D&D 5E Heroes of Krynn UA Survey is up

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Do you expect or even just hold out hope for an old school resurgence?
Hope springs eternal. I check in here now and again. Dragonlance was a big thing for me, I can see my Chronicles and Legends Trilogies from where I'm sitting right now, and I've had them since I received them from my Mom as a gift as a child, and to encourage me to read.

To see them go down the same road I consider flawed as they have been, with DL, stings a bit more.

Oh well, I'll check back on Spelljammer, and see how Dragonlance releases and that's that.

Hengeyokai are too interesting to fall in the oblivion, but the shapesifter power may be "broken" some times, for example a little bird could fly throug a corridor full of traps without touching walls or floor, or go to the window on the top of the tower with a rune of teletransportantion for the rest of the team. And animal with a good smell could discover important things. Lots of animals have got better sense than humans.

Tales and Chronicles

Jewel of the North, formerly know as vincegetorix
Hengeyokai are too interesting to fall in the oblivion, but the shapesifter power may be "broken" some times, for example a little bird could fly throug a corridor full of traps without touching walls or floor, or go to the window on the top of the tower with a rune of teletransportantion for the rest of the team. And animal with a good smell could discover important things. Lots of animals have got better sense than humans.
Right. But that's also true of druids, and its not a problem for them.
Just restrict to one Tiny/Small form, 1/shapeshift per PB. Subraces being air/land/sea.

Voidrunner's Codex

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