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[FR][PBP] Against the Storm Game Thread


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First posts coming soon regarding those who have already posted their initial locations. Those who have not done so, please do.

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I will now post regarding individuals or groups of characters:

Akharos --> Akharos walks through the streets of Skuld replaying his meeting with his commander in his mind. He has mixed feelings about his mission. True, he is going North to oppose Tiamat, but as a lifelong soldier, he is somewhat uncomfortable going from being an occupier to being a rebel. While he is used to following orders, he find the hierarchy that he was told to anticipate somewhat odd. He was ordered to meet a wandering cleric of Mystra named Jonathon (his commander would not provide a family name) in a booth at the Shining Sands Inn and Tavern on the other side of town. He was told to sit down in a booth, and Jonathon will approach him, asking him "have you seen my cousin Ghrun" as a passphrase. He will then be taken to Skullport, an underground city beneath Waterdeep, where he is to meet with an drow underworld middleperson and information broker named Irusyl Eraneth. His commander has vouched that Irusyl is acting as an agent for a more noble employer, who will reveal himself when he truly trusts Ahkaros.

As he approaches the Shining Sands (at about a block's distance), walking through a crowded street dotted with street vendors operating out of tents and permanent shops with residences above, he realizes that he is being followed by a man in a brown cloak and a hood over his face. The man has no apparent weapons, but he could conceal almost anything under that cloak.


Ubaar: As you rises in the morning, you find the sky darkened with clouds. From the looks of it, rain should begin soon. You sees a raven flying above, and suddenly, is becomes a stroke of lightning, streaking form the sky, blasting a small tree in half. Out from the tree steps an Uthgart Human, tightly muscled and as tall as you. His hair and eyes are a greyish-white. He wears the ceremonial hides of a Raven shaman and carries a rune-covered greataxe. Although he is aging, perhaps in his 40s, when your eyes meet with his you can sense the intensity, the power of his spirit. He speaks: "Ubaar Saropat! I am Hermod the Grey. I am here to offer you your destiny. The Great Raven has long ordered me to watch over you, as the gods spoke to Izra years ago.

Now is the time to prove yourself to us. As you know, I have seen the chosen child who name none may utter. I am one of the few such beings who still live. The signs point to you as a future guardian of the chosen. If you accept and have no further questions, I will now reveal the first of your trials.....

The night before...

Calain and Alcar are camping somewhere in the High Forest.

Calain has a dream in which Issian, the priest who had revived him years before appears to him. The right side of Issian's skull is shattered, and he stands among dozens of dead humans and goblinoids. He speaks to you, but he moves neither his mouth nor his single remaining dead staring eye. Gruesome images of the events described flash behind him as he narrates.

"A messenger came...The town down the road was under attack...I rallied the militia of the town, leading them fourth to reenforce our brethren, leaving few behind to defend it....It was a tarp...the messenger had betrayed us....the town had already fallen...Storm's forces ambushed us...A demon led them...a Ghour...like a great horned demonic ogre...as we fought, we saw smoke rise from our town behind us....I sent all of my fellow priests to return home to defend the suffering townsfolk...but all was already lost...a small contingent of wolf-riding goblins and kobold sorcerers, no more than 15 in all, rode swiftly into town, led by a strange demon-goblin...his flesh was a purplish blue, and he had tow small ivory horns and leathery wings...he warped the minds of the remaining militia, just as he did the messenger...when my priests arrived, they were slaughtered by their own kin...meanwhile, the demon and his forces proved too strong for us...In the end, the entire down was slain....<the images change to show Colwell's home burning>...Do not let my fate, and the fate of Theresa and Colwell, be the fate of all humanity. Your time for redemption has begun.
Meanwhile, Everett finds extremely pleasant dreams of regarding his most recent ex-girlfriend rudely interrupted, and he is pulled into Calain's gruesome nightmare.

<pictures behind Issian change to that of a wounded human woman running through the woods with goblinoids chasing her> You will find her in the woods in two days time. She will lead you to your destiny....

Alas, you are far more than two days travel from her. However, you may travel far faster through the spirit world. Here, time and space mean nothing. Thoughts, emotions, and psychic energies mean everything. Right now, the Ghour's energies are strong in this place, and because you entered here, you must wrest control from the demon before you can leave. The journey will be perilous, but there is no other way.

Calain and Everett find themselves entirely able to speak and act in their dream. They even have all of their equipment at their disposal.

