Aust Thale

Respen & Vale React To Events Unfolding


Respen eyes Sylvar's gambit with the orc and grins back at him when it pays off. Lucky or simply good? He quietly chuckles until he realizes the portal noise is silent, and then, as he is contemplating Tam's observations of the well, he fully realizes what that silence might mean.

~ There are undead in the hole. The sun will set with an hour or two. And we might have very well lost our method of egress. On a positive note, we appear to have a new friend. Hope he can fight. ~

Respen concentrates, attempting to ascertain whether the magic portal is closed completely, and if so, whether it is a local disruption or whether Vega turned it off.

OOC: Rolz is down; Scout's Honor on physical roll of dice until new dice room is suggested. Will Save = 1d20+6 = 10+6=16


" I agree. We either drop down hole, or we start out of here quickly and try to be out of tree cover by dark. I can create a way for us to hide during the night, but given we've lost our magical means out of here, I'm concerned that might be affected as well. "

~ This little adventure is turning quickly. The orc appears a welcome addition to the party. I will treat him accordingly. But if he strays to the 'old' ways... ~

Vale also reacts very concerned upon the comments from Lathir and Dewydd about the portal closing. "What?!? We have another hand or two on the clock before dusk. We don't need to be in the open when dusk hits. We brought no mounts either. Food and drink are not a concern. I can provide that if anyone failed to bring rations. However, if we break the alarm, methinks we'll need to move quickly." At Dewydd's suggestion to go down the hole, Vale grimaces and looks at his axe. "Oh this should go so well," he deadpans in dripping Dwarven sarcasm.

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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
" I agree. We either drop down hole, or we start out of here quickly and try to be out of tree cover by dark. I can create a way for us to hide during the night, but given we've lost our magical means out of here, I'm concerned that might be affected as well. "
Lathir responds to Vale.
"I am good either way. So how about the rest of you? Do we go and return another day or do we see just how this rabbit hole will take us?"

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Respen, you are certain that you are not being scried. There is no magical sensor anywhere near here, invisible or otherwise. You feel confident that you would sense it, especially in surroundings such as these, where its presence would feel even more alien against the backdrop of undisturbed nature.

The portal is certainly gone, and the most probable cause, at least in the minds of the party's mystics (Lathir and Respen) is that it was shut off from Vega's end.

Thallok says, "I've no provisions or equipment to speak of; that witch fed us with her foul arts, summoning some sort of pasty, tasteless, gruel to sustain us. But I will gladly lend my sword to whatever cause that the lot of ye deem worthy. Are we agreed then? The well? Perhaps the Elfling can use his magical rope to aid us? If it can tie me up by itself, then might it not attach itself to something solid?"

Sylvar B.

The rope itself is not magical only the words I speak to make it move. Although, I won't be able to use that particular spell again until morning. It is as if there is a higher power that will not allow it. Sylvar hands the rope to Thallok mitt hus er ditt hus, (My house is your house) help yourself, I'm not very good at tying knots.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Lathir engaged the party.
"I am not familiar with the operation of the alarm runes. If it is feasible to walk out into the wood and back. I am sure we can retrieve a log to place over the well opening, then tie the rope to that."

Aust Thale

Lathir engaged the party.
"I am not familiar with the operation of the alarm runes. If it is feasible to walk out into the wood and back. I am sure we can retrieve a log to place over the well opening, then tie the rope to that."

"If we set off the runes, we need to be willing to move quickly and retreat. I am sure there are logs or trees with sturdy branches to cut down that are within the perimeter. I have some rope and gear that I dropped when we entered the place. It's in the bushes. Rope and hook, torches, a crowbar and hammer. And flasks of oil. Who else has rope or gear?"

An idea crosses Respen's mind, and he smiles ear to ear. "Dewydd, you have the Ring of Feather Falling? That's our way in. Dewydd mentioned this in conversation a week or so ago. We each use it to descend to the floor below, with fishing line or even threaded rope through it to pull back up to the next person. Weight isn't an issue. We can move our gear down the well as well.

The question is, 'how do we handle the undead and the stakes at the bottom of the well?' I say we take the other bows and split the arrows, throw oil and a lit torch down on top of that group, and use the light at the bottom to pick up any undead we come across until they don't approach the opening. Then we descend. This will work. It'll take a half hour, but it'll work.

And with that, Respen awaits responses from the rest of the party.


Tam-Tam, still holding his rope, looks at the others thinking: I understand I'm the new guy here; well, now with the orc, the next to new guy,
but I've been here waiting to get some help with going down this well for a good fifteen minutes or so. Sigh --- big people. Always acting so important. Ah well, they're good to have around in a scrap.

Tam-Tam taps his foot on the well's lip where he has been standing for many minutes waiting to go down the well.

"Ahem. Pardon me --- Can we go down, now? Please?"


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Lathir Takes Action

Tam-Tam, still holding his rope, looks at the others,
"Ahem. Pardon me --- Can we go down, now? Please?"
Lathir leans over the ledge of the well and tosses down his halfspear.
"I could not agree more."

Lathir hops up and appears to be going to launch himself into the abyss. A sure death for the less than dexterous Druid; but instead, in mid action he shift to the form of a gibbon. The howler monkey is well known for its disproportionately long arms and its gifted ability to climb. Lathir/Gibbon swing over the ledge and begins descending.


Sylvar B.

Sylvar walks over to the edge of the well and looks over. He looks at Respen, I'm still not sure this is the best idea, I think it would be prudent to find another way in, but if we must I like your idea of using the ring.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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