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Generation Legacy (Issue #5)


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Karen was quietly enjoying the movie and the peace around her after all those staring and pointing people at the airport, when the stewardess arrived with her food. Feeling about as uncomfortable as the stewardess, she was about to say something about her not feeling hungry as she noticed William and nodded back in greeting.
She had hardly noticed the spill when the stewardess apologised to her, she stammered back: “I-it’s ok. Th-thank you.
Hearing William’s compliment, a soft blush turned her ruby cheeks slightly darker. “Th-thank you. I-I can h-hardly blame her. I’m barely used to looking at myself in the mirror. My name is Ka-…euhm… Ruby.
You’re right about the food though, ” she says with a nervous chuckle while poking at her dinner, “maybe I’m not missing anything if it is as bad as I’ve heard.
She puts the tray in an empty space beside her and looks at William.
How come you are so comfortable around someone like me?
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Sen Udo-Mal

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Tokiwong said:

Mr. McCallister continues, "Being a nerd is a state of mind, James, you are going to be in a bigger arena pretty soon, and people are going to say a multitude of things about you. And doing the right thing is hard, if it was easy, there wouldn't be a need for Justice Elite, the UN, or even the police. But you have to be able to accept the fact that you have to own up to your responsibilities. No matter what, no matter the cost."

Kiyana nods, "Sounds about right, to me," she says leaning on James back peaking around his shoulder.

James nods him head in agreement, thinking about what it is going to be to be an adult and all that. He also is thinking about other things with Kiyana... of course that train of thought is totally overridden but what comes next...

Mr. McCallister continued, "Oh and congratulations to both of you, James and Kiyana you have both been chosen to join the Legacy team, your contracts should be waiting in your message boxes back in your room, about $3,500,000 total, is the numbers plus some perks. Your choice to sign or not, Mark has already signed on, the boys back in the UNJE want to spot him as the leader of the core team."

Kiyana blinks, and hugs James, tight, "Oh my gosh I can't believe it!" she gives him a kiss on the cheek, "this is great!"

Mr. MCCallister continues, "But I also wanted to talk to you about what happened in the simulator, what you and Cassie saw, and just how you encountered Synapse, in as full detail as possible."

James is stunned beyond the capacity of rational thought for a minutes there... then he mutters "Did you say three ...and a half ...million... as in U.S. dollars? Is that like every year or over my lifetime? For me? Ahhhhhhhhh..." James stands sort of staring off into no where for a while.

After a minute or so James recovers a bit remember that Mr. McCallister asked him some other questions... about Cassie and that Synapse woman. James nods his head and starts talking (rambling) trying to get his brain around the idea of all that money… "Ah yea sure thing... (three and a half million... a million!) ... let me see, in the simulator my and Cassie where going to sneak into the target area when that Chaos fellow came along and messed everything up. He sent us to some fight gym or something and told Cassie that she was defective or a mistake or something. It sounded like she was from somewhere else or something, but I mean where all from somewhere else aren’t we? Anyway… then he wanted us to fight some guy in a gym and but we wouldn’t and he got all mad and it ended. It was sure a pain. I could tell that Cassie was embarrassed by it also. I think the next time we run into that Chaos creep we put the whammy on him. Hmm let me see about Synapse… well I mean I’m not 100% that it was her but well anyway, after I dropped those tickets off for Billy I thought that maybe I should get some nice flowers for Kiyana… cause you know I hadn’t really ever gotten her anything nice yet cause of the restrictions and all… well and so I stop off at this flower shop not far from the station and was looking at stuff when she asked me to recommend some for her place or something. I thought I had seen her before and all but couldn’t place the face right away… and well I had never really been an expert on flowers or decorations or anything so I said if they smelled good and looked good that that should be ok or something like that. Anyway she was nice and all and then paid for my flowers. Well I high tailed it out of their really fast just in case it was Synapse and all… but I’m not sure it really was cause I mean why would a terrorist be buying flowers or anything… shouldn’t she be out blowing stuff up?

As James talks, he starts to calm down… and he thinks that the money is great (more then he could ever imagine and he still can’t really comprehend the real value of such a huge sum) but the fact that Kiyana is also joining is the very best news he has heard… ever.


