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Gaming W/Jemal: Legends Chapter 1


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Adamas - HP: 209/243 - AC: 41
F: 21 R: 21 W: 12

The fight unfolding before him quicker than he anticipated, Adamas is caught off guard by the sudden appearance of this massive bear, its swipe landing solidly, the force of it surprisingly the nimble elf enough to allow the beast to grasp him.

But quickly the elf reacts, forcefully attempting to wrest his way out of its grasp, and hopefully, if he manages, he'll draw both swords and face the bear, ready and waiting.

[sblock=OOC]Thanks for rolling a 1 on my initiative, Jemal! Thumbs up!

Opposed Grapple Check to Escape Grapple of 46, with my additional attempts clocking in at 26, 24, and 20. For some reason I don't think that'll cut it.

If it does Adamas will draw his swords. I suppose that's all he can do this round.
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Imperial Mountain Dew Taster
Chevik rattles off an incantation "Veneficium solvi," while looking at the large and imposing form of Rho. He quickly salutes both Rho and Oroz saying, "Give him Raptorian hell!" and moves to place Oroz between himself and Rho and Arineil and the feral looking man.

Just as Chevik is beginning to move all but the three evil newcomers hears a voice in their head: "Friends, old and new, be blessed in your fight against the unrighteous."

[sblock=Combat Actions]Casting Greater Dispel Magic on Rho(who is also the "main guy" I used Analyze Dweomer on I assume)...

Greater Dispel Checks (total of 15) 1d20+20: 1st 13; 2 more

These are for the 12 effects he had on him, the Ferocity spell he cast in surprise round, and the 2 more are because of the greater blink and whatever else hit him from Arcane Spellsurge. I counted 15 effects total so that is how many I rolled. Though it ticks down from highest spell level to lowest anyway I guess. If there are 15 effects at CL 20 I should have ended 9 of them with these rolls!

Let me know if there are more rolls I need to make.

Movement Chevik is going to put himself adjacent to Arineil and in a diagonal line with Arineil and Silivrennel

Also - the voice and the effect are my Book - Melete casting Bless on all allies w/ 50' of Chevik's location before he moves. She spoke telepathically.[/sblock]
[sblock=Buff Info]Analyze Dweomer: Duration 23rds

Daily Buffs:
Divine Insight (SC): 1hr/lvl - +15 Insight bonus to single skill check then discharged
Greater Magic Weapon: 1hr/lvl - +5 Enhancement bonus to Mace
Nondetection: 1hr/lvl (DC35 to overcome)
Conviction (SC): 10min/lvl - +5 Morale bonus to all Saves
Lore of the Gods - Extended: 10min/lvl - +10 Insight bonus to all Knowledge checks
Spell Resistance: 32 (Persisted with Divine Metamagic)
Permanent Effects:
See Invisibility 120'
Comprehend Languages

HP: 208
AC: 34, Touch: 19, FF: 29
SR: 32
Energy Resist: Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, Sonic - 10

Darkvision 60'[/sblock]
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First Post
Oroz sees his companions struggling with their respective opponents and decides to provide them the aid only a tortured soul such as himself could. He Leaps straight into the air, and then expands his wings, Flying 30ft above the ground to the North. Then flames appear in his eyes as he yells out a horrific yell the tears its way into the souls of all his companions around him.

Inside, they feel Oroz's pain, his shame, his hatred, and his determination. The feeling brings a surge of adreneline to most, their hairs standing on end as their sense of combat awareness improves and it seems they can attack faster, and aim better than they could normally. All however feel the ball of twisted emotions that consumes Oroz. They find the more they tap into this feeling, the more they can focus on their opponents, but at the same time the less they are aware of their enviroment. A dangerous gift, but something that can bring out the latent potential in those willing to use it.

[sblock=OOC] Oroz will begin his turn with a jump check of 89 in order to get 22 ft up in the air, and will fly up 8 ft, and North 30ft. He will then use combine song to use Inspire Legion and Inspire Recklessness on all party members within 60ft.

Effects on the Party:
Inspire Legion: All party members Base Attack Bonus becomes 20. Everyone gains a +2 on damage rolls.

