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For the Greater Good - Full

Isida Kep'Tukari

Ok, I've had this idea for a game kicking around in my head for a while now. It would involve the party all having deeply religious and/or spiritual characters that have an intense need to fight the good fight. Two of the books that I would be drawing things from would be Monte Cook's Book of Hallowed Might and the upcoming Book of Exalted Deeds by WotC. Essentially the characters would be upstanding champions of light and good, willing to give all for what they believe in.

Because I'd be drawing on both of those books I'd require my players to own one and/or the other of them.

For other information, it would be 12th level, 3.0 with maybe some 3.5 elements upon request, 32 point buy, max HP at first level, 75% of max for remaining levels. Books allowed will be Races of Faerun, FRCS, Magic of Faerun, Faiths and Pantheons, Materia Magica (Dark Nebulae), Arms and Armor (Bastion Press), Arms and Equipment Guide, Draconomicon, Savage Species, all splatbooks, all three core books, BoHM, BoED, and Dragon magazine #277-#319. Spellcasting Prodigy is banned.

Also I'm allowing my own PrCs (link in the sig). The Forbiddance of the Divine, Forbidden Warrior, and Bound Woman (with slight alignment tweaking) may be particularly appropriate if people want them. PCs will get 44,000gp to spend as they please from the listed sources, no more than 33,000gp on any one item. They may submit a wish list for the other 44,000gp worth of gear, which I'll pick/roll up for them. All items, spells, feats, PrCs are subject to DM approval before use. If someone wants to swap in a class feature for something else, talk to me and I'll try to accomodate.

Also the characters will be required to take one or more of the "Vow" or "Oath" feats from either BoHM and or BoED.
Everyone gets one preliminary vow feat (swear a vow/swear an oath) for free. ECL races and templates will be permitted, up to a +4, including the half-celestial. ECL races and templates will be given d8 hit dice for each level of the ECL, but no skills or feats.

This will not be a "destroy all demons" game, and will require some serious thought, consideration, and sacrifice on the parts of the players. All actions will have consequences, and your character may have to make some hard moral choices. Though there will probably be some combat, this will also incorporate some heavy roleplaying, so your characters should be equipped to do both. Also possibly some stealth or deception might be required at some point. This will be taking place in my homebrew world of Low'verok (look here for some information).

Our Intrepid Band of Heroes

Jaik - Darren, CG Tiefling Male Rogue 11

Sebastion Andovar, CG Male Human Paladin of Hoar 12 (BoHM variant), and Aerofax, CG Winged Half-Celestial Dire Mare (paladin's mount)

KaintheSeeker - Lyssia Darkwing, CG Sanctified Frey’ri Ranger 4/Fighter 4

Jarval - Nessa Caoilfhionn (pronounced NES-a KEE-lin), NG Female Aasimar Arcane Disciple 11

Lichtenhart - Saint Norin, "Dawnkeeper", LG Male Human Saint / Monk 10

doghead - Sylinda Heartmantle , CG Human Female Ascetic Druid 5/Swanmay 7, with Aeric, (Exalted Companion: Male Celestial Awakened Hawk) and Bellona (Cohort: Female Unicorn)

Sir Staeven Myleron, The Phoenix Knight, NG Human Fighter 5/Annointed Knight 7

Inactive Players
Velenne (formerly Saint Norin)
Salthorae (formerly Sylinda Heartmantle)
GoodKingJayIII (formerly Sir Staeven Myleron, The Phoenix Knight)
Halivar (formerly Sebastion Andovar)

Brother Shatterstone

IC thread
Rogue's Gallery

World information below:

The World of Low’verok

Capital – Andeluvay, in the northeast on the Tonver River.

It is governed by a single king, King Xargo, and there are 48 high noble lords (mostly humans, genasi, and half-elves, but there are two gnomes and three halflings amongst them), three dwarven noble lords (from Silver Citadel, Citadel Amber, and Firegold Citadel), two elven noble lords (from the Farlight and Black Pine forests, respectively), and the current Council Speaker from the Sea of Song that govern their various parts of the country.

Low’verok has very strong ties to the elemental, para-elemental, and quasi-elemental planes, and genasi of all types are common (though some more than others). Elemental and half-elemental creatures also are seen with relative frequency, and they are generally considered lucky.

