(IC) Against the Giants PBP Group 2

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Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
Doc's rictus grin faltered somewhat as he heard the booming voice of Captain Caine. Better to be reckoned a fool than open yer trap and remove all doubt.

Still, a fool and his life were easily parted, and Doc figured that Captain Caine might prove useful distractin' the rustlers. He listened to the Colonel's plan. Still didn't know what to make of the Colonel, but Doc trusted his instincts more than that fool Captain Caine's.

Doc turned to the Colonel. Reckon we might as well get moseyin' into the stockade.

Doc accompanies the Colonel. As far as the plan goes, agree with going to the rear while Captain Caine finds his glorious demise at the front.


The group worked their way down from the rocky tor while Cromby and Siersha abandoned it as their favored lookout. Captain Caine had drawn far too much attention to it, so they moved to two new positions - Siersha would watch Caine's progress from the back of her horse Iago, from out of rock-throwing range to the south, while Cromby would watch the company from the first copse of trees to the north.

The group reached the steading's palisade by the rear, where they could no longer see much of Captain Caine's progress (or lack thereof) but from the cries of his men and the furious roar of giants, it did not sound like it was going to be much of a victory.

Here, outside the outbuilding, the group gathered to assess their situation. It was difficult to see inside the courtyard, but there was no doubt that there were ogres and giants waiting for just such an attempt to try their defenses.

OOC: Okay, let's get going again. You're at the north-west corner of the steading. There's a courtyard gate just south of you. How would you like to proceed?

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
The Colonel looks to the others in this small band, and nods, as if to say "We're going ahead with what we planned" [If someone objects, they can do so here.]

Once it's confirmed and the sights are clear, he takes the coil of silk rope he has on his shoulder [and a second coil, if someone has lent him one] and begins to Levitate, to the top of the roofed building.

Before he's aware of what the Colonel intends, he swings Donnell on his shoulder. "You're with me, kid." The Colonel's moves are quick, and deliberate. Soon the two of them are on the roof.

He attaches the ropes to give his companions something to climb, and there's a means for others to follow. Possibly they remain unnoticed. Even if they don't, they are low and will have cover. If people can't climb for some reason, the Colonel and others can pull them up last. With luck and good tactics, soon all will be on the roof of the building, looking down at the ogres and giants in the courtyard. No bottlenecks, and we have the high ground.

OOC: The Colonel gets a free casting of Levitate per long rest. It takes Concentration, and he'll keep concentrating even if he's not floating when he's on the roof, since the spell lasts 10 minutes.


A suffusion of yellow
Kahru moved with the small crew around to the rear of the steading, glancing distrustfully at the pile of bodies at the gate, and speculating grimly that Captain Caine’s company would soon be part of a similar pile at the front.

The barbarian looked at the now familiar building, and tried to recall the layout within the walls,,was this the the courtyard where the dire wolfs had been penned in? If so the outhouse was seperate from the main complex and they would still need to cross the courtyard to get in - with its inhabitants on high alert.

Kahru looked to the colonel and the others before stretching his arms and taking the form of a hawk leapt to the rooftop.
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OOC: @Kobold Stew Just to be clear, are you going on the roof of the outbuilding, or the steading? And yes, @Tonguez, it's the same courtyard that the dire wolves were in. If I remember right, you once placed a tree in front of the outbuilding's front door to make it difficult for the ogres to get out into the courtyard. You also let the wolves go, but the houndmaster retrieved them while you were gone.

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
OOC: Ack -- sorry. I thought the outbuilding was within the enclosure of the steading. The last map we had of the building was here, I think (link), and I thought the building we were seeing at the top was the same one we were outside now. Since then, we The Captain is storming the main building, right? I thought we were heading there (link link), but around the back, so we can head back down into the bowels beneath.

Or that's what I thought we were talking about. Please correct my misunderstandings -- it's been a while, and I may have easily missed something.

(ps also I think the thread of the treasures of Solka got lost. Colonel had taken the nekclace)


OOC: @Kobold Stew. We seem to have MORE confusion rather than less. Yes, the outbuilding is within the enclosure. Here, let me give you some point of reference: 1) You Are Here; 2) Outbuilding; 3) Courtyard; 4) Caine's Frontal Assault; 5) Watchtower; 6) Kitchen (where you first went inside); 7) Grand Hall; 8) To Rocky Tor (now abandoned).

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
OOC: Thanks. That helps a lot. I'm fine getting on the roof of the outbuilding (2). I had imagined we were getting on (7), but either way we're on the far side of the tower (5) and away form the battle (4). We'd have decided before this in any case -- if another player feels strongly and prefers the NE corner of the main building, we can go with that. Otherwise, the outbuilding is fine.

Voidrunner's Codex

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