D&D 5E Finally


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Need... more... spells... known (& slots to cast them).

I know, right!? The Warlock is really shaping up to be interesting both mechanically and thematically. I really like that they have "Warlock-only" spells, like Arms of Hadar and Hex. The Hexblade is definitely baked into the class.

Too many character ideas, too few campaigns to play them in!

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After 40 pages of reading i will finally bite:)

Can you tell us about the monks defensive abilities? Do they get unarmoured defense bonuses, any evasion or dr type abilities?


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After 40 pages of reading i will finally bite:)

Can you tell us about the monks defensive abilities? Do they get unarmoured defense bonuses, any evasion or dr type abilities?

Hey Stalker, this was answered a few pages ago (by myself and others). They get their unarmored defense (Wis+Dex) and the usual suite of Evasion and other features. They can also spend Ki to take the Dodge Action as a Bonus Action, and deflect arrows.

Brian Michaluk

First Post
After 40 pages of reading i will finally bite:)

Can you tell us about the monks defensive abilities? Do they get unarmoured defense bonuses, any evasion or dr type abilities?

monks unarmered defence. ac = 10 + dex wis
deflect missiles
slow fall
patient defence
stillness of mind
purity of body
diamond soul
empty body


Key word, suggested. :D

I'm so glad Wizards did that.

That is nice. It gives the DM some wiggle room for allowing non-traditional clerics (such as having a Life cleric for a deity usually associated with mischief or knowledge) and allows for expansion later without rejiggering everything. (So a hypothetical darkness domain might just get added to the proper deities, without having to rebalance how many domains a deity gets).

Counting the DMG, there are 8 PHB cleric domains and 8 PHB wizard schools. I like the parallel.


An example, a Sorc can convert slots into sorcery points and use them to create multiple lower level slots. The way spells scale, two level 1 Chromatic Orbs are as potent as a single level 4 Chromatic Orb. It allows him to spread his resources thinner if needed.

They also get metamagic feats to further modify their spellcasting, allowing them to customize their attacks in a broader way than Wizards can. For example, take the Chromatic Orb example above. Instead of casting a level 4 Chromatic Orb (6d8+Cha if you're Draconic and use the right element) you can convert that slot into Sorcery points and spend 1 of those points to Twin Spell a level 1 Chromatic Orb, dealing 3d8+Cha twice. So you gain damage and spend less resources.

... Okay, thanks. I was worried Sorcerers would still get the short straw. I like that Spell slots and Sorcery points blur into each other like that. And that's an interesting observation, I hadn't thought about optimizing for damage like that.


First Post
They also get metamagic feats to further modify their spellcasting, allowing them to customize their attacks in a broader way than Wizards can. For example, take the Chromatic Orb example above. Instead of casting a level 4 Chromatic Orb (6d8+Cha if you're Draconic and use the right element) you can convert that slot into Sorcery points and spend 1 of those points to Twin Spell a level 1 Chromatic Orb, dealing 3d8+Cha twice. So you gain damage and spend less resources.

If you do that, aren't you spending a 4th level slot + a 1st level slot to do the same damage you'd get from a 4th level slot? o_O I get it that you get extra cha damage... but you could do 6d8+Cha + 3d8+Cha with those same slots in 2 turns... or am I missing something?


First Post
That is nice. It gives the DM some wiggle room for allowing non-traditional clerics (such as having a Life cleric for a deity usually associated with mischief or knowledge) and allows for expansion later without rejiggering everything. (So a hypothetical darkness domain might just get added to the proper deities, without having to rebalance how many domains a deity gets).

This allows Clerics of Lolth to be more useful to their party instead of just the Angry chick-in-charge.

"You dont get healing, youre pathetic. This one on the other hand served Lolth well and shall be mended..."


First Post
I'm a bit curious as to what the "Jump" spell entails. I know it sounds self-explanatory, but given how a spell called "Weird" is a very powerful 9th level spell (for good reason), names can be deceiving. Could someone please post the specs of the spell?

Voidrunner's Codex

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