Down Into Danger!
The party begins the ascent into the well shaft...
GM: |
Initiative Count:
Respen: 22
Lathir: 20
Tam-Tam: 19a
Dewydd: 19b
Skeletons: 9a
Zombies: 9b
Thallok: 8
Sylvar: 5
Vale: 4
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GM: |
Since the rope is secured, and also being held steady, and since each member has the backup of Feather Falling, there is no need to make any climbing checks. I will assume that everyone who acts BEFORE the undead do is able to descend safely. Descending the rope is a full-round action. Dewydd is delaying his action until everyone else is down. After the undead act, there might be attacks of opportunity.
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Respen makes it down safely.
Lathir reaches the point he indicated on the map, and successfully retrieves his spear.
Tam-Tam makes it down safely.
The undead surge forward when they sense living humanoid beings in the cavern!
GM: |
None of the undead have enough movement to be able to attack. They take double-moves to get to their ending positions. Lathir, you are surprised to discover that they ignore you completely, running past you unguarded. You can take an attack of opportunity one one of the adjacent foes if you desire, although once you do so, you suspect that they might THEN see you as a threat and stop ignoring you.
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Thallok descends safely, making sure to land out of the reach of the undead.
Sylvar descends safely, making sure to land out of the reach of the undead.
Vale descends safely, making sure to land out of the reach of the undead.
Dewydd descends safely, making sure to land out of the reach of the undead.

Respen, it's your turn. What do you do?