<pictures return to the battlefield...now would be the time for conversation, if you so desire>

Meepo,Elric...Awaiting Meepo's post to determine if they are together or not
Badger, Radish: On a routine far-flung patrol, Alcar and Elone spot what appears to be one of Storm's light strike teams approaching through a heavily-wooded area. The team consists of 8 Goblins mounted on worgs and armed with spears, bows, and short swords, one worg-mounted kobold sorcerer, and a demonic leader. This particular leader appears to be a demon-blooded ogre-mage, distinguishable from his mundane cousins by his reddish skin, sharper features, and larger-than-usual horns. What disturbs you is that the strike team in not complete. Generally, there would be four more goblins and one more kobold.....
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Elone considers the group.

"There are several missing. They shall not escape Solonor's sight, Alcar. Shall we deal with this band first, and then seek out the others?"

Elone casts about for a nearby tree from which to launch her initial attacks. "Clearly the magus and that demonic creature, foul as he is in Solonor's sight, should fall first. Are you prepared to cleanse them?"


First Post
Calain lifts his head and gets his bearings in the bloodied, corpse-ridden battlefield. Surveying the scene with a cold, analytical stare, he looks to Everett.

"I've let you follow me this far. If you're not afraid of death, come with me. If not, leave."

Calain levels his gaze on the smoldering town and begins walking towards it at a steady pace...

Paragon Badger

First Post
Alcar smiles grimly and whispers to Elone, "I was born ready. I'll turn the plants of the forest against them and then you should strike. They are foolish to defile our sacred ground. Stay safe and watch to make sure the others don't surpise us. May the gods guide your arrows."

Alcar will Entangle moving to get in range if necessary (720').

Once Elone is out of hearing, Alcar will whisper a battle prayer to the trees. "May the forest grow strong on the corpses of our enemies."


Ubaar is delighted to see a powerful fellow Uthgardt still around in these times.

He unflinchingly strides up to the Raven tribe leader and greets him like a tribemember (ooc probably some big back-slapping hug. In tribal society, even a leader could be approached by someone lower in station. The chief may have been the leader, but he was First Among Equals. Especially considering Ubaar would probably be one of the strongest of the Thunderbeast tribe - not exactly an underling. /ooc)
"Hermod! Ubaar hear many things about you.
Glad to see you still alive, after so many dead.

Ubaar is here, and ready to help.
I've gotten Strong! Wanna show Storm Army HOW Strong Ubaar's gotten.
" :D Ubaar smiles a big toothy grin, promising Pain for any Goblinoids that try to exterminate...


Elone nods shortly, and approaches the group , stopping about 300' away. She then climbs carefully into the lower branches of a nearby tree, climbing up about 10'. She then takes aim at the sorcerer, waiting for Alcar's move (once I get an attack, rapid shot, starting with the sorcerer, and focusing all attacks on him until he drops, then shifting to the demonling). She whispers quietly "Solonor guide my aim."


First Post
Sorry that I am slow today. I am moving from home back into the dorms. The laptop that I am using at home until I am fully moved in is absolutely craptacular as well (Hooray for open source web browsers...I can actually bear to use http on this thing now). I may be slowish for another day or two therefore...

Fenrir said:
Calain lifts his head and gets his bearings in the bloodied, corpse-ridden battlefield. Surveying the scene with a cold, analytical stare, he looks to Everett.

"I've let you follow me this far. If you're not afraid of death, come with me. If not, leave."

Calain levels his gaze on the smoldering town and begins walking towards it at a steady pace...

Nothing unusual seems to be occurring. You don't really see any difference right now between what you are seeing and what you speculate the real world would look like in that time and place.

Also, awaiting Everett.....

Fenrir said:
"Hermod! Ubaar hear many things about you.
Glad to see you still alive, after so many dead.

Ubaar is here, and ready to help.
I've gotten Strong! Wanna show Storm Army HOW Strong Ubaar's gotten." Ubaar smiles a big toothy grin, promising Pain for any Goblinoids that try to exterminate...

Hermod answers Ubaar: Aye, this is the Ubaar that the oracles tell me about. A man of action, not empty words. The first of your trials will be to participate in an operation somewhere in the North for an old associate of mine. Travel to Skullport, a dark, unscrupulous city underneath Waterdeep, and meet a drow middleperson named Irusyl Eraneth in "The Elder Brain," a tavern run by a retired Illithid adventurer. Her employer is noble indeed, and perhaps soon he will reveal himself to you.