Tokiwong said:
I applaud you Mark, you have a high chance of making a good leader, as long as you can keep your old habits at bay," she winks, but her voice never waivers..

Mark's hand seized around his shopping bag and he failed to suppress a flinch at the mention of his past. For a moment he couldn't bear to look at the others. If Star knew, Tommy knew.

Tommy grins, "Now, now Star, relax. Mark is like the coolest guy I know, I am like so glad my best pal is the man in charge of Legacy!"

Mark smiled despite his embarassment. Tommy didn't care.That meant something to him. He didn't feel so bad about taking Star to the dance now.

Aust Meliamne

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Tokiwong said:
An elderly fellow with dark skin, and craggy wrinkles notices John sitting and smiles, "Hello, young man you look a little down, here have an ice cream on me," the concessionare hands John a large cup of ice cream, "lot on your mind, or just having a bad day?"

He hands him a spoon, and just leans against his stand, making himself comfortable, as John can sense his thoughts of worry, and wondering just what is going on with this peculiar foriegn boy. But he seems to have the best of intentions, at least as far as John can see.
"Thanks for the ice cream. Got a bit of a headache, that's all. Plus, my father died recently in a anti-elite terrorist bombing back home. And this girl I like is seeing someone else and just wants to be friends. It's been a rough couple of days."

Cassie watches the dissusion with Paragon and Atlas talking about the new team and such. As she listens she relaized something that makes her fall behind the others and retreat into deep thought.

-What do I want to do with my future? If I have one. What would be my place in this world?- A sidelong glance at Ryan makes her look thoughtful. -I might not have a place in this world, but at least I try..why are you so angry at everthing and everyone I wonder Ryan?"- She continues to follow the others, but pretty much keeps to herself and keeps quiet.


Anika watches as Atlas and Paragon leave. She looks at Mark. "Nike, eh? Greek goddess of victory, sounds like a good omen," she says with a grin. "You'll have to get them to make you a special pair of shoes that don't wear out after a week for you."

She says to the others, "Okay, enough looking at underwear and lingerie, I need to find a dress for the dance." She heads on, determined to find a nice women's clothing store.
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“I make it a point to fight ignorance, wherever I can, and besides everyone wants to be treated with dignity and respect right? Besides luv, there is always that little thing called karma,” once he hears her name, “I am pleased to meet you Ruby.”

“This world is too small, and life is too short to let the little prejudices hold sway,” he smirks, “but I have a little knowledge about your unique condition, although condition makes it sound like a malady. A more correct statement would be elevation, above the norm.”

William seeing her blush smiles, “And yes the food is as bad as you have heard.”


Mr. McCallister listened and somehow picked up all the details, “I don’t think giving Chaos the whammy, would really solve anything, and if he is as powerful as I think he is, you were lucky that he really was not there to cause any real specific harm. As strange as it sounds, I don’t think he was there to really hurt you, he seemed to be almost like a child, playful, and highly capricious.”

Kiyana is still high with excitement about making the team, “This is going to be great! Wow we are going to be rich!”

Mr. McCallister sighed, and continued, “As far as Synapse is concerned, don’t think of the enemy as men in or women in black hats snarling evil like. They have their own ideals, not that you need to understand them, but they are not like in the comics, James.”

The Girls

Sarah, follows Anika, “Yeah I could use a nice outfit for the dance, I wonder who else made it? I am not surprised Mark made it,” once they get out of earshot, “not sure what it is, but he is cute,” she grins, “so who is your date to the dance Anika? I guess I will be showing up with Jimmy,” she sighs wistfully.

Star follows, “That is an odd statement Sarah, from my observations it seems like you have much more in common with John.”

Sarah whirls on her somewhat flustered, “What, we are just friends, I mean I am with Jimmy,” she says defensively.

Star continues, “But emotions are well fickle, they are not logical, you like John, and you are confused, why? Why do you resist your feelings?”

Sarah sighs, “You don’t understand Star, you’re just, just a machine. Your not even a real human being, how could you understand?!”

Star nods, “Understood.”