Inspire Recklessness: All party memebers can take a -x Penalty to AC to gain +x bonus to attack. x can be any number up to your BAB (for all party members this will be 20)

Combat Stats:
Ref: +15
Fort: +32
Will: +12
AC: 42 = 10 Base + 6 Dex + 9 Armor + 5 Deflection + 7 Shield + 5 Defending
HP: 295 [/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=Fort Saves]Vs effect 1 (to avoid paralysis): 31
Vs effect 2 (to avoid stunning): 32
Roll Lookup

Note: A contingent Freedom of Movement will trigger if she's paralyzed. This won't help against stunning, of course. :)[/sblock]

Myth and Legend

First Post
Silivrenniel hissed and clenched her teeth with the pain of the shapechanged Drow's claws tearing trough her body. Being exempt from breathing, eating, sleeping and aging did not mean her frail Elven body did not feel pain. Fortunately it was still a flesh wound for one as battle hardened as her, and the Contingency she had prepared for such an event came in to effect with a burst of light around her body.

The fact that the feral looking man was so eager to place himself in front of her, meant he was heavily protected against magic. "His time will come. The Bear grappling the others must be dealt with first." She took a quick step backwards to escape the feral man's reach, being wary of his bare hands even as he dropped his sword. Sila was extra cautions and prepared to command her Greater Blink spell to wish her away from reality, should the feral man decide it would be wiser to switch targets.

And so, the Elven Wizardress uttered an incantation to help her pierce trough the hated Dark Elf's magic resistance "Suilere Metha", and followed immediately with her favorite spell - "Inagnar Melevore", to bring forth four extremely hot spheres and shoot them from her extended finger tips. Carefully applying her study as an Archmage, Sillivrenniel targeted the Drow-Bear's hind legs, but made sure that if she were to miss, the fiery explosion would exclude her two allies. It was not the time to think weather the other strangers were really her allies or not, so long as they fought on the same side the Elf would trust them.


Hit Points: 152/181 AC: 25 Touch AC: 14 Flat-footed: 21 Spell Resistance: 18 (Robe)

Immunity: fire, paralysis, poison, sleep, stunning, critical hits, flanking

Posesses Darkvision 60ft, Arcane sight (via Permanency) See Invisibility (via Permanency) Tongues (via Permanency)

Caster Level: 18 + 3 (Spell Power) + 1 (Ioun stone) + 2 (robe) + 4 (Energy Penetration: Fire) = 22(base)/24(vs SR only)/28(Fire vs SR)

Spell DC: 10 + Spell Level + 13 (Int) + 2 (Energy Focus: Fire) + 1 (Spell Focus: Evocation/Conjuraton)

Summary of this round:
Meteor Swarm vs Drow: CLVL 38 to beat his SR, 35 difficulty to save. Ranged Touch: 4+15=19 Roll vs SR: 1+38=auto fail - natural 1 :(


Takes 5 foot step Westward (towards the Bear)

Readies her Greater Blink to phase out if the feral monk attacks her - automatic miss on his attack.
Casts: Assay Spell Resistance (swift action) to gain +10 bonus on caster level checks to defeat the Drow/Bears SR, and then uses her Meteor Swarm SLA towards the Drow/Bear, while using the Mastery of Shaping High Arcana to exclude her allies from the blast radius.
Contingency: Greater Blink: If successfully hit or grappled. - Cast after the bear attacks.

Greater Blink:
22/22 rounds

Spells Used: Assay Spell Resistance 1/3, Meteor Swarm SLA 1/2 [/sblock]
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-Round 3(Counting 'surprise')-
Currently To Act: Arineil, Sabastian

Initiative Order:
Sigil 24
Rho 23
Arineil 21
Sabastian 19
Feral 18
Drow 13
Raven 12
Adamas 11a
Silivrenniel 11b
Oroz 10
Chevik 9
D - 5

= 5' square
@ Forest
- Building(Cabin)
~=Path the lightning took just for refference**
1=Rho(Large, Location currently unknown)
3=Bear(Large, Formerly Drow) -Note: Top 2 squares occupied by Sabastian and Adamas-
*=Unknown winged creature (Large, 120' above ground, seen only by Sigil and Oroz)
G=Sigil (15' in air)
M=Adamas(the Myth)
O=Oroz (30' in air)
D=Unknown Enemy
-Raven and D will appear when their locations are known to someone other than each other-
Adamas nearly manages to wrest himself free of the bear on his first try, but it manages to reinforce its grip and reel him back in.

