Heart of Artifice Temporary--Kharas Alone

Rystil Arden

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*Kharas feels a disorienting sensation as if falling through some sort of gelatin as the world becomes full of random colours, and then his vision focuses again and he finds himself in a large white marble structure looking out into a beautiful clear blue sky. He is not alone, however. There is a large and fancifully-built construct of gleaming silvery metal, with a rounded head, two slightly loping arms wielding a giant pike, sturdy legs, and a big golden clockwork key in its back. The construct turns towards him and addresses him.*


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Why do I feel dump suddenly? thinks Kharas, seeing the mistake he has done to play with a powerfull device without much more analysis. He curse under his beard against Elizabeth who has been holding her secret, maybe he would had a warning about such turn of event...

"I don't intend to go nay further. I didn't even intend to come here, whereever we are." replies Kharas, looking at the construct with interest. He didn,t remember to have seen such contruct, and the name sound kind of familiar, but he couldn't put his finger on where he had heard it. Or maybe he was mistaking it for another one.

"Maybe you can help me. I would gladly return where I was, but for that, I'll need to start to know where I am. Can you tell it to me? And at the same time, why not tell me who is Artifex Maximus. Oh, and another thing, wouldn't you have, by any chance, have see two boyz and two girls?" asks Kharas, trying his chance with that construct, maybe he could be of some help in that dissapearance.

"-HALT INTRUDER- --NONE SHALL PASS- -BY THE ORDER OF THE ARTIFEX MAXIMUS-" the construct repeats, brandishing its weapon dangerously, "-RETURN FROM WHENCE YOU CAME- -OR BE ELIMINATED-"

Kharas, by reflex, grabs his shield and make a step backward. "Calm down! I want to do it, but if you could at least tell me from where I came from, because I have not a clue where I came from related to here..."

Why do I feel that is useless speaking. Kharas starts to take some distance from the construct, and start to think that getting rid of this construct might be the healthier solution about his problem in short term.


Thanks to give me times. he thinks as he concentrate to gather some protecting energy around him as he can't find a way to avoid what is coming... how can he return back where he was if he don't know how he came here first and where here is.

[SBLOCK=OOC]Cast Shield of Faith. If the 10 seconds (which is more then 6 for 1 round) allow me to prepare another spell, he will cast Inflict Light Damage and keep his touch charge.

By the way, does the big golden key in his back is turning on himself?[/SBLOCK]

(OOC: 10 seconds probably gives him enough time for two, since the -YOU HAVE TEN SECONDS TO COMPLY- might take 2 seconds. As to the key, it might be, but Kharas hasn't really inspected that)

*Kharas casts Shield of Faith and then Inflict Light Damage.*

"-...TWO...- -...ONE...- -...ZERO...- -PREPARE TO BE ELIMINATED-"

(OOC: Kharas wins initiative, so he goes again)

"Ok big guy, I hate to be eliminated, so you give me no choice." replies Kharas. He takes a moment to look at the creture, to see if he can see something that could put him dowm more easily than bashing him into pieces. He ready his touch attack and if the construct attack him, he will touch him.

[SBLOCK=OOC]Reday action to attack the creature if it try to attack him. As he suspect the creature to be easy enough to touch with a touch attack, he will fight defensively this round. He will also try to take a look at the creature (Spot check? That should be a move action).[/SBLOCK]

(OOC: If you want a good search, you'd need to get around and make a search check--he already made the spot check to see the key there--it was easy ;) Of note--it is Size Large and wields a Large Longspear--you'll definitely provoke an AoO while approaching)

[SBLOCk=OOC]Large... in like Size:Large... like I have 30hp if I got no Hit Dice... like good luck to put me into pieces... what are my escape route now? I don't knwo why, i was thinking he was medium size, just big bad constuct of medium size... why I suddenly feel my chance of survival are small :p [/SBLOCK]

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