Small gods are quite frequent, and many trees and pools of water embody the essence of the divine. Signs that indicate the presence of a god are taken very seriously (some even include favored sacrifices). Particularly for gods of ponds or springs, a small sacrifice of coin or food is required before taking water. There are even a few small gods of berry bushes or fruit or nut trees, so small prayers before taking the fruits of the land are a part of everyday life. Also, there are gods of the various animals and other creatures, so short prayers after taking the life of a creature for food or in self-protection are routine.

Because of the close ties to the land through the elemental planes and small gods and nature spirits, it is rare that settlements abuse the land. Logging, mining, hunting, trapping, etc. are usually done in a responsible manner (usually through treaties with local elven or gnome communities).

The gods of Low’verok (and their domains) are:
Alnaria – neutral good Protector of children, Goddess of Innocence, Unicorn Queen (Animal, Good, Luck, Protection)
Akadi – neutral goddess of air (Air, Illusion, Travel, Trickery)
Beshaba – chaotic evil goddess of bad luck (Chaos, Evil, Fate, Lucky, Trickery)
Boccob – neutral god of magic (Knowledge, Magic, Trickery)
Corellon Larethian – chaotic good god of music and the arts (protector of elves) (Chaos, Good, Protection, War)
Ehlonna – neutral good nature goddess (Animal, Good, Plant, Sun)
Erythnul – chaotic evil god of slaughter (Chaos Evil, Trickery, War)
Fharlanghn – true neutral god of travel (Luck, Protection, Travel)
Garl Glittergold – neutral good god of jokes and humor (protector of gnomes) (Good, Protection, Trickery)
Ghaunadaur – chaotic neutral god of slimes, oozes, and aberrations (Cavern, Chaos, Earth, Slime, Water)
Grumbar – neutral god of earth (Cavern, Earth, Metal, Time)
Gruumsh – chaotic evil god of domination (protector of orcs) (Chaos, Evil Strength, War)
Heironeous – lawful good god of valor (Good, Law, and War)
Hextor – lawful evil god of tyranny (Destruction, Evil, Law, War)
Hoar – lawful neutral god of retribution (Fate, Law, Retribution, Travel)
Istishia – neutral god of water (Destruction, Ocean Storm, Travel, Water)
Kelemvor – lawful neutral god of death (Fate, Law, Protection, Repose, Travel)
Kord – chaotic good god of strength (Chaos, Good, Luck, Strength)
Kossuth – neutral god of fire (Destruction, Fire, Renewal, Suffering)
Lliira – chaotic good goddess of joy (Chaos, Charm, Family, Good, Travel)
Loviatar – lawful evil goddess of pain (Evil, Law, Retribution, Strength, Suffering)
Milil - neutral good god of musicians and music (Charm, Good, Knowledge, Nobility)
Moradin – lawful good god of the forge (protector of the dwarves) (Earth, Good, Law, Protection)
Nerull – neutral evil god of undead (Undeath, Death, Evil, Trickery)
Obad-Hai – neutral god of nature (Air, Animal, Earth Fire, Plant, Water)
Oghma - neutral god of knowledge (Charm, Knowledge, Luck, Travel, Trickery)
Olidammara – chaotic neutral god of thieves and tricks (Chaos, Luck, Trickery)
Pelor – neutral good god of the sun (Good, Healing, Strength, Sun)
Selune - chaotic good goddess of the moon (Chaos, Good, Moon, Protection, Travel)
Siamorphe – lawful neutral goddess of nobles (Knowledge, Law, Nobility, Planning)
Sune – chaotic good goddess of beauty and love (Chaos, Charm, Good, Protection)
Talona – chaotic evil goddess of disease and poison (Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Suffering)
Talos – chaotic neutral god of storms (Chaos, Destruction, Fire, Storm)
Tymora – chaotic good goddess of good luck (Chaos, Good, Luck, Protection, Travel)
Valkur – chaotic good god of sailors (Air, Chaos, Good, Ocean, Protection)
Vecna – neutral evil god of secrets (Evil, Knowledge, Magic)
Wee Jas – lawful neutral goddess of death and magic (Death, Law, Magic)
Yondalla – lawful good goddess of the hearth and family (protector of halflings) (Good, Family, Law, Protection)

There are two important things that everyone in Low’verok knows. One is about the song pearls, and the other is about the Forbidden Lands.