Meanwhile, the Elven Archmage sees her two new 'companions' struggling with the great shaggy beast and unleashes a quartet of meteors to pelt the thing. Each strikes its hide, eliciting growls of pain as they explode, fire filling the majority of the clearing. Many of the companions flinch, though the fire seems to shy away from them at the last minute, leaving the bear as the only creature injured by the massive explosions. Though the flames wash over the nearby cabin, they seem to have no effect on it.

Flying north to join his allies, Oroz shares his feelings in a very vocal and disturbing way, his feelings bringing a surge of adreneline, their hairs standing on end as their sense of combat awareness improves and it seems they can attack faster, and aim better than they could normally. All however feel the ball of twisted emotions that consumes Oroz. They find the more they tap into this feeling, the more they can focus on their opponents, but at the same time the less they are aware of their enviroment. A dangerous gift, but something that can bring out the latent potential in those willing to use it.

Setting his sights upon the walking ball of magic known as 'Rho', Chevik gathers the magics which will unravel his opponents defenses. As he does so, however, he notes out of the corner of his eye the Feral man transform into living lightning, which travels through both Silivrenniel and himself, transforming back into the feral creature on his opposite side.
Their trained sight and intuition allow the two spellcasters to recognize the fading effects of a contingent Lightning Leap as the Feral reforms and his fists close in. The first blow strikes the priest squarely on the jaw, but he manages to step back from the second. Shaking the pain away, Chevik finishes his spell, flinging the unravelling magics at Rho.. who dissapears.

As Sigil reels from the headbutt, floating in the air, she glances up and sees a large winged form in the night sky far above.

Myth, Meteor Swarm actually requires 1 touch attack for EACH meteor that you aim. Assuming you aimed all 4, I rolled your other three attack rolls:Other Meteors (1d20+15=34, 1d20+15=34, 1d20+15=35) wow.. and aren't you lucky I did. Confirm Meteor Crit (1d20+15=20) All 4 hit, the fourth critting.
You didn't roll damage so I did that myself also.
Physical damage; Fire damage (10d6=38, 24d6=79) Bear takes 38 physical 79 fire. Minus any resistances which you don't know about.

Oroz's inspirations affect the entire party except Raven.

SR vs Siliv (1d20+20=35)
SR Vs Chevik (1d20+20=28)
Lightning Leap (15d6=49)
The Lightning doesn't affect Chevik, but Siliv takes 49 Electricity damage (reflex save DC 25 for half)
Chevik takes 22 damage from the Feral's one Attack that hit. I rolled your fort save vs stunning and the concentration check vs dmg b/c I needed to know the results before posting.
Fort; Concentration (1d20+25=41, 1d20+33=37) and you succeed at both. *EDIT: Just noticed you were immune to stunning anyways*

I presumed Chevik would forgo his posted movement as such would provoke an AoO without Tumble(which he doesn't have). If this is wrong please say so in the OOC thread.

Sigil is stunned and misses her turn. Fortunately though, I checked and b/c Fel Flight has GOOD manueverability, you don't have a minimum speed required to stay airborne, and so just kinda float. Your height also makes you the only person in range to see the large flying creature about a hundred above you, though you can only make out a vague silhouette through the darkness
*EDIT: Just remembered that Oroz is also 30' in the air and so also sees the vague winged form 120' above the ground.*[/sblock]

[sblock=DM's Notes]
[sblock=That means please don't read]
Bear = 81
D = 78
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Myth and Legend

First Post
Sillivrenniel leaned back to keep her face and hair from being singed by the Lightning Leap spell the feral man cast, and barely managed to avoid it, much in thanks to the heavily enchanted ring she wore on her right middle finger.

The elf was quite happy however, to see her four glowing beads of fire and molten rock, sink deep in the bear's hindquarters. "I will make sure the next attack is twice as deadly, this Drow might not be what he appears, but his deceptions won't matter once i blast off his head."

[sblock] Reflex vs DC 25 = 14+15=29 0 damage with evasion :)[/sblock]
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Myth - Allready answered in OOC thread.
Also, successful save means 25 lightning damage. Be sure to include that in your next combat section.



First Post
Arineil will head north and west around the lightning of mr. Feral.... her plan is to stop just above and northwest of him and give him a swordblow he won't soon forget with the help of Oroz's inspirations....

