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I hate Christmas

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Storm Raven

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Well, bad Christmas gifts anyway.

Here's how it is - for the last several years I have gotten bad Christmas gifts from most of my family except my wife, who usually does a good job at getting me what I want, since she listens when I give suggestions. The rest of my family and her family appear to have potatos in their ears on this subject. I generally get crap I don't want, won't use, and will likely never use. I have tried increasingly blunt hints over the last couple yeas, starting with subtle suggestions, to directly stating what I want, to, in the past couple of years, giving my wife a specific list and saying "tell people to get me something on this list". Last year, I thought this problem had been solved. I got gift certificates to places like Best Buy. I know that Best Buy isn't the best place to get something, but at least I was able to get a couple DVDs that I actually wanted, as opposed to the year my sister-in-law decided to get me the pan and scan version of Christmas Vacation (which would be about number 978 on my priority list of movies to own on DVD, at least partially because I don't find Chevy Chase to be funny).

So, we are getting into the swing of Christmas this year and what shows up on my doorstep? A package from the "Fountainpen Hospital" containing a pen catalogue and a wrapped package shaped exactly like a pen box for a fancy pen. The card identifies the item as coming from my parents. Knowing what it is, I go ahead and open the wrapped package and yes, it is a pen. A very expensive pen. Here's the rub: I do not want, will never want, and will not use an expensive pen. I lose pens. I keep at least a hundred pens on hand at home because of this. Five years ago, my parents got me a pen set of two expensive pens: one broke, and I lost the other, both within three months. Giving me a pen worth more than $2.00 is just throwing money away. Of course, since they ordered it from an online retailer and paid by credit card, the only way to return the pen is to send it back and have the retailer credit their credit card, so the only way I can return this item is to tell them I am returning it. And to make this doubly annoying, my wife already explicitly told them to get me a gift certificate just like they did last year.

So, because no one ever seems to get my hints, or understand what I am saying, I have decided to get this information out to my family, either by e-mail, or just by me (or my wife) telling them:

I have decided that I do not want any specific Christmas gifts this year. I like books, CDs, and DVDs, and would prefer gift certificates or gift cards from Amazon, Borders, Best Buy, or some similar retailer. If you feel compelled to purchase me a specific item, I have provided a wish list at the bottom of this page. The prices I have listed come from amazon.com as of December 6th, 2005. Do not try to freelance. If you decide to buy me something not on my wish list, I will likely not be pleasantly surprised because there is a very good chance that I will not want what you have purchased. I have quirky, specific tastes. For example, though I like science-fiction, and kind of like The Matrix, I do not like The Matrix Reloaded, or Matrix Revolutions, and have no interest in owning DVDs of those movies. You probably did not know this before I just told you, and might have been thinking that one of those movies would be a good gift for me, when, in fact, they would not.

Let me be perfectly clear: if you decide to freelance and buy me something not on my list, and I don’t like it, I will return it. If I cannot return it, I will likely regift the item, or if I cannot regift it, I will likely give it to Goodwill or throw it away. Buying me something not on the list is at your own risk. I will not feel bad for exchanging it or giving it away. In point of fact, I will likely be annoyed with you for making me go through the headache of exchanging the gift for something I actually want. Finally, never get me a “pan and scan” version of a movie (usually labeled with the misleading title “fullscreen”), as I hate that format. If you get me a movie, always make sure it any movie you get me is in widescreen format.

Firefly: The Complete Series $27.98
Serenity (Widescreen Edition) $16.98
Babylon 5: The Movie Collection $47.99
Crusade: The Complete Series $47.99
Farscape: The Complete Second Season $119.99 (these are cheaper at Costco.com)
Farscape: The Complete Third Season $119.99 (these are cheaper at Costco.com)
Farscape: The Complete Fourth Season $119.99 (these are cheaper at Costco.com)
Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars $13.99

Firefly: Original Television Soundtrack $13.49
Farscape: Music from the Original Soundtrack $13.98
Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Rings Soundtrack $13.97
Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King Soundtrack $14.99

I'm not sure if I can be more clear than this. Even with this, I anticipate that I will get a copy of The Chronicles of Riddick, or Fletch or a tie instead.