Song pearls or glass pearls are worth, at the bare minimum, ten times platinum for a single one. The rare, translucent pearls have many powerful magical properties, from allowing one to understand magic, to healing, to making one stronger, or other equally wonderful things. Song pearl beds are rigorously guarded by aquatic elves and often raided by kelpies or other aquatic monsters that like shiny things. At least one open war was fought to control the song pearl trade (the Pearl War, which led to the creation of the current “free trade zone” around the Sea of Song). No noble may control the trade, and no merchant may bargain with more than two aquatic elf communities for their supply. As a matter of fact, there are no nobles controlling any community near the Sea of Song. The towns and cities in that region each send a representative to Albon (the largest city of the region), and a leader is elected to represent the interests of the Sea of Song in the noble’s council in Andeluvay. Song pearls are frequently bought by the king for use in the army, but there are also some markets for adventurers and very wealthy wizards or nobles.

The Forbidden Lands are in the far southwest of Low’verok. The coast around the peninsula is treacherous and rocky, and there is not a single good port around it, not that any sailor could be convinced to try. The land leading up to the Forbidden Lands is inhospitable desert, inhabited only by nomadic tribes. The edge of the Forbidden Lands is impossible to miss, as it is a shear cliff that drops straight down two hundred feet, as if the land had been cut by a knife. There’s a common expression that goes simply “Nothing good comes out of the Forbidden Lands.” And nothing ever has. The only things people have ever seen come out of the Forbidden Lands are strange and deadly monsters. The nomadic peoples of the Unwanted Desert (the border of the Forbidden Lands) have a strong warrior tradition and consider themselves the first line of defense against the horrors of the Forbidden Lands. So far, none who have gone into them have come back to tell tales of it. The phrase “I’ll send you to the Forbidden Lands” (or various permutations thereof) is uttered between deadly enemies or by assassins.

I'll try to give you a small mental picture of the world (as I have no digital map-making skills). Picture, if you will, a large oval country. There's a wide peninsula in the southwest. Where the peninsula meets the land, there is a 200 ft cliff. The entire peninsula is the Forbidden Lands. Bordering this is the Unwanted Desert. East of the desert is a mountain range known as the Dragonspine Mountains. The Firegold Citadel, one of the dwarfholds, is there. East of that is Skord's Swamp, a large marshy area that legend has it contains a black dragon. Much further east in the southeast portion of the country is the Black Pine forest. Running north to south in the eastern part of the country is the Tonver River, a major trade route. In the northeast, right on the Tonver, is Andeluvay, the capital.

There's a large lake to the west and slightly south called Greenfire Lake, so called because it glows with a green fire at night. No one knows why, but most sorcerers tend to come from those shores. Just south of Greenfire Lake is a large expanse of plains, in the center of which is the city of Willow Grove. The people of the plains are known for their talent for raising horses.

To the east and slightly north of Andeluvay is Ice Lake, thusly called because icebergs can be found in it all year round. South of Ice Lake is the Sea of Song. The area around the Sea is a free trade zone, so the trade capital of the country is in Albon, on the south shores of the Sea. Every single guild has their central Guild Hall here, rather than in the capital. Just west of the Sea of Song are the Firespine Mountains, home of the Silver Citadel and Citadel Amber dwarfholds. To the north is the Farlight Forest, home of the highest elven nobles. The Deepwater river runs from east to west, starting in the Firespine Mountains, running north of Skord's Swamp, and emptying into the Endless Sea just east of the Black Pine Forest. The Deepwater is swift, cold, and in a deep gorge for most of its length and is unsuitable for trade.

From the peninsula of the Forbidden Lands to the Black Pine Forest is the shore of the Endless Sea. The major ports are: Benshay, in the Unwanted Desert, specializing in goods from the desert nomads; Fort Merdin, just east of Benshay, a major naval outpost for the king; Port Jarlo, just east of Fort Merdin, specializing in exotic goods from the southern isles; Port Lyalee, between the Dragonspine Mountains and Skord's Swamp, run exclusively by halfing traders running to Albon; Gajin, just south of Skord's Swamp, this place has a high concentration of lizardfolk and water genasi and has a somewhat unsavory reputation; Port Xialar, just east of the Black Pine Forest, run by elves. One hundred miles off the coast roughly south of Gajin is the island of Scuttlecove, known by only a few, and then only for its utterly unwholesome and depraved reputation. The rest of Low'verok is surrounded by what is collectively (and rather unimaginatively) called the Unexplored Lands. There's no taboo against exploring these lands as there is the Forbidden Lands.

