D&D Movie/TV Guess the D&D Movie Opening Weekend Box Office Performance, and Win a Prize!

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I've been over this before, but there is a big difference between Hollywood Accounting and whether a movie is "profitable," and, for that matter, why expectations often matter.

Since I've covered it so many times, I'm going to make it brief.

1. Hollywood Accounting. This is nothing more than normal accounting, except maybe the extreme version. Just the idea that studios will use all the tricks in the book (and then some) in order to "zero out" profits. But this has nothing to do with common parlance of profitability. In other words, Hollywood Accounting is applied to all movies and doesn't really have anything to do with conversations about profitability. Unless you made the mistake of entering into a share of the profits (ugh, don't), no one care about this.

2. Box-office profitability. This is what most people are talking about. Again, this is a really rough figure- but it's the idea that a movie make more at the box office than its production costs. Of course, studios don't always report the true production costs (TAX BREAKS!), or the true marketing costs, and this doesn't take into account all sorts of factors, from in-movie advertising (product placement) to merchandise (toys, etc.) to rights for VOD and streaming- which are increasingly important. But this is why movies that might seem profitable, or slightly profitable, are actually flops to the studio, while movies that seem like they are money losers are actually money makers.

3. Finally, expectations can matter a great deal- the studio's expectations. The WoW movie is a great example. It did great business ... in China. But was considered a flop because it so underperformed in America. The trouble with the movie was in a lot of areas- it was considered a flop in English-speaking countries; the massive profits in China were in a market that gives the smallest percentage of box office back, and there is never a guarantee of release of a western movie in China, all of which made the movie a break-even proposition and means that the studio has no interest in a franchise.

All of this is only a little interesting. Why? Because to begin with, why do we care how these movies perform? Obviously, it's just another way to continue "rooting" for or against things. Which goes to @bedir than and his point about the nature of fans hating on things .... it's why, even today, you have people arguing about the profitability of BvS. WHO CARES. It's just another symptom of toxic fandom.

More importantly, there is an easy way to tell how a movie does. See what happens next! Do they want to make more? If so, it did well. If not, regardless of accounting and other issues, it didn't. Pretty pretty simple.

As for the D&D movie, they likely have an arranged streaming deal and hope for merchandising (Hasbro), which goes into the profitability or lack thereof, not to mention they need something to introduce the various media plays they are making. All of which is to say that the box office profitability is not the most important indicator, but it is important that it continues to beat expectations.
So this was brief...interesting ;)

There’s pretty much the same takings on the worldwide market for the opening weekend, and the reviews I’ve seen describe it favourably. 91% and 94% on rotten tomatoes…I think it’s pretty clear that it’s not a flop.

After the previous films in the D&d franchise I am frankly amazed it’s turned out so well.

Not seen it yet but I’m going to see with next weekend with an old D&D group I don’t get chance to play with anymore. Can’t wait. Looks like it should be fun.
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@Plaguescarred - $39,142,079
-------------estimated $38,500,000 on April 2
@fettpett - $38,000,000

way to go guys...
Awesome :D:D and yeah, I get you're waiting for final numbers so I'm willing to have them confirmed
As for most of everyone else, there's a reason I went with $38 million mark, historically the movies released at this time of year pull about the 40 range, the ONE exception being The Batman last year and that has more to do with the draw of being Batman. John Wick 4 (which I went to see last weekend due to being busy this weekend and being a belated birthday present) did break that but it's also a massive new(ish) franchise with a much beloved lead actor by pulling in $73 million...having Honor Among Thieves take it down in the second weekend and a $40 million drop just shows how the Spring Box Office returns are fickle creatures (I wouldn't be surprised to see JW4 stay at Number 2 with Mario releasing on the 7th and DnD dropping to Number 3, even with a respectable $15-20 million weekend.
I'm Super excited to go see it this coming weekend though and glad the vast majority of reviews have been positive (albeit with plenty of nitpicking :rolleyes::rolleyes:)

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