance, in 3rd edition they had spell resistance ( I didn't play 4th edition). I saw that the Imp have magic resistance, but have they removed that from the drow to balance the race?

What is drow magic ( I'm guessing faerie fire, levitate, darkness) and drow weapon fighting?

Btw how is magic resistance handled now, advantage on saves vs. magic?

Voidrunner's Codex

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