Critical Role Here's The Cover Of The Explorer's Guide to Wildemount; Plus It's #15 In Amazon Bestsellers!

While Amazon may have revealed the title and description of The Explorer's Guide to Wildemount earlier, it had no cover art. Barnes & Noble, on the other hand, has the cover but at the time of writing no title or description. Here it is! The official announcement should be coming later today. In the meantime, the book - which has not yet been announced! - is already #15 in the bestsellers...

While Amazon may have revealed the title and description of The Explorer's Guide to Wildemount earlier, it had no cover art. Barnes & Noble, on the other hand, has the cover but at the time of writing no title or description. Here it is!


The official announcement should be coming later today. In the meantime, the book - which has not yet been announced! - is already #15 in the bestsellers chart for all books on Amazon, based only on pre-orders. That's pretty astonishing for a book which 'officially' doesn't even exist yet (although the announcement is expected later today).

Sales Rank.png

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Naked and living in a barrel
I'm fascinated how we went from FR books only to Ravnica, Eberron, AI and this. Yet I do not feel engaged to buy them. The content of the Ravnica book was lacking and no one is talking about it anymore.


Currently popular? I never heard of it before now. Why would anyone possibly think this would sell? How many players or DMs actually watch critical role as compared to the whole playerbase? Of those, how many are in the hunt for a new vanilla campaign setting? Popular amongst fans of critical role is not going to result in a significant number of sales. That could have devoted the resources to creating a book describing the varieties of Faerunian navel lint and it would probably sell more copies.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Currently popular? I never heard of it before now. Why would anyone possibly think this would sell? How many players or DMs actually watch critical role as compared to the whole playerbase? Of those, how many are in the hunt for a new vanilla campaign setting? Popular amongst fans of critical role is not going to result in a significant number of sales. That could have devoted the resources to creating a book describing the varieties of Faerunian navel lint and it would probably sell more copies.
I won’t rely on you for sales predictions then! It’s currently #15 in all books on Amazon based on pre-orders. It’s already sold.


Currently popular? I never heard of it before now. Why would anyone possibly think this would sell? How many players or DMs actually watch critical role as compared to the whole playerbase? Of those, how many are in the hunt for a new vanilla campaign setting? Popular amongst fans of critical role is not going to result in a significant number of sales. That could have devoted the resources to creating a book describing the varieties of Faerunian navel lint and it would probably sell more copies.
There seems to be a disconnect with older generations eho want to see Spelljammer return in 5th Edition D&D, versus the new kids who only see D&D as Critical Role so nothing of the first or second generation is attractive to them.

Me,I moved on to other systems but still dabble in 5th Edition, especially the OGL variants like the upcoming Stargate RPG powered by 5th

Currently popular? I never heard of it before now. Why would anyone possibly think this would sell? How many players or DMs actually watch critical role as compared to the whole playerbase? Of those, how many are in the hunt for a new vanilla campaign setting? Popular amongst fans of critical role is not going to result in a significant number of sales. That could have devoted the resources to creating a book describing the varieties of Faerunian navel lint and it would probably sell more copies.

You might never have heard of it, but I assure you, Critical Role is very popular, the book is already sellling well (considering it is the 2nd Critical Role Setting book, even more so) and I wager that there are way more 5th edition players who got in because of Critical Role than any of the other settings awaiting sourcebooks.

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