D&D 5E Finally


Could you or someone else please elaborate some more regarding the drow? In 2nd edition they had magic resistance, in 3rd edition they had spell resistance ( I didn't play 4th edition). I saw that the Imp have magic resistance, but have they removed that from the drow to balance the race?

What is drow magic ( I'm guessing faerie fire, levitate, darkness) and drow weapon fighting?

Btw how is magic resistance handled now, advantage on saves vs. magic?

Correct on the resistance removal for balance. Dancing lights, Faerie fire and Darkness, and Drow weapon proficiencies. They have Superior Darkvision and Sunlight Sensitivity as well.

Correct on Advantage on magic resistance saving throws and resistance against spell damage.

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One question; Are Warlocks naturally proficient with Short Swords?

I ask because I made a magic item for Warlocks that's normally a dagger until a Warlock picks it up, then it becomes a Short Sword. I wanted to know if I either have to make the item grant proficiency with it or if Warlocks will be naturally proficient with them. Thank you!

Pact of the Blade: "...You are proficient with [pact weapon] while you wield it..." (PHB 107) and "...you can transform one magic weapon into your pact weapon by performing a special ritual..." (PHB 108)


After 40 pages of reading i will finally bite:)

Can you tell us about the monks defensive abilities? Do they get unarmoured defense bonuses, any evasion or dr type abilities?


First Post
After 40 pages of reading i will finally bite:)

Can you tell us about the monks defensive abilities? Do they get unarmoured defense bonuses, any evasion or dr type abilities?

Monks get their usual 10+Dex+Wis Unarmed Defense feature. They can spend a Ki Point to take the Dodge Action as a Bonus Action. They get the usual Evasion features at higher levels, too.

Ea Tunes

First Post
Correct on the resistance removal for balance. Dancing lights, Faerie fire and Darkness, and Drow weapon proficiencies. They have Superior Darkvision and Sunlight Sensitivity as well.

Correct on Advantage on magic resistance saving throws and resistance against spell damage.

Thanks for the reply. Maybe the monster manual will have additional abilities for drow nobles like levitate and detect magic. But I still like it. I haven't played a drow myself other than in computer rpgs, but a friend of mine love to play as a drow. I wonder if he'll complain about the lack of resistance against spells :)


After 40 pages of reading i will finally bite:)

Can you tell us about the monks defensive abilities? Do they get unarmoured defense bonuses, any evasion or dr type abilities?

They gain the same Dex/Wis AC bonus from 3rd, without the leveling additional AC bonus. However, you can now spend Ki to take bonus Dodge/Disengage/Dash actions on your turn. Ki refreshes on short or long rests. Deflect now offers a d10 roll with modifiers to negative missile damage. Taking 0 damage results in a caught projectile. You can then spend Ki to make an immediate counter with said projectile!
Monk Weapons are now shortswords and any simple nonHeavy/nonTwo-handed weapon.

You gain evasion at later levels, as well as Empty Body now allowing you to turn invisible and gain resistant to all nonForce damage.
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Thanks for the reply. Maybe the monster manual will have additional abilities for drow nobles like levitate and detect magic. But I still like it. I haven't played a drow myself other than in computer rpgs, but a friend of mine love to play as a drow. I wonder if he'll complain about the lack of resistance against spells :)

An Abjurer gains SR at 14th level, so you could just allow a Drow to gain it at that level as well. The key of this edition is to make races and classes better than a spell of similar level, so races and classes matter.

Brian Michaluk

First Post
Could you or someone else please elaborate some more regarding the drow? In 2nd edition they had magic resistance, in 3rd edition they had spell resistance ( I didn't play 4th edition). I saw that the Imp have magic resistance, but have they removed that from the drow to balance the race?

What is drow magic ( I'm guessing faerie fire, levitate, darkness) and drow weapon fighting?

Btw how is magic resistance handled now, advantage on saves vs. magic?

resistance = take half damage from that type

drow have no resistances

1stlevel dancing lights
3rdlevel faerie fire 1/day
5thlevel darkness 1/day


First Post
The skeleton in the PHB has a few more HP, higher Dex and uses a Shortsword instead of a Longsword, as well as x2.5 the XP.
The PHB zombie has over double the HP, slightly lower Strength, 1/3 the Cha, Shambling has been removed, Slam does one die higher and XP is also x2.5.
More importantly, do the skeleton and the zombie in the PHB have the same stats as in the Starter Set?

Voidrunner's Codex

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