Forests of Low'verok
While there are several wooded areas of Low'verok, the largest and most intimidating forests are the Farlight and the Black Pine. These forests haven't been logged in centuries, and to the outside eye, remain virgin woods. All elves come from one of the two forests. While many elven communities exist in other areas of Low'verok, all elves are born in one of the two great forests. A pregnant elven woman would make every effort to get back to her home forest (or the other, if her time is close) in order to give birth in one of the great elven communities. The rare elf that is born outside the protection of the great forests (and its attending spirits) is considered unlucky or even cursed. It's fairly obvious when an elf is born outside the great forests; a normal elf's eyes are green, a "outborn" elf's eyes are bright blue.

Other intelligent races generally do not enter the great forests without permission. While the great forests are not exactly closed to outsiders, one needs a potent reason to come inside, and an even better one to come to one of the elven communities therein. Some of the fringe communities of humans, gnomes, or half-elves have standing permission to a certain amount of hunting and gathering on the edges of the forest, and most consider these to be lucky. A word from them carries weight when an outsider tries to gain entry to the great forests.

Black Pine - The Black Pine forest borders the coast in parts, and is subject the coastal raids that are part of life along the ocean. The elves from this region run Port Xialar, which is open to all species, though they have their own ports deeper into the forest. To hide their own ports, the elves employ obscuring magic, but sorcerers or wizards with pirate bands have brought down the elven defenses before. In reaction to this, the elves of the Black Pine forest concentrate not on more powerful magic, but on skillful archers, frequently combined with magic. The archers and arcane archers of the Black Pine forest are the best in Low'verok. An elf from this region typically has a somewhat martial and practical outlook. They're close to human and halfling trade routes as well, and generally get along with traders very well.

Farlight - If the Black Pine forest is said to represent the martial and warlight side of elves, than the Farlight forest represents the mystical and magical side. Many centuries ago, human, half-elven, genasi, and others raised great magician's towers and created deep underground complexes. The Farlight forest was a strange, isolated collection of communities bent on studying the arcane mysteries. The elves permitted this because they too were fascinated by the magic, and hoped that with many others (particularly non-elves, that might have a different way of looking at things), the mysteries could be unraveled. For reasons unknown, several strange areas of slightly warped magic exist in the Farlight forest, along with the odd portal. Because of these strange magical fields, the Farlight forest contains several odd creatures, infused with the odd magical currents. The mysteries of the Farlight forest have prevented any kind of major invasion, despite the fact that it borders the Unexplored Lands. Orc hoards have simply been swallowed up by it, as evidinced by left-behind sheilds, weapons, and armor as they tried to run.

However, a few centuries ago, the great towers and complexes began to fall into ruin. The arcanists and magisters with their strange experiments had simply vanished without a trace. The elves were uncertain of how this happened, but visions from Corellon Larethian convinced them that it had been folly to allow the raising (and descending) of towers into the great forests, particularly by non-elves.

The forest today is dotted by crumbling ruins of once-great towers, usually in close proximity to one strange magic field or another. The elves shun them, and continue to live in their natural cities. However, they know that some strange things still reside in the old complexes. They occasionally let well-trusted adventuring groups clean out some of the more troublesome ones.

The elves of the Farlight forest still carry on a strong magical tradition. The most powerful wizards tend to come from the Farlight, as well as many unique spells and magical items.

Andeluvay: The captial city of Low'verok may not be the trade capital, but it does boast something else aside from the king's palace. There are portals in Andeluvay to every single one of the Inner Planes, and genasi that may be extremely rare elsewhere are much more common. Andeluvay does brisk business in planar travel as well as goods that help one traverse the planes. Thus the Wayfarer's Guild is the only Guild with their main Guild Hall in Andeluvay rather than Albon.

Also each temple has its head temple in the capital city, so it is also the religious center of Low'verok. However, there are no public temples to most evil deities, nor Hoar, Olidamarra, or Ghaunadaur. But there are temples to Beshaba (connected to Tymora's temple, rare is the sight of one temple with the other), and Talona. Their presence is scarely tolorated by some of the other churches, but one never mentiones one luck goddess without her sister and Talona's clergy's ability to diagnose and remove disease is better even than Pelor's so their public presense is tolorated. In reality, all temples have a strong presense here, but those who are disapproved of or persecuted stay hidden from the public eye.

