D&D 5E Finally


I have been reading this thread with great interest, and would also like to thank those who spent their time and effort into their replies.

One thing I have been curious about and have been unable to find an answer is, if two deities in the same pantheon have the same Domain (i.e say Heironeous and Hextor both have the War Domain only), are they differentiated mechanically in how they are played? Again, I am not assuming that they DO, but am curious if there is such a mechanic introduced in the PHB to make them FEEL different mechanically. Another example might be if say Pholtus and Pelor have the Light Domain as their only one.

Having Clerics with different abilities has always been important to me, ever since Specialty Clerics were introduced in Second Edition, so I would like to be enlightened! :)

Thank you in advance,


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Brian Michaluk

First Post
I have been reading this thread with great interest, and would also like to thank those who spent their time and effort into their replies.

One thing I have been curious about and have been unable to find an answer is, if two deities in the same pantheon have the same Domain (i.e say Heironeous and Hextor both have the War Domain only), are they differentiated mechanically in how they are played? Again, I am not assuming that they DO, but am curious if there is such a mechanic introduced in the PHB to make them FEEL different mechanically. Another example might be if say Pholtus and Pelor have the Light Domain as their only one.

Having Clerics with different abilities has always been important to me, ever since Specialty Clerics were introduced in Second Edition, so I would like to be enlightened! :)

Thank you in advance,


abilities are purely dependant on domain chosen not the god and the domains are "suggested"


Do Armor of Agathys or Arms of Hadar require concentration?

Does Hex allow a save?

I really love the flavor of Hadar - 'approach, fool, & writhe in the dark energies of my patron'. *wicked smile*

Sorry if I missed the answer to this, but with so many questions flooding in I think this may have been missed.

Majoru Oakheart

One thing I have been curious about and have been unable to find an answer is, if two deities in the same pantheon have the same Domain (i.e say Heironeous and Hextor both have the War Domain only), are they differentiated mechanically in how they are played?
Both the Alpha of the PHB and the playtest material say there is no difference at all between clerics of different gods who choose the same domain. I doubt this was changed in the final PHB.


First Post
Thanks to all who have been answering questions for the rest of us on this thread. I was wondering if someone could give a list of the Path of the Totem barbarian's features and very general description of what the features are for if not obvious from the name.

Voidrunner's Codex

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