D&D 5E Finally


Does the planes section say whether the inner planes "touch" the outer planes?

If I'm understanding what you mean, than after reading it I would have to say. I didn't read anything stating they were connected. I may have misread it but I think the answer is "no".

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I'm pretty sure being general rather than specific is better when talking about stuff in the book so I'll stick with that.

Athlete: your STR or DEX improve by 1 and standing up from prone uses a small amount of your movement for your turn.

Resiliant: You pick an ability and the save along with it you get proficiency in it.

Blink is in 5th edition. on an 11 or higher on a d20 roll you "blink" and can move 10 feet from where you were. There is more too it than that but I think you understand the point of the spell.

Thank you very much! ^^


First Post
If I'm understanding what you mean, than after reading it I would have to say. I didn't read anything stating they were connected. I may have misread it but I think the answer is "no".

As I thought... so you can actually draw the map of the planes based on the 4e Cosmology :p

You just swap all the Domains in the Astral Sea by the Domains in 5e and then add the 4 Elemental Planes to the Elemental Chaos, and in the middle the Prime Material, Shadowfell and the Feywild float in the Ethereal. Arround all of that is the Positive Energy Plane and the Negative Energy Plane (surrounding from the sides instead of from the top. Kinda like a scheme of the interior of the Earth now that I think about it o_O the Energy Planes are the crust, the Outer Planes are the mantle, the Elemental Chaos is the outer core and the Ethereal (with the Material and what-not) are the inner core...


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I wanted to thank everyone for their interest and help on the thread, we made the top Hot Topics of the Week. I apologize if we did not get to everyone's questions, but hopefully there are a lot more people with the book now and you get your chance to get your own soon.

I will finally get to read this weekend (and not just look up references), so I will probably be not be answering any more requests. There are lots of people to pick up the slack though, thanks guys.

Happy gaming!


First Post
FYI we have an errata thread started on the wizards forum theres a few identified spell issues

I wonder...I don't intent to buy the PHB now (as I'm not going to start playing a new campaign now), but i might wait for the DMG and MM. So, when the last book will be out, is there a chance that there already is a reprint for the PHB, errata included ?

I would gladely let early adopters do the dirty work and wait for a bug-free version of 5e. :blush:


Didn't the 3e errata get added in the PHB like two years later with 3.5? I also think it wasn't until the leather PHB that we got the 3.5 errata added.

However, I know Mike Mearls and company wanted to add the Starter Set errata for the second printing.


I wonder...I don't intent to buy the PHB now (as I'm not going to start playing a new campaign now), but i might wait for the DMG and MM. So, when the last book will be out, is there a chance that there already is a reprint for the PHB, errata included ?

I would gladely let early adopters do the dirty work and wait for a bug-free version of 5e. :blush:

That's a bit foolish if you want to play 5e. There is never a "bug-free" version and it seems so far whatever issues people found here are pretty minor. But feel free to wait to have a revised edition a few years later or a deluxe reprint after the 8th edition is out.


That's a bit foolish if you want to play 5e. There is never a "bug-free" version and it seems so far whatever issues people found here are pretty minor. But feel free to wait to have a revised edition a few years later or a deluxe reprint after the 8th edition is out.

I agree with you partially. While there is no bug free, I think there's a threshold where it becomes worth waiting or not purchasing. A good example is 4e where if you bought the books at launch, they were basically worthless because of too many errors.

Voidrunner's Codex

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