(For anyone who cares, here is the website for the Fountainpen Hospital - http://www.fountainpenhospital.com/).

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When my husband and I celebrated our first Christmas as a couple, I was appalled when his family demanded a "list" of gifts to get me. "How could they ruin the surprise of Christmas morning?!" I thought... however, since that time, my mind has changed drastically.

Not only do I now find that my Christmas mornings are filled with things I really want and need... my husband's family has learned to effectively extrapolate things that I would like based on things that are on my list. I get things that match the clothes I ask for, accessories to go with the academic-type supplies I requested... It's the most amazing thing EVER.

In short - I'm a big fan on the Christmas list. :)

SR - I know your pain all too well. My mom's family in particular has absolutely no clue what sorts of things I would like and does little to attempt to discover what it is I would want. I've perfected the happy Christmas "This is what I REALLY wanted" smile. And they don't believe in the concept of the "Christmas List."


First Post
I'm sorry, Storm Raven. but this just comes off as ungrateful to me. It may be because I came from a poor family, but ever heard the expression 'it's the thought that counts?'


First Post
I love to get the things on my list, but I'm just as grateful for anything. My sister hasn't bought me anything I've wanted in 10 years, but the stuff she does buy, while often campy or cheesy, are still pretty cool. I also look at Christmas as more of a time to give back to someone than to get something for myself. I buy stuff for me all year long.


i'm with Eternalknight.

diaglo "we got coal in our stockings and we appreciated it" Ooi

Eternalknight said:
I'm sorry, Storm Raven. but this just comes off as ungrateful to me. It may be because I came from a poor family, but ever heard the expression 'it's the thought that counts?'
I relate to this, as well. I was raised in a **very** poor family (read: some years, we didn't really have Christmas), but I've married into a family with the money to spoil me a little bit on Christmas... and, as such, I don't find anything wrong with asking for things you actually want. *shrugs*


A Wicked Kendragon
I'm always getting tons of chokolate. It's as if people were going by the mantra "if you can't think of anything, get chokolate". I hate chokolate during Christmas. Too much is too much is too much. Chokolate At Christmas, you are my nemesis. One day I'll get you, and then you'll pay. Oh how you'll pay. :]

diaglo said:
diaglo "we got coal in our stockings and we appreciated it" Ooi
"You got coal? Lucky you. All we got was gravel painted black. And it was the cheap kind, that doesn't dry up completely and gets all over everything. More water than paint really."


First Post
Don't get me wrong; if someone asks me what I want for xmas, I tell them. If I don't get it, though, I don't complain about it. At least I know I have been thought about.

Storm Raven

First Post
Eternalknight said:
I'm sorry, Storm Raven. but this just comes off as ungrateful to me. It may be because I came from a poor family, but ever heard the expression 'it's the thought that counts?'

But if you buy me stuff that I don't want, when I have told you I wanted something else, how much thought did you put into it? If you consistently buy me crap I don't want, would never want, and will never use, you haven't put much thought into the gift. Usually it means you bought me something you like, and expected me to like it too.

I know why my parents got me the pen. My father is a pen geek. He loves expensive pens. I don't. I have told him I don't. He was told what I actually wanted. Instead, he got me a pen. That's not being thoughtful. That's being selfish and uncaring. You didn't care enough about what I wanted to get me something I want, instead, you got me a gift you would like.

"It's the thought that counts" is an empty phrase that people who actually didn't put any thought into their gifts like to resort to to make themselves feel better about the fact that they didn't bother to buy the recipient something they actually wanted. I told you what you wanted - you got me something else. That's not thoughtful. That's rude.

I would prefer to get no gift rather than a gift in which the giver put that little thought.


First Post
While I agree that your family should try to do a better job at Christmas, and I think that Gift Certs are the way to go, I sincerely hope that you don't send that message. It kind of makes you look bad.

My family, when they get me gifts, usually does a pretty bad job at it, but I typically try to use them/make the best of it, and I rarely return anything. My GF does a great job at Christmas, although she generally doesn't by and gaming stuff and lately she has decided that she will no longer buy any electronic stuff either which is kind of a bummer.

I didn't necessarily come from a poor family, although I can safely say we weren't rich, but I do appreciate that people get me anything at all.


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