Guilds: Each Guild and several organizations have their own seal. Inns and other establishments with the guild seal on the door offer discounts or additional services to members of that guild. Here's a few descriptions of the various guild seals:

Adventurer's Guild: A crossed sword and bone, with a starburst behind.
Weaver's Guild: Six by six crosshatch.
Miner's Guild: Pickaxe.
Jeweler's Guild: Faceted gem.
Tailor's Guild: Spool and threaded needle.
Tanner's Guild: A hide.
Trader's Guild: A coin above a wagon wheel.
Diver's Guild: Open clam shell with pearl in it (see only around the Sea of Song).
Shipwright's Guild: Simple ship with billowing sail.
Locksmith's Guild: Keyhold and key.
Moneychanger's Guild: Three different sized coins.
Cooper's Guild: A barrel.
Cobbler's Guild: A boot.
Horse Trainer's Guild: Horse head.
Healer's Guild: A hand, palm forward, behind a morter and pestle.
Elemental Guild: Leaping flames, round circle (pebble), waves, and three wavy lines (wind) (for genasi that wish to learn more about how to use their unique heritage).
Gravecrawler's Guild: (morticians) Skull and a stone
Mage's Guild: Starburst.
Messenger's Guild: A winged foot.
Wayfarer's Guild: A door.
Brotherhood of Alchemy: A circle, split in two horizontally. The bottom half is dark, the top light with a morter and pestle.

Names: In Low'verok, it is reasonably common for a person to change their name if they change careers, signaling that the person wishes to be free of their past. Calling someone by a former name is considered an insult, unless the former personality of that name is sorely needed. Old adventurers have been called to arms by their old names before. Many will take great pains to conceal their past so that they cannot be called by their former names.

Laws: One of the quirks of Low'verok law is that necromancy is not illegal. Bodies of executed lawbreakers are given to necromancers so that they can be animated for public service, such as cleaning sewers.

Magic Item Names: All magic items have some kind of name. Also, if owned long enough, additional powers can be discovered about them. For example, an amulet of natural armor +1 known as Yelfark's Shield after the druid that created it, might become a +2 and grant electricity resistance 10 as its owner increases in level. Discarding it or giving it to another allows the item to revert to its base power.

About Small Gods

Small gods come in four varieties - water, plant, stone or earth, and animal. Each type of god can only affect a small area, but can be quite potent in that area. Specific rituals about the various gods are typically known to priests of various deities that are closely connected to them, Istishia for water, Grumbar for earth, Obad-Hai for plants and animals, etc. Specfic rituals and sacrifices for the small gods can be determined with a Knowledge (religion) check.

Water - the small gods of water are primarily those of very small bodies of water, typically springs, ponds, and small streams. Rivers, seas, and oceans fall under the purview of the gods of water and oceans (Istishia and Valkur respectively).

Small gods of water, particularly those of springs, typically demand a sacrifice before their water can be taken. Natives of the area generally do not have to sacrifice every time, as they are considered under the god's protection. Natives typically sacrifice once per year, usually part of a community celebration.

However, travelers and strangers must give a sacrifice before the god will allow his water to be taken. Typical sacrifices include coins, gems, or food. Tossing the sacrifices into the body of water is usually sufficient, or setting it right next to it will do.

If the sacrifice is given, the water can be taken, and is typically cool and fresh for as long as it is carried. For natives of the region, the water may occasionally act as a healing potion, or help remove disease or poison if the god is petitioned and additional sacrifices made. The god will never bestow these additional powers on non-natives that drink the water.

If a sacrifice is not given before water is taken (usually by strangers), then several things might happen. The water may bend away from the stranger, making it impossible for the water to be taken. Or drinking the water may give the drinker a disease, or poison him, or dehydrate him to the point of near death. It is never wise to anger a water god. In addition to bad water, they can also call down bad weather, such as a rainstorm or even a thunderstorm to plague a rude or stingy traveler.

Plant: Plant gods are more rare, but there is at least one plant god for every plant species, and occasionally more than one. Plant gods are not as temperamental as water gods, and by simply asking permission to take their fruits, nuts, or leaves, one can have them with little problem. Some are even quite fine with allowing one to take their entire selves, as they are instantly reborn in a plant of the appropriate type, so the location of the plant gods changes constantly.

For natives of an area, fruit or nut plant gods may allow their fruit to have healing properties above and beyond the normal. Burning the wood of a properly propositioned plant god (typically a tree god), brings good health and prosperity to natives. Indeed, the burning of the wood of a willing tree god is a necessary part of several religious rituals (particularly to Kossuth, but also to Obad-hai). Having a house built from wood of a willing tree god is considered tremendously lucky (no pun intended).

Strangers that do not ask for permission to take fruit or nuts from plant gods usually become sick upon them. Burning the wood of an unwilling tree god will usually result in a disease known as "burning leprosy," which presents itself as rotting flesh combined with a terrible burning pain (inhaled/contact DC 30, incubation 1 day, 1d6 Con, 1d6 Cha each month until death occurs). This disease cannot be removed with any known spell until the victim has been the recipient of an atonement spell. Then it can be removed with a remove disease spell.

