(IC) Against the Giants PBP Group 2

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A suffusion of yellow
Kahru looked down at the wolf hair whip, and then around at the did wolves and giants scattered about as food for scavengers. His instinct was to weild Waythe again, to cut the whip into peices, but hehad know idea what that might do to the magic of the giant runes.
He returned Waythe back to her sheath and secured the whip for future investigation. It was time to rest, share what he had observed inside the fortified gate and focus on the night ahead…
OOC: nothing else to declare


The sun was almost set as the group began to gather their things to prepare for their night assault. They spent a few long minutes observing the growing darkness around the Steading when Cromby cursed and said, "What's this, then?"

Behind them, away from the Steading, a series of torches were winding their way down one of the larger hillsides, following an obvious path. It wasn't long before the Giants in the Watchtower spotted it too, and they rang a gong that put the Steading on High Alert.

Soon Captain Caine rode into view, mounted on a warhorse, and he called from quite far away (his voice carrying across the hills), "Thought you would have all the Glory for yourselves, did you? Well, I'm here now! We'll give these giants a right thrashing!"

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
"Not at all, Captain," the Colonel says, returning his salute. "In fact, I'm want to see how many of them you can draw away from the main gate. Let that be a challenge for you, Captain. They're undersupplied, and out in the open they'll have no defenses to speak of."

OOC: Wanting to move this along. If this group of NPCs can draw fire and attention, a small group may find it easier to make it into the stockade and then the lower levels. That's where the Colonel wants to go. Others may want to stay and fight? Do something else? Come with?

EDIT: The Colonel has the Soldier Background, and I'm playing of the feature "Military Rank". Since background features are something that won't be in the game anymore by the end of the year, I want to use it!
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A suffusion of yellow
" Well there goes our stealth" Kahru grumbled when the line of torches came marching down the hill putting the steading on high alert. This mounted Captain had not proven himself in the barbarians eyes and yet announced himself with an air of unearned arrogance and pride - still he might provide a distraction and draw the giants fire away from those who were worthy of respect.

The colonel wished to take a small team and enter the dungeons and tunnels again, Kahru was ready to go with him, though did caution that the ildjotun might still be there and this time prepared for an assault. Still they had prevailed so far and Waythe as ever was keen to strike.


Captain Caine nodded to the Colonel. It was clear that he expected himself to be in charge of the assault, but was willing to listen to the Colonel's expertise. On active duty, the Colonel outranked him, but was currently a special operative, and not part of the chain of command. This left a question. One that Donnell whispered to the Colonel, "Sir. Where is Lord Faldur? Did he not promise to wait for your word before sending out the troops?"

Caine was already organizing his troops, and going over the plan of attack, a bold, if foolhardy one. He spoke as he rode up and down the line, "Men! We will make for the front gate! Archers, send your fire toward that watchtower. Footmen will batter the gates until they are down, or the giants open them to face our challenge! For Glory!"

The troops gave one half-hearted huzzah and began to march down the hill in formation, while Captain Caine rode at the north-west corner of the company. A few others on horse took up the rear, as much to keep the company driving forward as for any other purpose.

OOC: Wait and watch, or move out? (And where to?)

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
The Colonel offers to lead a small strike force to infiltrate the fort while brimstone and bluster storm the gates. Volunteers are welcome. On the assumption that Caine is not going to be able to draw out giants from the front gate (or will not attempt to do so), the Colonel proposes to approach a wall from the rear. Ideally out of sightlines of the tower, he can levitate up and onto ramparts, letting down a rope or whatever to assist with others climbing. Then, in and down. If Caine does draw out giants form the gate, then the possibility of going in the front door remains; but that' snot necessarily quicker. Other suggestions might modify this approach.

Steve Gorak

The appearance of the soldiers made Gimlak uneasy.

Lord Faldur, why are your men here at the fortress, that wasn’t the plan

The Dwatf prince inquires telepathically. He is direct, yet polite but an answer is warranted.

OOC: telepathic speech was active with Faldur

Note that Gimlack will volunteer to accompany the colonel, but he wants to sort out this situation first


Lord Faldur's telepathic reply to Gimlak was garbled and confused. When he was able to formulate a thought, he replied, "I'm sorry. I'm unwell. Feverish. What hour is it? Huhhhh."

Then the connection was lost as Faldur slipped into unconsciousness.

Voidrunner's Codex

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