(IC) Against the Giants PBP Group 2

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Gimlak extricated himself from under the hurled bed, careful not to let the part of his mind wnder that was keeping two giant youths wracked with laughter. One of the young giants chose to pick up his laughing sister and drag her to the back of the room, further away from the fray.

A giantess and Kaligan were fighting it out in the corner. The psychic fighter stabbed her with his sword, and she thumped him hard with her club. She raised her club for a second blow and Kaligan threw her back with a telekinetic blast that had her stumbling over beds and the bodies of young giants.

Another giantess passed Kaligan by, heading north toward Duvrael. Donnel took aim with his short bow and put an arrow sharply into the giant's back.

OOC: This is going to be a little out-of-order when it comes to sequence of events. HG3 did 27 to Kaligan who did 14 & 14 & 10 ft. push to her; Donnell shot HG2 for 20.
Bow (w/SA) vs HG2: 1D20+4 = [20]+4 = 24 crit for 4D6+2 = [5, 6, 3, 4]+2 = 20
Hill Giants
HG3 vs Kaligan: 1D20+8 = [12]+8 = 20 for 3D8+5 = [8, 8, 6]+5 = 27
HG3 vs Kaligan: 1D20+8 = [1]+8 = 9


Kahru went for the Chief's groin, but the enormous giant was used to smaller creatures trying that tactic. He stepped back and swept his spiked club down at the northman, throwing him bodily into the wall. Kahru rolled when he hit the ground, and a rock thrown across the room struck the wall where he had been.

Doc, who had to hold his hat while the Colonel's wind blew through, shot the chief twice, leaving two bloody holes in the giants chest. A ghost flew about the chieftess, terrorizing her. Then, Doc felt it was time to vamoose, so he high-tailed it back to the north hallway, as a javelin struck the ground between his legs and flipped over, stinging his behind as it tumbled along.

OOC: Chief does 33 (so 16 with rage) to Kahru, who missed (but shouldn't he have a second attack at this level? YHG3 got Doc long range for 7, who shot the chief for 40 & the chieftess took 3
Chief's Actual Turn (his other stuff was legendary actions)
Club vs Kahru: 1D20+8 = [5]+8 = 13
Club vs Kahru: 1D20+8 = [17]+8 = 25 for 4D8+5 = [6, 6, 8, 8]+5 = 33
Hurled Stuff:
HGS2 Rock vs Kahru: 1D20+6 = [5]+6 = 11
YHG3 Javelin vs Doc: 2D20.LOW(1)+5 = [18, 14]+5 = 19 for 2D6+3 = [3, 1]+3 = 7


Finally, Gimalak was free of the bed. The dwarf stood and built a powerful psychic explosion by the chief and chieftess. The air crackled with mental engergy and the two giants were racked with pain and confusion.

OOC: Gimlak did 32 to Chief and Chieftess & made them dumber than they already were. Everybody let me know if I missed anything. I worked quickly to get it done.
Laughter Save (Last Round) YHG7: 1D20-1 = [8]-1 = 7
Laughter Save (Last Round) Last Round YHG9: 1D20-1 = [13]-1 = 12
This round YHG7: 1D20-1 = [3]-1 = 2
This round YHG9: 1D20-1 = [4]-1 = 3
Synapic Static Save Chief: 1D20-1 = [16]-1 = 15
Chieftess: 1D20-3 = [16]-3 = 13


GM: Encounter: Steading East Wing

(General Features) Difficult Terrain: Beds; Visibility: Dim (Low Braziers, Fires); Cover: Walls; Spells: None
Name * AC * HP * Hit Dice * PasPrc * Spells (Etc) * (Notes)
Colonel AC19* HP 23/66 THP 0/13 HD 9/9 PP19* SSdc18 3/4 0/3 3/3 1/3 1/1 CD 2/2
Doc AC14 HP 64/84 THP 0/13 HD 9/9 PP20 SSdc16 1/2 Wls 0/4 Crs 1/1 PL 4/4 Wsp 1/1
Duvrael AC12(15) HP 17/56 THP 0/13 HD 9/9 PP15* SSdc17 2/4 0/3 2/3 0/3 0/1
Gimlak AC17 HP 62/68 THP 0/13 HD 9/9 PP12* SSdc17 4/4 2/3 3/3 1/3 0/1 SP 7/12
Kahru AC15 HP 41/83 HD 9/9 THP 0/13 PP16 SSdc14 3/4 2/3 1/3 WS 0/2 Rg 3/3 Stf 5/7
-Kahru-Bear AC12 HP 0/42
Kaligan AC18* HP 30/76 THP 0/13 HD 9/9 PP14 PD 8/8 DT 1/1 TK 1/1 AS 1/1 2W 1/1 ID 1/1
Donnell AC19* HP29/29 THP 0/13 HD 4/4 AS 1/1 2W 0/1
Hiss AC13 HP 2/2 PP10* ts10'
Orcs AC11 HP15ea PP10* (dead)
Name * AC * HP * PP * (Notes)
HG Chief (Nosnra) AC14 HP 8/148 PP13 (-1d6 attacks)
HG Chieftess (Grutha) AC14 HP 81/136 PP14 (-1d6 attacks)
Hill Giants AC13 HP105ea PP12
-HG2 48/105; HG3 55/105;
Young Hill Giant AC12 HP42ea PP10
-YHG1 0/42 (dead); YHG2 0/42 (dead); YHG3 42/42;
-YHG6 0/42 (dead); YHG7 14/42; YHG8 42/42; YHG9 6/42;
Hill Giant Schlubs AC13 HP59ea PP8
-HGS2 0/59 (dead); HGS3 59/59
GM: End Round Six; Begin Round Seven

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
The Colonel climbs over the bed, and disappears momentarily, only to appear right next to the Hill Giant Chief. Lightning courses between his hands, but the giant again eludes the Colonel.

