D&D Movie/TV D&D Movie Hit or Flop?

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I watched it for the first time yesterday on Prime. It seemed like it had a good core and then a astudio came in and insisted on changes that made it a lesser movie. However, the biggest problem was ridiculously bad pacing. The movie rushed from reference to reference without giving us time to actually develop any affection for the characters.

I would argue that the pacing was faithful to the game and was intentionally so at the possible expense of the movies character development and wider appeal.

Rushing from one mini-quest to the next is how a lot of D&D adventures go. Like the Underdark piece in particular. Random NPC joins to go here, get this thing so we can go get in the BBEG's stronghold. This is how many D&D adventures go.

The main thing that I think was not faithful to D&D was making Edgin a Bard. His character does not feel like a Bard and a Rogue focused on Charisma would be a better fit I think the way he acted.


I would argue that the pacing was faithful to the game and was intentionally so at the possible expense of the movies character development and wider appeal.
I doubt any studio is going to intentionally say, "Oh, you're intnetionally screwing up the pacing and making it less enjoyable to watch? Cool." Don't get me wrong - the studios constantly tell directors to do things that screw with pacing, but I just doubt it is ever an intentional goal.

Rushing from one mini-quest to the next is how a lot of D&D adventures go. Like the Underdark piece in particular. Random NPC joins to go here, get this thing so we can go get in the BBEG's stronghold. This is how many D&D adventures go.
I won't argue with the statement, but I will say that the approach doesn't have a lot of merit. It makes for a bad movie (and often a lesser game). It does happen a lot, but both the game and the movie are built around story ... and taking shortcuts doesn't hep either.
The main thing that I think was not faithful to D&D was making Edgin a Bard. His character does not feel like a Bard and a Rogue focused on Charisma would be a better fit I think the way he acted.
And this is 10000000% where we disagree. I don't think there is anything more pure in a D&D experience than having that player that - at the end of the campaign - says something like, "Oh, wait ... my bard can cast spells? I wish I knew that!" I can't count the number of times I threw an army of skeletons at the party to give the cleric a chance to shine and use destroy undead ... only to have him forget he could do it watch the near autowin easy encounter turn into a slogfest ... Players not using (or even knowing they have) their abilities is true D&D.

bedir than

Full Moon Storyteller
I would argue that the pacing was faithful to the game and was intentionally so at the possible expense of the movies character development and wider appeal.
The pacing was so bad that the people who saw the movie, on average, loved it.
Asserting that the word of mouth for the film was poor despite all evidence that it was strong doesn't work.

Reviews were great.

The movie had a marketing problem, which is probably why now that the only thing fueling it being seen on stream is word of mouth and it is doing well.

The pacing was so bad that the people who saw the movie, on average, loved it.
Asserting that the word of mouth for the film was poor despite all evidence that it was strong doesn't work.

Reviews were great.

The movie had a marketing problem, which is probably why now that the only thing fueling it being seen on stream is word of mouth and it is doing well.
I liked the movie but I think it did have a pacing issue. It never felt like it got its feet under it for some reason. The Holga love sorry slowed the movie down and felt too silly even for the adventure comedy format. Like I said I liked it a lot. Letter grade a B+ but I do agree the pacing felt just a little off.

bedir than

Full Moon Storyteller
I liked the movie but I think it did have a pacing issue. It never felt like it got its feet under it for some reason. The Holga love sorry slowed the movie down and felt too silly even for the adventure comedy format. Like I said I liked it a lot. Letter grade a B+ but I do agree the pacing felt just a little off.
Oh, i'm in complete agreement about the pacing having issues.
I just don't think those issues had anything to do with the middling box office

Voidrunner's Codex

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