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Gaming W/Jemal: Legends Chapter 1


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Raze.... manners my cheeky friend" the female warrior uttered as reminder to her rather snide brethren, they were after all invited here through Chevik's gathering of knolwedge... "You know as well as I do as soon as you get your hands on some loot you'll be a happpy camper now won't you" Arineil adds as he moved to hand Sebastian her waterskin to take a drink and ruffles his mess of hair.... "Just because you don't believe we have a higher calling and a purpose here doesn't mean others here don't... you'll get what's owed to you in time my brother... for now lets get moving I want time to scout my surroundings in the swamp before we talk plans of attack..." Arineil says before going silent and looks to Chevik for approval to head out....

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"Touche'." retorts the cheeky rogue, perfectly happy to confess his love for all things monetary and shiny as he corrects his moppish du. "The fact still remains, however, that a back-up plan might be handy. You know, just in case."

Waterskin in hand, Sabastian takes a long, hard swallow. Mid-way through, a second thought occurs to him; one a bit more in-line with the immediate present.

"So, who's staying and who's not? We'll need to situate watch orders if those of us staying plan on leaving at first light."


First Post
Oroz walked slowly, at least slowly compared to his normal pace. While he was in a hurry, his militia training urged him to assess the abilitites of those he may be travelling with. Allowing the so called 'merchant' to catch up with him, he looked over and analyzed Damian.

"So what is it you do... as a 'merchant'... that can assist us in our goal?"

As damian fades into view he shrugs.

"Well being a merchent is a cut throat business, I do know how to handle a blade well enough not to stab my self or my allies." A slight breeze causes his shadow cloak to flutter and reveals his four swords. "I do know how to be quiet when others are talking and if it's not my place to be somewhere you won't even notice me." He shifts slightly and the shadow falls back into place dimming his outline. "Also I'm friendly and easy to talk to."


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"You are a very evasive person. Something that has allowed you much success in your profession no doubt. But there is one thing you cannot hide. Your lack of hesitation to go on this journey hints at an inner strength that will be a of much assistance in the coming battles. I will reward your courage with but one piece of advice.

I offer those who travel with me a gift. As... unpleasant... it may be you must accept it. For those with a strong will, and a good head on their shoulders, this gift shall grant you a strength you could never imagine. Now my courageous friend, do us all a favor and set the pace while I round up the rest of this group. If we have to catch up to you, it will make up for lost time."

Oroz smiles at Damian, then explodes off the ground with a mighty leap, taking him back to the group of waiting adventurers.

"How much time do we planning on wasting here? Every moment we wait, this threat becomes stronger. Either go or stay. The decision must be made now."


"Yes, by all means, go. I'm sure you've more important things to do than stand around here, isn't that right, old man?" The voice comes from the edge of the nearby woods, where stands a tall, scaley fellow whose face is hollow and harsh, his scales angry, His long silver hair spiked upwards, and his eyes show a soul tainted by evil since birth. He leans on a staff whose every inch is carved with runes, and wears no armour, only red and black shorts and a vest, revealing fiendish appendages partialy covered in draconic scales. Large Bat-like wings extend from his back, unhindered by the jewelry embroidered cloak he wears like a second skin. A pair of black gloves fit his hands like a second skin.

Near him are Two others -
To the left is a vicious looking, hairy man whose cunning eyes more resemble those of a wolf than a man. He stands cockily, a feral grin showing his sharp canines as his greatsword rests casually on his shoulder, handle balanced with a single hand. Like his companions he wears no armour, only a menagerie of obviously magical gear.

To the right stands a drow, unarmoured and wielding a bent and crooked staff. He wears the blackened robes of a drow archmage and appears lost in thought.

"You were warned! This is not your place, Rho!" The elder steps forward, his usually calm demeanor broken at the sight of this newcomer.
"Begone from here, I'll not aid your kin again."

"Sure, Sure I'll go - Soon as you have another one'a them visions for me." The dragon-man known as Rho looks up at the moonless sky "It is that night, after all, and after you've helped this gaggle of loosers, why not help us?"

"I tried once to set you on the right path, and you ended up murdering dozens of innocent lives! LEAVE!"
During the conversation, The Elder and Rho have been moving towards each other, and now each stands staring at the other, inches apart. Rho's companions spread out slightly, watching you carefully. You each hear a telepathic message "This is not your place, he's given your quest, now he will give ours. Leave, we do not wish to fight you."