His presence nevertheless is distracting enough for the giant that one of the two arrows released by Squire Donnel does hit the massive bulk, with devastating consequences.

"Has that boy killed the Hill Giant Chief?" wonders the Colonel, with a grin. "Nice shot, lad," he says aloud for those that might hear.

OOC: Move 10' to BA 55.
Bonus: Misty step (one free casting) to BF 55.
Attack: Shocking Grasp. 1d20+10=12. MISS. Ugh.

Reaction is ready: if hit by opponent within 5', 2d8 lightning damage, Dex save vs DC 18 for half. If damaged a large creature is additionallly pushed 10' away.

Move to AW50 to get line of sight on chief.
Attack with Short bow: 1d20+4=6 MISS.
Action surge! 1d20+4=18 for 2d6+2=9 piercing damage. HITS! (possibly downs?) (includes 1d6 sneak attack).

Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
Doc felt the javelin bounce off of him. As he began to re-center himself into the combat, Doc felt the release of the Tall Rustler's soul. Can't keep killin' what's already dead. The soul's offering to the Nameless Sheriff allowed Doc to refocus his vengeful hatred on the Black Hat that was approaching him.

Doc raised his pistol. Carefully aimed. And shot him clean between the eyes before the Black Hat even knew what happened. He didn't even have time to look surprised before his soul was sent straight to the Sheriff.

Then he fired off a quick round toward the other large rustler.

Concentration Check:_: 1D20+4 = [20]+4 = 24
Hex Stays

Bonus Action: move hex to HG2

FIrst Shot; sneak attack; hex: 1D20+9 = [20]+9 = 29
1D10+5 = [10]+5 = 15
2D6 = [3, 2] = 5
1D6 = [4] = 4

Criticai + Piercer: 1D10+5 = [8]+5 = 13
1D10+5 = [1]+5 = 6
2D6 = [6, 2] = 8
1D6 = [2] = 2

53 damage to HG2.

Second Shot: 1D20+9 = [20]+9 = 29
1D10+5 = [1]+5 = 6

Oh, crit again. And I'll use the piercer preroll here.

Piercer reroll: 1D10+5 = [6]+5 = 11

Critical + Piercer: 1D10+5 = [5]+5 = 10
1D10+5 = [5]+5 = 10

31 Damage to HG3

(I will point out that coyote code just rolled 3 consecutive 20s for me, although one was a concentration check)

Doc AC14 HP 64/84 THP 0/13 HD 9/9 PP20 SSdc16 1/2 Wls 0/4 Crs 1/1 PL 4/4 Wsp 1/1


The Colonel appeared in the center of the room and tried to electrocute the chief, who stepped back and kicked at him, causing the old soldier to miss, grounding his lightning into the floorboards. The Chief lifted his big spiked club, and from across the room, two arrows came from the young squire's bow. One struck the club and broke, but the other struck the giant in his bulbous nose.

The chief's eyes crossed and he wheezed. He let go of his club with one hand, and he pulled the arrow free, as if it were only an annoyance. Then he stepped forward as if he would stomp on the Colonel again, but staggered, blood flowing from his face. Then, with a gurgling sigh, he fell face-first onto the floor, dead.

The chief's wife bellowed a loud mournful wail and she climbed on the body. With one hand she lifted the chief's head and with the other, she swatted the Colonel away, absently, while saying, ::Nosnra! Wake up! Ya can't be dead! Yer too big ta die. Way too big. Nosnra?::

OOC: Donnell killed the Chief. Chieftess did 11 to Colonel & he needs to roll a dc16 STR save or be thrown 10 feet and knocked prone. She's granting advantage to attacks, not paying attention to the battle ATM.


Duvrael watched as a big giant was rushing toward him, club held high. For a moment, he thought that this might be the end. Then the dull thuds of Doc's pistol sounded behind him, and a hole appeared between the giant's eyes. Duvrael side-stepped as the giant's club fell from her hands and she slammed into the wall and collapsed to the floor.

Doc could feel death around him. He had given little thought to how uncomfortable he found this new land he was in. The air was cooler than he was used to, the breezes empty of spirits. Death gave him comfort; now that it was rolling like a tumbleweed, he felt calm and sure. He fired his pistol again, straight and true like the shot before it. This time the second giant didn't die right away, but it was only a matter of time.

From far down the other end of the room, the youths and the adult giant (it occurred to Doc that she was probably the Nanny) threw rocks and javelins half-hearted at him, and then began to flee toward the west. One youth carried one of the laughing youths with him, but they left the other behind, rolling on the floor in giggle fits.

OOC: Doc killed HG2 & did 32 to HG3. Ranged attacks missed him.

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
The Colonel is batted away and lands on his back. He's never worn a helmet, and his head hits the ground, but he remains alert. As he is hit a discharge of static electricity is released.

OOC: Strength save 1d20+2=11 vs DC 16 Fail.
Reaction: If hit by opponent within 5', 2d8=6 lightning damage, Dex save vs DC 18 for half. (I think she's bigger than large, so no knockback). 4 uses left.

HP: 12/66
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Voidrunner's Codex

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