D&D (2024) How Will They Fix Warlock Spellcasting Issues?


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
So they just said that Pact Magic is coming back, but also that they will be addressing the issue of people feeling like they have too little Spellcasting.

They referenced Mystic Arcanum getting expanded IIRC, so maybe they will have something like folding all the “cast this spell once” invocations into an expanded MA feature, giving all Warlocks a few daily spells?

Or perhaps they’ll have a single spell invocation like in the UA, that you can take multiple times.

Alternatively, they could simply provide a quick recharge ability 1/LR for the Warlock, and I’m sure for some groups that would fix all.

So what do y’all think?

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Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
While I would be all for pact Magic changing to about 4-ish spells per day and recover one on a short rest, I actually think they’re going to go back to pact magic exactly as it works in the 2014 PHB, and granting access to more spells in some other way. Jeremy Crawford did mention that the number of invocations was increasing. At first I thought he just meant more options to choose from, but at the end he actually said (paraphrasing) the number in the invocations column went up. So, I have a suspicion that this is going to be part of the fix.

Maybe all those godawful “once per day you can spend a warlock spell slot to cast [whatever]” invocations will get replaced with invocations that simply let you cast the spell once per day (no spell slot expenditure required), and warlocks will be getting more invocations so players who want a bunch of daily spells can just take a bunch of those invocations. Meanwhile, warlocks players who are happy sticking with Hex and Eldritch Blast all day e’ry day can take other invocations instead.
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"Diegetics", by L. Ron Gygax
Personal bet:

-They keep the Mystic Arcanum invocation and make it into "pick one spell, cast it once per LR", folding all the other terrible "pick a spell" invocations together.

-3rd slot at 7, 4th slot at 13.

-1 minute ritual to regain slots, once per LR. Possible this becomes an invocation, not sure (might be too much of a "feature tax").

-Some more at-will low-level spell invocations, since those are popular and flavorful.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
Personal bet:

-They keep the Mystic Arcanum invocation and make it into "pick one spell, cast it once per LR", folding all the other terrible "pick a spell" invocations together.

-3rd slot at 7, 4th slot at 13.

-1 minute ritual to regain slots, once per LR. Possible this becomes an invocation, not sure (might be too much of a "feature tax").

-Some more at-will low-level spell invocations, since those are popular and flavorful.
I’d give that high marks


Book-Friend, he/him
Well, my first guess would be that they keep the Patron Spell use per Long Rest ability. Doubt that was poorly received.

Then, a once per day bonus refresh would probably go a long way to helping tables that are Short Rest starved.


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
Personal bet:

-They keep the Mystic Arcanum invocation and make it into "pick one spell, cast it once per LR", folding all the other terrible "pick a spell" invocations together.
I would have thought this was a sure bet, but JC did say in the video that Mystic Arcanum was back to being a core feature.

Voidrunner's Codex

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