D&D (2024) How should the Conjure X Spells & Planar Ally spells be handled in 1D&D?

Planar Ally doesn't scale up, and it gives the party a plot device that the party doesn't actually control (and thus no need for concentration), so I suspect that one will remain the same (I wouldn't mind them adding aberrations, fey, and constructs to the possibilities, but I am not hoping too much).
historically the best use of planar bind/ally is to bring in something with spell like abilities, amd I have never been super keen on that... BUT if a high level (6th+) spell needs the monster man that feels more realistic then needing it from level 1 or 3. By the time you get to 11th or higher you should have a level of system mastery at least for the character you are playing (In theory... yeah I know we all know people who have played for years and have as close to 0 system mastery as you can get)

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I think summon monster spells should have level appropriate monsters that the caster can mentally control but they lose any ability to move/see/hear from their own body. Then they can be worth summoning, they can be properly controlled but there is a cost for doing so.

The fact it works like that is a big problem, summons should not be plot devices beyond player control plus it gives poor guidence to DMs. I think changing it to be more like Find Steed & Familiar could work better.
I know what you are saying, but, unless divine intervention goes away, "plot device" seems like pretty central to clerics. On top of that, why bother even having a spell named planar ally if the whole point is to pick what you want? Wouldn't it make more sense just to have conjure celestial, conjure elemental, and conjure fiend? That way you know for sure what you are getting and you can control the conjured critter too. No reason not to add conjure elemental and fiend to the cleric's list (not to mention I bet arcane casters would like to get conjure fiend).

As others have said, rework the Conjure line in a way that mimics the Summon line of spells. They should also add swarm variants to mimic summoning multiple creatures while maintaining one stat block worth of actions, positioning, and HP to track.

Planar Ally is interesting. If you want it to be entirely player facing then add a stat block and keep everything else the same. However, I think there is room for a few spells to be intentionally outside complete player control. Letting the DM control the creature means they can use any creature they have access to. It's an interesting tradeoff and one that should be kept even if they are few and far between.


Planar Ally is interesting. If you want it to be entirely player facing then add a stat block and keep everything else the same.
One idea for planar ally is more of a planar swap, you disappear and are replaced by the creature. Its a quasi clerical polymorph kind of idea. But as your losing your character and gaining a different one for a time, makes it easier to balance.

One idea for planar ally is more of a planar swap, you disappear and are replaced by the creature. Its a quasi clerical polymorph kind of idea. But as your losing your character and gaining a different one for a time, makes it easier to balance.
I like that, or they could borrow from the 4e warden (or the 5e Otherworldly Aspect spell) and you part of the appearance (and some helpful melee abilities) of the ally. It could even be simplified by have a "kit" for each domain.

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