Halal drops his bow and moves quickly -
really quickly
- into the fray, drawing his sabres as he goes. He sets himself up to strike the Orc Barbarian, taking advantage of his allies' distraction of the Orc to strike precisely. The saw-blade edge of his sabre draws a long, deep cut in Krig's side, just under the ribs.
[sblock=Actions]Move: to H10
Swift: Invoke Bane (Humanoid/Orc): Damage Roll below has been manually edited to include
Bane Damage.
Attack (1d20+12=20) for
(1d8+6d6+3=34) Damage.
Gang Up Feat allows Flank Attacks as long as two or more allies threaten foe, so Attack Bonus includes additional +2 Flank and +2 Bane, Damage is +3d6 Sneak Attack, +1d6 Precise Strike, +2d6 Bane Weapon.[/sblock]
[sblock=Mini Stats (Level 5)]
Initiative: +5
AC: 22 (16 Flat-Footed, 18 Touch)
HP: 41/41
CMB: +4
CMD: 20
Fort: +5
Reflex: +8
Will: +6
Senses: Low Light Vision, Trapspotter
Perception: +17 (+19 vs. Traps),
Sense Motive: +10
Current Weapon in Hand: Sawtooth Sabre (x2), Cestus
Special Abilities: Bleeding Touch (5/5), Judgements (2/2), Bane (4/5 Rounds)
Prayers Available Cantrips (At-Will), 1st (4/5), 2nd (3/3)
Cantrips: Disrupt Undead, Guidance, Resistance, Sift
1st Level: Cure Light Wounds, Divine Favor, Hide from Undead, Shield of Faith
2nd Level: Consecrate, Invisibility, Spiritual Weapon