D&D (2024) Here's The New 2024 Player's Handbook Wizard Art

WotC says art is not final.

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Mod Squad
Staff member
Disability justice is about recognizing that having a disability doesn't make your experience with life worse, just different.

I would really like it if we didn't approach this topic as if those with disabilities are themselves a monolith with one point of view. They aren't.

Any form of justice has to recognize that there is currently injustice. So, disability justice ought to be about recognizing that a disability should not make your experience of life worse, but currently often does.

That then can lead us to recognizing that what "not worse" looks like is not going to be a one-size-fits-all thing.
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Book-Friend, he/him
As for the image.

Not my cup of tea, but even so it looks to me like a very competently drawn high level wizard. Power to aspire to, not a first level or even fifth level mage, more lika an arch-mage. I assume it won't be placed without context either in the rules, so what it is supposed to illustrate will be exceedingly clear, I imagine.

Cool image but I'm on an Erol Otus bend at the moment, so I'm more excited about that kind of images.
We've seem the page this is from, it is the splash page art at the head of the Wizard section of the Classes Chapter. Meant to be the iconic Wizard.


The narrative explanation, like the narrative explanations for most "unique" PCs (see also: good drow), is up to the player.

It's also worth pointing out that many "disabilities" are considered by their communities as a culture, particularly for those who are born with their conditions. There is a reason why the deaf community by and large oppose cochlear implants.

Disability justice is about recognizing that having a disability doesn't make your experience with life worse, just different.


Also, I was recently watching a guy talk about this exact issue, he's very left and abrasive, but I'll put the video in a spoiler below for people who are interested. One of his points was that fiction is often not about the world it shows, that is an allegory or vehicle to talk about the world we are in. And so, it matters to include people who are different, even if that is differently abled. Because there are these discussions in these communities about whether or not they want their community erased by scientific progress. And these people deserve to be in these fantastical worlds as much as the rest of us.



As for the image.

Not my cup of tea, but even so it looks to me like a very competently drawn high level wizard. Power to aspire to, not a first level or even fifth level mage, more lika an arch-mage. I assume it won't be placed without context either in the rules, so what it is supposed to illustrate will be exceedingly clear, I imagine.

Cool image but I'm on an Erol Otus bend at the moment, so I'm more excited about that kind of images.

See this? This right here?

This is how to criticize art.


One day, I hope to actually play DnD.
See this? This right here?

This is how to criticize art.
was that even criticism though? 'it's not to my taste' and 'i assume it'll be placed in apropriate context',

art is not immune to being criticised for how well it's depicting what it's meant to be depicting just because it's art.

Reads more like how to praise art. ;)

Other than "Not my cup of tea," how is that post critical of the image at all?
As far as I know, critiques can be positive. Or bad. Or both. Or neutral.

The most important thing is criticizing the piece of art, not the author or the intend of the author.
Or mixing up personal preference with critiques...

Many posts just went down to: "wizards wearing glasses because reasons" and "the pose is x men" instead of just "i personally don't like the pose and the glasses, but the picture in the right context is a fine piece of art."
Or "the glasses and the pose are ok, but I personally really do prefer more old school wizards"

Or my thingie: "glasses are fine, but please not on the wozard and if you draw glasses get them physically correct..."

This is why I think the critique above was fine, because the distinction between personal preference and objective assessment of the picture was clear.

was that even criticism though? 'it's not to my taste' and 'i assume it'll be placed in apropriate context',

art is not immune to being criticised for how well it's depicting what it's meant to be depicting just because it's art.
But context matters.

"A white robe arch mage fending off animated objects in a library".

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