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[FULL] Star Wars D20 Revised Episode III - Episode IV


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I think I might be interested in playing.

If we were starting out in the relatively low levels (1-4ish), I'd be interested in playing a Soldier...basically a veteran of the various wars who didn't ever do much real fighting, and ended up having to work as a bodyguard/mercenary/whatever...definately a 'good guy,' but a bit more pragmatic and less self-sacrificing than 'real' heroes tend to be.

If it was higher than that (5ish+), I've got two character concepts I've thought of (and the 'pragmatic good guy' thing would apply to either of them)...

1. A veteran of the wars who happened to be on the losing side, and now lives on the outer rim as the captain of a (smuggling?) transport (think of Mal from Firefly, if you've seen it); a Soldier/Scoundrel multiclass

2. A former Jedi who was forced to take up less-than-savory work (smuggling?) on the outer rim just to survive (basically, a Jedi Guardian/Soldier/Scoundrel multiclass)

Either of the non-jedi characters would use a heavy pistol most of the time, and carry a rifle into heavy firefights. The jedi/soldier/scoundrel would use a carbine probably. I would also consider having whatever character I make be a/the pilot, if nobody else wanted to.

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Shadowbloodmoon -

For character concept purposes, when would you like to set the game ? During Episode II ? During Episode III ? Between Episodes III and IV ?

I, too, would be interested in playing in a Star Wars game. I'd vote for during Episode III or between Episode III and IV. I like the idea of being able to play a Jedi or another character type that is associated with a Jedi, *constantly* being hunted and on the run in extremely turbulent times.


First Post
See, I told you.. Wait until the movie has been seen. They don't call me a Shadow Jedi for nothing...

Anyway. I was thinking immediately after Order 66 was called, we would have the story begin. As far as characters go, I see some good concepts here, but I don't think the Arakyd droid Ambrus is talking about had been developed just yet. I'll have to check my books. A prototype might be in order however...

I'm thinking 3rd level, characters that have at least some experience due to the Clone Wars, etc. So far we have:

Ambrus- Droid
Melkor- Jedi
Captain Tagon- Pilot/commando
Galethorn- Soldier
Toric- Jedi

I'm game for one more player, plus alternates if necessary. I would hope to make this one as exciting as the movies are. It seems the concensus points to an independent type campaign, so I will leave it up to you as to how all of you know and work with each other. We can explore that in the first session. OR, if you would prefer, we can have you know little of each other and just be in the right place at the right time, so to speak...

Let me know what you think and let's get going with some characters. Just to keep things even, we'll have 28 point buy stats and again 3rd level. As far as beginning equipment/ credits go, I'm thinking the average of 3 times your normal beginning dice for your class, so if you are a Soldier3, you would have The average of 3d6x500 credits or 5250 credits. I have all the Star Wars books, so if you need anything, just ask...


I'd like to play a Jedi Guardian. If I am reading the RCR correctly, the Guardian is still a Padawan until 7th level, when he becomes a Jedi Knight.

Since I haven't played Star Wars in a while, and I've never played a Jedi Character, I might make a few mistakes here and there, so bear with me. I'm going to try and get my character finished and posted up sometime tomorrow night..

I'd vote for right after Order 66 has been issued as well (although that probably won't bode well for the future of my character or Torics). :D

I would think that the two Jedi would know one another, and maybe there is some common history between them and the other characters. As far as history goes, I'm sure my Jedi Master will have been or will soon be purged.
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but I don't think the Arakyd droid Ambrus is talking about had been developed just yet

Actually, the DRK-1 is first seen in Episode 1; Darth Maul deploys three of them on Tatooine to locate Padme. ;)

Check it out:

The droid is already fully stated out in the Arms & Equipment Guide, page 60. To make it equal to a third level character I'd just have to add one heroic level. As far as equipment goes, the DRK-1 is already equiped with its stock accessories. If you'd allow a little flexibility (and extra starting funds) I might swap/add some other droid accessories, though encumbrance will only allow so much. Just let me know how much extra cash I'd have to work with and I'll get started putting it together.

As for character concept, it may very well depend on the circumstances at the start of the campaign. I have a few ideas though... :cool:
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I'd vote for right after Order 66 has been issued as well (although that probably won't bode well for the future of my character or Torics).

I love the idea of right after Order 66 has been issued! Our characters will probably come to tragic ends but if there is no danger, what's the point of playing?

Melkor, I think our characters should start out knowing each other. Both masters were probably already taken out by Order 66.

I'll start working on my character tonight and try to get him posted soon.


First Post
I'd also like to vote for immediately-post-order-66...

And, since we've got a pilot, two jedi, and a droid, I think I'll go for shooting stuff, looking tough, and fixing things. Oh, and I think I'm going to want a bigger, beefier weapon than the pistol I mentioned earlier...I'll have a look at the A&A guide, then come back when I've got some candidates.

Oh, and as for a background...well, my as-yet-named human soldier is going to basically be a kid who grew up on a backwater planet and had a knack for computers and mechanical things, who ended up getting conscripted, and was leading a squad by the time the fighting in his home system ceased, and he was discharged.

More to come later tonight, or possibly in the morning.


First Post
Melkor and Toric... good idea about the characters knowing each other. Now to develop their masters...

Ambrus... My apologies, I was confusing those with the interrogation droid from Ep. IV.. My bad. Go ahead with the character creation. As far as equipment goes, I would say since the droid usually has a mounted grenade launcher worth 2000 credits, I would say that is the amount you would have to spend on upgrades, plus 1000 for your extra level of experience, so 3000 credits in all. As far as history goes, Arakyd products are mostly Empire/ Sith in use, so I would suspect that your origins would include that at some point...

Galethorn... I like the idea of your character, but as far as him being discharged, I would leave that out at the moment. Simply because of what I have in mind for the very beginning of the campaign.

If this helps your characters along, I am planning on starting you right in the middle of a Republic assault on a Separatist outpost on one of their subjugated worlds....


First Post
I'd be interested in playing, but I'm about to leave the country for 10 days. If you're not going to start for a while or could handle inserting another character ex-post-facto, I'd love to play.

My character would be a Jedi Counselor who left the order several years previously over philosophical differences. He felt that the order was too aloof, and that it was not really in-touch with the demands of defending the galaxy and aiding the people of the Republic. Since then, he's been a roving do-gooder, traveling the galaxy spreading the light side of the Force in his own down-to-earth way.

I'd be most interested in playing between episodes III and IV, or really any time after Order 66. He'd have an interesting dilemma in being persecuted despite having cut ties with the Jedi Order.

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