D&D 5E Finally

Steely Dan

Thanks for all the info so far, people, very generous.

So, what weapon and armour proficiencies do you gain when multi-classing into Fighter?

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Thanks to all who have been answering questions for the rest of us on this thread. I was wondering if someone could give a list of the Path of the Totem barbarian's features and very general description of what the features are for if not obvious from the name.

Lv.3 Spirit Seeker: Sense & speak with animals.
Lv.3 Totem Spirit: Choose totem token. MAY gain minor characteristics of chosen totem. These are boosted to mechanical bonuses while Raging.
Lv.6 Aspect of the Beast: Gain nonCombat animal bonuses, does not have to be Totem animal.
Lv.10 Spirit Walker: Commune with Nature via Totem or Aspect animal.
Lv.14 Totemic Attunement: Combat/encounter bonuses based on Attuned animal. Does not have to be prior Totem or Aspect choices.


First Post
Thanks so much, Curmudjinn. I have a player who has a character concept that may be perfect for that.

Also, for those who have the Hoard of the Dragon Queen adventure already, could you please tell me what is the town where the adventure starts? My players' characters are in Phandalin now from the Starter Set adventure and I was wondering if I have to get them to go far from there to start at the beginning of Hoard.


First Post
How does the Sorceror(dragon magic vesion) compare to the Wizard? Who do you think is more powerful in combat?

I can field this one.

Wizards have more utility. They are extremely good at preparing for a specific situation and can prepare more spells besides.

For example, a Sorc may know Mage Armor and Burning Hands as his only spells at lvl 1. Meanwhile, the wizard (assuming 16 int) could have both of those spells prepared, plus also Magic Missile, and Shield. And to top it off, he might have Detect Magic and Alarm in his spellbook which he can cast as rituals without preparing them.

However, if you compare how good each caster is at utilizing their spells, that's where the Sorc is far more flexible. Wizards get some limited specialization (shaping evocations, splitting enchantments, etc) but Sorcs are still better.

An example, a Sorc can convert slots into sorcery points and use them to create multiple lower level slots. The way spells scale, two level 1 Chromatic Orbs are as potent as a single level 4 Chromatic Orb. It allows him to spread his resources thinner if needed.

They also get metamagic feats to further modify their spellcasting, allowing them to customize their attacks in a broader way than Wizards can. For example, take the Chromatic Orb example above. Instead of casting a level 4 Chromatic Orb (6d8+Cha if you're Draconic and use the right element) you can convert that slot into Sorcery points and spend 1 of those points to Twin Spell a level 1 Chromatic Orb, dealing 3d8+Cha twice. So you gain damage and spend less resources.

Brian Michaluk

First Post
Thanks so much, Curmudjinn. I have a player who has a character concept that may be perfect for that.

Also, for those who have the Hoard of the Dragon Queen adventure already, could you please tell me what is the town where the adventure starts? My players' characters are in Phandalin now from the Starter Set adventure and I was wondering if I have to get them to go far from there to start at the beginning of Hoard.

town of greenest se of the wood of sharp teeth

module is level 1 - 7 so lvl 5's from the starter set will blow through it too easy

Voidrunner's Codex

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