Earth and stone - Earth and stone gods are quite rare compared to the other gods. They are also the most disinterested in the affairs of mortals. Usually one only has to worry about them if one is a miner, which means dwarves are the most frequent natives of a stone god. Usually stone gods only want music as their sacrifice, which has led to the development of the dwarven mining songs. They are sung nigh-constantly while the work of mining is going on, so that they might appease the god while they work to gain the riches of the earth.

If the songs are not sung, cave-ins occur where none should and with no warning; deadly gas seeps into the mine; or a spring where there was none suddenly appears to flood it. Mines with particularly good singers usually yield particularly bountiful amounts of their chosen mineral.

Animal gods - For each animal, there is an animal god. The particularly fine buck with the massive rack, the unusually swift and strong mountain lion, and the oddly evasive frog are all examples of animal gods. (In game terms, animal gods are legendary animals with DR 5/-.)

Prayers are necessary before taking the life of any animal, but doubly so if you even think you have an animal god in your bowsight. An animal god taken with proper prayer can give great power to the eater. If the flesh or blood of a properly prepared (prayed to) animal god is consumed within ten minutes of their death, it acts as a cure moderate wounds potion (2d8+5 hit points restored), as well as granting a +4 Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution enhancement bonus for twenty-four hours. It also grants one ability unique to the individual god (+10 to jump checks for the frog god, +10 to base speed for the deer god, Pounce extraordinary ability for the cat god) that lasts for 24 hours as well. If the animal god was slain without prayer and their flesh and/or blood consumed within 10 minutes, it grants the opposite (it inflicts 2d8+5 points of damage, the person takes a -4 penalty to their Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution score for 24 hours, in addition to something unique to the god being done to them. -10 to base speed from the deer god, etc.).

After the ten minute "window" the power fades, and can only act as a cure moderate wounds (for a properly prepared killing) or an inflict moderate wounds (for an improperly prepared one). This applies to any dried meat as well, for as long as a year and a day.

The hide of an animal god, whether properly or improperly killed, gives the possessor DR 5/- for a year and a day, then it becomes unremarkable unless a special ritual is done. If the fresh blood of an animal god is spilled onto the old hide of the same type (deer god blood on an old deer god hide), the DR becomes active again for one full moon (thirty days).

A slain animal god is instantly reborn into another body, so the animals are never without their god. Those that do favors for animal gods may be marked with a sign, typically a small picture of the animal or the footprint thereof, and may never be molested by animals of that type (help the rat god, never have rats attack you again). Those that improperly slay an animal god may be hounded by that type of animal for years until the god extracts an appropriate revenge.

Regular vermin do not have gods, and are thus exempt from these rituals. However, monstrous vermin do have gods, and measures must be taken as normal.
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Isida Kep'Tukari

Ok, I'm going to edit that in, but the mythic theurge does make me twitch mightily, as does the Spellcasting Prodigy. So I probably won't allow those two, and probably none of the other 3.5 PrCs since we're playing 3.0 mostly.

But in other news, welcome aboard Velenne! :D

For those wanting to pick deities, the link for the information on the world of Low'verok has the deity list. It's a hybrid list of Greyhawk and Forgotten Realms deities with a unique one or two thrown in.
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Paladin's my favorite class, so I'd be up for this in a heartbeat. I don't have BoHM but I should by the time BoED comes in. How about Book of the Righteous? That one I've got.


Isida Kep'Tukari

I don't own Book of the Righteous, so I can't use it. :( It's ok, though, I don't want to start until I get a chance to look BoED over, so we have some time.


First Post
Is there a limit on the number of paladins in the group? I'd love to play the BoHM paladin, but Mirth has already expressed a desire to take that class.

If not, I can play a cleric, so count me in, anyhow.

BTW, is it 32-point buy before or after the 12 levels are taken? Those 3 extra ability points would be mighty handy... ;)
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Isida Kep'Tukari

No limit on the number of palidins. If someone wants to use the NG or CG paladin that's cool too. And the 32 point buy is for level one... you get to add your 3 ability increases as normal plus racial and magical and whatever... So in short, welcome aboard Halivar!

Also, we can have rogues and wizards and fighters and monks and whatever else too. Though we already have two paladins and what seems to be an arcane caster (from Velenne), you guys can make whatever kind of good hero you want (within the bounds of reason). ;)

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