Halo The Series | Season 2 First Look Trailer | Paramount+

For those who haven't watched it, Paramount plus has the first season streaming on YT for free. From what I've been hearing the folks heard the complaints and took that feedback into consideration and from what the trailer shows...they listened to a lot of it.


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I am not really familiar with the universe/games, but now watched the first 2 seasons. Good enough to convince me to check out the "master chief" collection I got for cheap on Steam a year or even two ago...


I am not really familiar with the universe/games, but now watched the first 2 seasons. Good enough to convince me to check out the "master chief" collection I got for cheap on Steam a year or even two ago...

Best way of playing these days. The first two are very rough graphics wise.

Shows getting better its a bit rough though. It's on Freeview here though so won't complain to much. Good value for money.

Voidrunner's Codex

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