This is not neccesarily a combat encounter unless you guys make it one. I do, however, need spot checks and actions/speech.

If combat breaks out I'll put up a map


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"What is this? An evil swap meet? First we have a Warlord in a swamp, and now you clowns show up. I'm getting sick of this. We have a very long trip ahead of us, so if you guys would give us a break and get the hell out of here, that would be splended. I can't let you endanger the only person who has the answers I seek after all."

While Oroz is speaking, he walks closer to the man with the bat wings, his Gnomish Hooked Hammer appearing in one hand and hanging over his shoulder, and his animated shield appearing from the other and floating off to the side. He is ready for some form of retaliation from the strange man.

[sblock=OOC] Oroz readies an action to 5ft step and attack the bat winged man if anyone tries anything hostile. To that end, he will try and stay with 10 ft of him. When he does attack, he will do so fighting defensivly, using +5 defending on his weapon, and with full improved expertise in order to make his AC 64 (Touch AC 48, Flat Footed AC 64)

Spot Check: 13
Initiative (Just in case): 10
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First Post
Arineil snarls softly as she moves to take a position to the left of the old man and is now what seems to be an armored wall next him and these beings appearing from nowhere... The look her face goes from playful after talking to Sebastian to one of 'all business' as she places her hands on the hilt of her Falchion.... "The old man asked you to leave... he said he would not help you again... I suggest you take is words at face value and leave... there is nothing but trouble for you here lest you heed his words.. the well armored woman states as she places her helm about her head once more and shuts the face guard...

[sblock=ooc]Arineil will move to stand next to the old man reguarless of closeness to his adversaries... she will hold an action to draw her weapon should they advance to combat positons....

Spot Check: 1d20+4=23

Notes: See Invis. as per permanency is on, DR 6/-, SR 40, Darkvision 60 ft. [/sblock]
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First Post
Poised for a non-combat situation, Sabastian remains seated as-is beside the once flickering fire, hands stretched over across his uplifted knees of leather as the new assortment of bollyboo makes their presence known. Demonic and clearly demented in some fashion, the gaggle of ill-intendors does little to ease the tension of the area. It probably doesn't help that Ozoz -- being as gung-ho and strong-armed as he clearly illustrates by drawing arms -- has begun brandishing weapons towards the newfound attendees.

"I don't think the old coot wants to give you another one of his visions." Sabastian croons back mockingly after receiving the telepathic ultimatum, flinching only slightly from the forced intrusion into his mind. "A bit gutsy of you to just waltz into the swamp where nobody can see you, then threaten a group of folks who out number you. It's also pretty stupid."

"We aren't looking for a fight, and I'm sure you're not quite brazen enough to attempt an assault against us -- not with these odds against you. Now then, the old man told you no; I suspect it might be wise to leave him be, lest you upset our friend with the floating shield. He does seem the sort to just fly off the handle and rip arms out of their sockets for sport."

((OOC: Goin' for the Intimidate Check.))


Imperial Mountain Dew Taster
Chevik had been thoughtfully considering the older man's words, his vision, and the best course of action while his continually over eager friends prodded him for advice, despite years of seeing him think long and speak little, when these malevolent strangers appeared and began bullying and threatening the Keeper.

Standing and taking a step away from the intruders so as not to impede any of his more melee-minded companions (new or old), Chevik raises his hands: "Please, there is no need to for violence in this place. The Keeper has told you he wishes you gone, honor his desires and leave this place."

[sblock=OOC]Spot Check 1d20+12 = 29

Chevik will use his True Lore (Ex) Loremaster ability to gain the Analyze Dweomer spell to find out what spells are cast on the three intruders, starting with the scaly/fiendish guy, then the drow if I get more than 1 rd of study, then the sword guy.

Analyze Dweomer: Duration 23rds

Daily Buffs:
Divine Insight (SC): 1hr/lvl - +15 Insight bonus to single skill check then discharged
Greater Magic Weapon: 1hr/lvl - +5 Enhancement bonus to Mace
Nondetection: 1hr/lvl (DC35 to overcome)
Conviction: 10min/lvl - +5 Morale Bonus to all Saves
Lore of the Gods - Extended: +10 Insight Bonus to all knowledge checks
Spell Resistance: 32 (Persisted with Divine Metamagic)
Permanent Effects:
See Invisibility 120'
Comprehend Languages

HP: 208
AC: 34, Touch: 19, FF: 29
SR: 32
Energy Resist: Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, Sonic - 10

Darkvision 60'
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Voidrunner's Codex

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