[sblock=Actions:] Move to the square just northeast of 2... this will take all 40 feet of her move action to do so....
Take a swing at 2 Once with a -5 to AC and a +5 to hit via Oroz's inspiration..
1d20+42=43, 2d4+25=28.... autofail.... and suddenly I feel dicely challenged.. and rather useless.... now I remember why I don't play fighters in high level games....[/sblock]

[sblock=Specials:] HP: 340 / 363, AC: 35, SR 40, DR 6/-, See Invis. DarkVision 60 ft, Uncanny Dodge (Dex to AC), Improved Uncanny Dodge (Can't be flanked by anything with less than 14 rogue levels, Immune to Criticals, Freedom of Movement from Ring)[/sblock]
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-Round 3(Counting 'surprise')-
Currently To Act: Adamas, Silivrenniel, Oroz, Chevik

Initiative Order:
Sigil 24
Arineil 21
Sabastian 19
Rho 18A
Feral 18B
Drow 13
Raven 12
Adamas 11a
Silivrenniel 11b
Oroz 10
Chevik 9
D - 5
[sblock=Map ]
= 5' square
@ Forest
- Building(Cabin)
3=Bear(Large, Formerly Drow) -Note: Top 2 squares occupied by Sabastian and Adamas-
G=Sigil (15' in air)
M=Adamas(the Myth)
O=Oroz (30' in air)
D=Unknown Enemy*
*-Raven and D will appear when their locations are known to someone other than each other-

Arineil circles around the feral man, but her swordblow is off balance and easily dodged.

Sabastian meanwhile uses every slippery trick in the book to escape, but the bears claws just dig deeper. With a sigh of resignation, the factotum draws his blades.

As Sigil recovers, she sees the figure far above her tuck its wings, diving down at remarkarkable speeds. There is a loud THUD and a cloud of dust from beside Arineil as something lands hard.

As Arineil twists her head to see what new threat has arrived, the wickedly grinning form of Rho appears from the dust. "Sorry babe, couldn't wait." His staff lashes out, glancing painfully off her shoulder, after which Rho snaps his fingers, and a pair of energy ball fly from his free hand towards Arineil. As they connect, his form dissapears, replaced with that of the Feral, who lashes out with a kick that connects solidly with Arineil's chest, winding her slightly.

Rho reappears beside Chevik, but his staff is deflected by the priest's armour.

The feral glances from Arineil over to Rho and shakes his head, shouting
[sblock=undercommon]"Fight her yourself, Rho. That one's mine."[/sblock] before once again summoning power into one of his sticks. Yet again he and Rho instantaneously switch places, each coming out of their travels allready attacking. Arineil can't seem to manage to parry the large man's staff blow, and Chevik finds the feral's furious assault slipping a few punches through his defenenses as the Feral circles southwards.

While this is going on, the bear seems content to continue mauling his victims, a furious assault of tooth, fang, and tentacle raking Sabastian and Adamas.

Sabastian attempts to escape Escape Artist vs bear (1d20+31=36) Nope.

Rho(who was the unidentified flier) flies down and 5' north, dropping the last twenty feet. Rho hits Arineil(32 dmg) then casts [sblock=Spellcraft DC 22]Greater Arcane Fusion (Complete Mage): Allows you to cast one spell of 7th lvl and one spell of 4th lvl. He uses the 7th lvl to duplicate the 5th lvl spell Arcane fusion for a 4th and a 1st level spell. The two fourth level spells are Force Orbs, the 1st is Benign Transposition.[/sblock]
The two force orbs connect with Arineil(28,36). second one crit, but extra damage negated.
He misses with his attack against Chevik.

Feral gets an attack against Arineil, hits(11 dmg).

Feral Casts [sblock=spellcraft dc 16]Benign Transposition, Quickened via Rod[/sblock] He and Rho switch places again, Then feral full-rounds Chevik, connecting 4 times total(61 dmg). He finishes with a 5'step to the south of Chevik.
Rho gets another attack vs Arineil and connects(31 dmg).

Bear continues mauling.
3 claws vs Sabastian. all hit, 1 crits. (36,30,58 dmg)
Bite/Tentacle vs Adamas. Bite crits(42 dmg), tentacle misses.

[sblock=Player Info]
Chevik takes 61, needs Fort vs Stun, Fort vs Paralyze (DC 35)
Arineil takes 138, needs Fort vs Stun, Fort vs Paralyze (DC 35)
Sabastian takes 124
Adamas takes 42
I've allready accounted for DR/Resistances included in your posts.
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