Alcar and Elone's battle...
Alcar and Elone know that this unit lives and dies by its mobility, so Alcar attempts to counter this. They are actually closer than the ranges specified, but they move outward to those safe distances before striking.

The worgs, however, are agile, and well used to difficult underbrush. Only four are immobilized. The goblins respond like the well-disciplined soldiers that they are. They dismount and draw their blades. They take cover behind their mounts as they work to cut them free. The remaining forces divine into two groups, one led by the sorcerer, another by the ogre-mage, each backed by two worg-riders.

Elone takes aim for the kobold, letting off three arrows as fast as she can. Two of the three bounce off invisible fields of force protecting the sorceror, but one strikes true (17 dmg), penetrating the kobold's chest and seriously wounding him.

Elone sees the worg tracks surrounding her tree a bit too late. Suddenly, the tree in which she is taking refuge shrinks, leaving her hanging onto a tree about her own size. Four worgs appear and jump on her, trying to wrest her to the ground while their goblin masters look on. The nimble Elone avoids three of them, but the fourth tears into her flank, nearly bringing her down (crit, 17 dmg).

Meanwhile, Alcar hears a squeaky voice call in draconic "OFF!," and a bolt of lightning strikes him, knocking him back (21 dmg). Four worgs riders reach him, and the riders jump off the backs of the beasts with bows at the ready as the charging worgs try to pull Alcar down. The stalwart Cleric is bitten twice (15 dmg), but is able to pull away from the wolves, who fail to bring him down. The goblins surrounding him prepare to fire.

The ingenuity of Storm's tactician never ceases to amaze ELone and Alcar. It now appears that Storm is counting on his opponents being familiar with his traditional force composition , and orienting his forces in such as way as to strike devastatingly at the expected countermeasure.

In the life of every outlaw, miscreant, thief, or troublemaker, there inevitably comes a time when the authorities happen to be in just the right spot at just the right moment, and life suddenly becomes exceedingly dangerous. For Alexander Lebel and Frian Tumblecook, this is one of those times. Ambushed by the local constablery in the act of burglarizing a temple of Bane that plays a vital role in the collaborator government of Yartar, their two companions have already been captured, and they have been chased into a dead-end alleyway (blocked by a two-story building) by the Sheriff and several of his men.

The Sheriff, a tremendous human named Bron, saunters closer to them, his deputies covering the pair (and the door into a nearby building, their only route of escape) with crossbows. Four of Bron's men are advancing from the end of the alley. Alexander and Frian both know that while the local constablery is generally not a huge threat, Bron means business. In fact, Bron brags that he once "twisted the head off a young gold dragon with his bare hands," and both are inclined to believe him.

Bron is suddenly stopped in his tracks as he hits an invisible barrier of some kind. A female half-elf suddenly jumps from the roof of the building at the end of the alley, landing on her feet in front of Bron's men.

She is somewhat tall, as half-elven females go, perhaps 5'6" or 5'7," and she wears a tight, long-sleeved thistledown tunic and long, skin-tight pants that accentuate her lithe, thin figure. Her skin is somewhat tanned, moreso than half-elves tend to be, her ears somewhat prominent and cheeckbones slightly high, as expected. She lets her back-length dark brown hair fly freely as she fights, her brown eyes flaming with battle fury. She is adorned with rather expensive jewelry, and her weapons are likely magical. Currently, however, non are drawn.

HalfElf: "It looks like you guys are in need of a little assistance. Lets neutralize these four goons and get out of here...."
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Elone curses the worgs. "Solonor's balls, you foul beasts are annoying!"

She glares at the foul creature which bit her. "You die first." She steps away from the beasts, and calls out for Solonor's blessed sight to fall upon the beast, all the while keeping their jaws from her throat.

Searing light, cast defensively, after attempting to use a withdrawl move to get out of their AoO range, and get some cover. Elone's move is 60'

edited for Badger's formatting.
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Paragon Badger

First Post
Alcar staggers under the strength of the assault and mutters a curse. He readjusts his position moving so a bush slightly blocks the worgs allowing him to cast a spell.

"Silvanus let forth a mighty shout to shake the souls of my enemies and stun them where they stand. Sound Burst", Alcar invokes.

After casting the spell he draws his maul and prays the spell will give him respite from the onslaught and provide time for him to heal.

Alcar takes a 5' step, then casts Sound Burst centering it so all the worgs are in range and any goblins if possible(1d8 Sonic and Will save DC 18 or stunned 1 round) finally his uses his move-equivalent to draw the maul.

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