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[FR][PBP] Against the Storm Game Thread

Paragon Badger

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"I could help out too. I'm not a bad shot with the bow but I can get up and close if need be. I'll call on Silvanus's favor for us too."

Alcar will Bless the party and then will see if ranged or melee would be more useful. If melee is needed he'll buff with Bull Strength and Divine Favor and advance.

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DM_Matt: How deep is the water at this point? Do we have any clue? And how wide is the river we travel on? Is there any chance of some of us making it to shore to challenge the beast, and would it be able to attack us from the water with us unable to melee it?

Alcar: OOCly, I'd bet that ranged combat will be far more useful at this point - I'm betting this beastie has reach, and can just hang out beyond the boat and snap at us. Ubaar may well be leaping out into the water, though. ;)


Ubaar hears Elone's words : "Oh, and I claim one of the beasts' teeth as my spoil."

Ubaar thumbs his necklace that's always around his neck, saying "If we that Strong, you'll have to fight me for one... :D
This one's from a dragon-thing that had a scorpion-tail I took out with just arrows." He's pointing to a tooth on the necklace.

He'll make sure to be near a table or something that he can grab to use as a Tower Shield when he approaches the dragon to challenge it. Maybe a table that they are placing some of the valuables on.


Elone grins a slightly feral grin at Ubaar. "Maybe we will, after this one falls."

Ubaar notices that around her neck is a similar necklace, with any number of teeth and claws (and a few other odd pieces) dangling from it. She finishes casting her spells, and waits for the signal to begin.


First Post
Alex calls out "Dragon- we do not wish a fight but we also do not entirely trust your mercy. How do we know that you will leave us alone if we do as you wish? If we do not know this, we may be forced to fight"

(Not knowing exactly how the rules work, my Bluff score might be useful here)


First Post
You manage to cast all of your spells while below decks, in the captains area, etc, going to get stuff.

Everyone is prepared to unleash the preprepared plan.

The dragon roars/growls/speaks in common: "I have no need to kill you. I can get much better eating with the money I steal. If I don't kill those I rob, people will be more willing to give up their valuables without any risk to themselves or I.

Now hand it over, or I WILL eat you. Don't think that I don't know what you are prepared to do. I'm a demondragon, not a witless highwayman."


OOC: dammit - no other ideas?
OK.... since that's all we came up with, I'll have Ubaar walk into certain death, as his character MIGHT do... *cringing*

He says to the others quietly "You'd better back me up if I'm the one going 'in the dragon's jaws'..."

Ubaar had applied some Suregrip to prepare for the confrontation, as well as casting Aid on himself before getting his courage up by inhaling some "essence of the Thunderbeast" (Mule Pollen) before dropping what he was collecting with exasperation.

He grabs a table as an improvised tower shield, and walks up about 30 feet right smack dab in the demo-dragon's sights and calls out "Hey! Cowardly Dragon!

Ubaar thinks you MUST be a 'witless highwayman', if you chose THIS boat to steal from...

We not yer normal stooges, floating thru this under-river.

I have blood of Uthgar himself in veins - *pounds chest* - my tribemate, Hermod, cleaned one of your mate's clocks himself awhile back.

So whatsay you wrestle me 'n' the little man (pointing to Calain) to prove who should keep the booty on the boat?
If you can't handle just 2 of us hand-to-hand, how could you take out ALL of us?

If me n' Calain best you, we'll let your mistake of attacking this boat go and won't kill YOU, much less eat you.

How about that for an offer, dragon?

OOC: With Rage going (which he'd clang his Gauntles together before entering grapple) and Surge of Strengthing, as well as Improved Grapple feat, Suregrip and Mule Pollen going, Ubaar would be at 36 STR (+13), with a +23 to his grapple check.
Good, but this is a DRAGON. :(

Calain's Tentacles might help Ubaar have a chance, depending on how Matt adjudicates it.
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channeling Calain...

Amused at the ultimately-stupid bravado of the suicidal half-orc, Calain prepares his spell of 'assistance', still undecided whether to aim it directly between the 2 (if they scuffle), or at the dragon's back to give Ubaar a chance.

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