I Am Your Father! The Spoiler Spoiler Thread -- What are the biggest ever spoilers? [spoilers]


Its not really sloth... It is wrath..

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Anakin falling to the dark side and becoming Darth Vader (if you watch the saga in order). When I was 6, I like most in my generation was blown away by the reveal in ESB. I didn't even believe it until Yoda confirmed it 3 years later in RotJ. For my nephews, I showed them the saga 1-6, and not only were they in complete denial when their hero becomes the villain in Ep3, they still went nuts when Vader reveals the truth to Luke in ESB. They had been freaking out for a week after ANH trying to figure out how/when Luke would discover the truth.
One major spoiler annoyance I had was some troll in a Youtube comment posting that Kylo Ren kills his father Han Solo, about two days before The Force Awakens came out. It didn't actually diminish the impact of the moment, though.


A bunch of them go rogue to get THE PLANS and in the end they get THE PLANS but they all die (and aren't even mentioned in the sequel which gets released about 30 years earlier through tricking time.)


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
A bunch of them go rogue to get THE PLANS and in the end they get THE PLANS but they all die (and aren't even mentioned in the sequel which gets released about 30 years earlier through tricking time.)
Yeah, Edge of Tomorrow was a great movie.


A bunch of them go rogue to get THE PLANS and in the end they get THE PLANS but they all die (and aren't even mentioned in the sequel which gets released about 30 years earlier through tricking time.)
At least the guy who got the info on the Death Star II got a mention on-screen. When are we gonna get a movie about Menny Bothanz, anyway?

Are you sure it dies? We see it stop trying struggling to get in and drift away, but does that really mean it's dead?
It's alive and dead until someone makes another movie and says otherwise. A Schrodinger's Alien. My take on it is that no creature that big is going to survive without pressure, nutrients, and protection from the harmful radiation of space. And being left adrift in space means an almost 0 percent chance of being found again. At that point it might as well be dead.


It's alive and dead until someone makes another movie and says otherwise. A Schrodinger's Alien. My take on it is that no creature that big is going to survive without pressure, nutrients, and protection from the harmful radiation of space. And being left adrift in space means an almost 0 percent chance of being found again. At that point it might as well be dead.
Are we talking about the one from Alien, or the Queen from Aliens? The Queen is a lot easier to find, just in low orbit over a known settlement. And even with the first one, Weyland Yutani have the logs, they know where and when the creature was ejected. If they got it into their heads to track it down for tissue samples it'd be a very difficult search, but possible.

Voidrunner's Codex

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