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D&D 5E Gem of Your Collection

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Slumbering in Tsar
Coolest: Ptolus, Wilderlands Box Set (Necromancer Games), Planescape Box Sets, Rappan Athuk (All versions), Undermountain Box sets, Slumbering Tsar mega-adventure

Favorite Product Gaming Memory: Return to the Tomb of Horrors box set adventure. That was a blast to run and we had a good group.

I have a few choice items I like, although nothing hugely valuable or old. Stuff like that is beyond my meagre budget and seldom makes its way up north. And I didn't really get into collecting gaming products.

Ghosts of Dragonspear is a nice piece. A modern rarity. Had to get a friend of a friend to get it for me from GenCon though. Worth it.

I got a couple 4e updates of old modules from the RPGA. (I miss running games for Living Greyhawk, ended up with some neat stuff.)

Someone else has mentioned Ptolus. Great product I'm glad I purchased. An amazing product. Someday I should run a campaign there. The book deserves it. Easily the most complete and comprehensive RPG product I've seen and amazing writing and production values. THE read if you're planning on designing a campaign setting product, if only from a layout perspective.

I'm a HUGE Ravenloft fan, so I have pretty much every 'Loft product printed (and a couple not printed, such as the unreleased Van Richten's Guide to the Mists, printed at my local Staples.)

Which led to me getting this bad boy:

Oh, and the 3PP Tarokka deck from 3e. Pricey on eBay now. This might be the object that's increased in value the most.

Getting into Pathfinder I have a few more choice pieces. I found a copy of the Beta playtest on my honeymoon in Paris, back when they were still new. Kept it in good condition and had it signed by a few key staff.

Got one of the original Tome of Horrors Complete books. Damn good book.

The Kickstarter copy of Emerald Spire. Which I took to GenCon and got signed by *most* of the writers (missing three).
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The coolest thing I own (next to Ptolus) is the Paizo.com exclusive Rise of the Runelords book. Because it's just damn cool.
Giant tome like case for the book with working clasp, handouts in the book, cloth ribbon, copies of the covers, and a solid adventure to boot.
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First Post
Cool collection Jester Canuck. With everyone posting pics, I feel like I should add some as well, even though my collection is just starting...I will grow it as I can though. :)


For me it would be:

Ptolus - As others mentioned, simply an amazing product

Shackled City hardback - The first Adventure Path. I have tons of old modules that also deserve mention, but this one holds a special place.

A bunch of old Autoduel Quarterlies from when I played Car Wars in the 80's. Man, I loved that game.

Weird Dave

Excellent thread! I found a leather bound collection of the Deadlands Players Guide and Marshals Handbook (one big tome) signed by Shane Hensley a dozen or so years ago and picked it up. Definitely my favorite single RPG item! I also managed to get my hands on two highly regarded Call of Cthulhu campaigns, Walker in the Wastes and Beyond the Mountains of Madness, each of which holding a place of honor in my library. Chronomancer stands as my favorite AD&D book in my collection.


Retired game store owner
My prizes are a brown-box Original D&D Set (this was before the white-box) autographed by both Gary Gygax and David Arneson, an amber colored recalled version of module B3 "Palace of the Silver Princess", and a hardbound copy of "A Magical Medieval Society" by Expeditious Retreat Press.

Voidrunner's Codex

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