The old man nods, “Ah yes that would make a for a bad day, son,” he says taking seat with a sigh of relief, “I am sorry to hear that, about your father. And the lady as well, a woman has brought many a man low, not say that they are bad or anything, just that they tend to have that effect on us men.”

John’s mind flashes with pain as the voices clamor to reach inside his mind, but he keeps them out, by sheer force of will alone. DC 16, rolled a 17 to make the save, he is able to keep his powers in check, but the headache is getting worse. The voices are loud in his mind, almost overwhelming. John finally notices the man is still talking to him, “You alright son,” he says, “you must have a really bad headache, I wasn’t sure what was happening, you sure you are going to be okay?”

The Boys

Tommy follows along, as Mark makes a path for the store, “So what are you going to do with all your money, I mean, your like rich now, like me. Not as rich as I am, but man that is awesome, your like the coolest man, Paragon like shook your hand, dude, your so cool.”

An attractive young woman greets you as you enter the store, “Welcome, how can I help you today,” she smiles sweetly, brushing her dark hair back from her face. Pictures of men in designer clothes adorn the walls, and holographic displays show various scenes of young men being active, with women, etc. Contemporary music plays in the background, and the place has an inviting atmosphere.


Tokiwong said:

Sarah, follows Anika, “Yeah I could use a nice outfit for the dance, I wonder who else made it? I am not surprised Mark made it,” once they get out of earshot, “not sure what it is, but he is cute,” she grins, “so who is your date to the dance Anika? I guess I will be showing up with Jimmy,” she sighs wistfully.

"Actually, I'm going with Ryan," Anika responds. "It's weird, I was talking with him this afternoon, and he was pretty cool, not the whiny loser I thought he was. Then he gets all upset at Mark being chosen to lead the team. Not sure I have him figured out yet," she says, shaking her head.

Tokiwong said:

Star follows, “That is an odd statement Sarah, from my observations it seems like you have much more in common with John.”

Sarah whirls on her somewhat flustered, “What, we are just friends, I mean I am with Jimmy,” she says defensively.

Star continues, “But emotions are well fickle, they are not logical, you like John, and you are confused, why? Why do you resist your feelings?”

Sarah sighs, “You don’t understand Star, you’re just, just a machine. Your not even a real human being, how could you understand?!”

Star nods, “Understood.”

Anika listens to the exchange with a bit of smile on her face until the final statement by Sarah is spoken, when her smile turns to frown. "Sarah! Rude, much?" she says harshly. Her face quickly softens though, "I'm sorry, but Star trying to learn how to be more human, and how is she going to if you say things like that?" She spots a high-class women's clothing store across the hall and turns towards it. "Besides, she may be blunt, but she seems to be making sense to me. I've seen the googly-eyes you and John give each other, she adds with a teasing smile. "Anyway, and I know I don't know him very well, but Jimmy's a...he just doesn't seem like the nicest guy..." she states matter-of-factly, as she enters the store.


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Agamon said:
Anika listens to the exchange with a bit of smile on her face until the final statement by Sarah is spoken, when her smile turns to frown. "Sarah! Rude, much?" she says harshly. Her face quickly softens though, "I'm sorry, but Star trying to learn how to be more human, and how is she going to if you say things like that?" She spots a high-class women's clothing store across the hall and turns towards it. "Besides, she may be blunt, but she seems to be making sense to me. I've seen the googly-eyes you and John give each other, she adds with a teasing smile. "Anyway, and I know I don't know him very well, but Jimmy's a...he just doesn't seem like the nicest guy..." she states matter-of-factly, as she enters the store.

Sarah sighs, "I apologize Star, I didn't mean to hurt you, your feelings? Do you have feelings?"

Star replies, "I have a variety of protocol functions, and I can emulate emotions, or feelings pretty well. I take no offense at your words, it was a truthful statement, I do not understand why it is so hard."

Sarah follows Anika, "And for your info we don't make googly eyes, he is a nice enough guy, and well I guess he is cute, and nice. He is just well, I don't know, Jimmy is nice too when he wants to be, he is just, I don't know."

Star nods, "Attraction it seems is not as simple as it seems. I feel attracted to Mark, therefore I must like him yes?"

Sarah furrows her brow, "You what? Whoa, can you do that?"

Star nods, "I can."

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