(IC) Against the Giants PBP Group 1

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The group made their way back down to the steading using the darkness, the outbuilding, and Quinn's pass-without-trace spell to mask their movements. They arrived safely, at the east gate, which was smoky with the terrible stench of burning bodies. Quinn morphed into the form of an owl, and flew overhead, nearly invisible against the night sky.

The courtyard was now guarded by five hill giants: Two large adult males wearing armour and brandishing axes (both much better made than hill giants were usually seen with) and three youths, wearing hides, carrying slightly smaller axes, and bristling with javelins.


OOC: You can work your way south to check out the watchtower if you like. Pass w/o Trace ought to make it near impossible for the giants to notice you without line of sight. Edit: I should point out that all the fireplaces on the north side appear to be out.


5ever, or until 2024
~The mind link is active. This gourde gives strength~

~We should be mindful of our action and drawing attention to ourselves this time. Or killing possible allies, or sources of information.~

If there is to be any climbing, Tenibor will need help.


He looks at the gourde.


Upon hearing Quinn's report, Jack considers their options. Well versed in infiltration, nevertheless he had typically relied on his sister to do the planning - hence his hesitation. He considers the wisdom of the elf's words.

~I say we continue to the south and see if they left a sentry at the watchtower. Either way, the chimneys may be our best bet again to get in quietly. We need to find the chief's - or one of his guests - quarters. I'd bet my last shiny copper it's there we'll find more information.~

Suiting his words, he then creeps along the east wall heading south under cover of darkness.


Jack led the way south where Quinn flew around the watchtower and reported three giants. One was wearing an enormous greatsword on his back and was keeping the other two alert and ready - much different from when they were there before, with the lookouts sleeping on duty. Another had donned armour and an axe, much like the two in the courtyard. The third was alert, peering out eastward over the gatehouse, but she still only carried a club, like hill giants were known to.

These extra armaments were something new - not just tonight, but in general. Hill giants were not terrible skilled at craftsmanship. Not known for working metal. Their skills usually ended at basic sewing, woodcarving, and carpentry. Someone was arming them - and they were concerned enough by tonight's raid on the steading to use the armaments early. They had clearly not amassed enough of them to arm everyone, but it was quality work.

Much like earlier, Jack knew that the three in the tower were not the only guards on the south end. The gatehouse had ogres. While he couldn't see them, they would still be there. Perhaps bolstered by a giant or two.

OOC: You can check out the gatehouse, but you'll be in line-of-sight of the tower if you do. It can still be done with a dc17 stealth check, made with disadvantage. (Tricky to time dashing across the giant's field of view, but not impossible



OOC: I believe we have pass without trace active, so assuming that would negate the disadvantage? Also, can you remind us which chimneys look clear of smoke? Thanks.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
~<If one of you looks direly hurt, I may transform them into a giant ape in full vigor. I know Bible's answer, would any of the rest of you be willing to accept this dweomer?>~, his voice much more confident in telepathic Sylvan than when he had spoke Common.

Eoghan listened to the report from the scouting owl.

~<I do not think we have a plethora of magics for large groups left. It will be a running battle as soon as they manage to raise an alarm. I say we go toward where the giants will be the most strung out running to us. The tower might give us a good choke point, and we could always exit to a chimney if they block us to well. But if we want to go in fast, I am just as good with that.>~


I believe we have pass without trace active, so assuming that would negate the disadvantage? Also, can you remind us which chimneys look clear of smoke? Thanks.
OOC: No, but the +10 that PwoT gives you should make the check much easier. The only chimney on this end that has smoke is the one nearby. The one you went down before is still clear. There are two chimneys along the path you took (as well as a large central smoke-hole); all of those are smoking.


OOC: No, but the +10 that PwoT gives you should make the check much easier. The only chimney on this end that has smoke is the one nearby. The one you went down before is still clear. There are two chimneys along the path you took (as well as a large central smoke-hole); all of those are smoking.
OOC: That's right - for some reason was thinking PwoT granted advantage on stealth, not a flat +10. Thanks.


Seeing the guards in the watchtower, Jack looks back to the north and to the two chimneys along the eastern wall they just passed.

~I think our best bet is to circle back around to the north and climb the chimney to the kitchens. Should be hidden enough from the watchtower, and if we're quiet, those lugs in the courtyard will be none the wiser.~

OOC: Jack is looking at the chimney near #6 on this map.


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