IC: Dichotomy's Age of Worms Redux, Part V


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"2 hours seems an unreasonable amount of time to wait around. And it seems unlikely that anything useful would be found in a place of such disrepair."

Pausing a moment to think, Kushnak continues "We may have already lost our element of surprise in escaping. In which case, we gain nothing by hurrying out. But i'm certain we will have advantage IF we still have that element of surprise. We should take that chance. It is more important that we escape than bring whoever runs this place to justice."

"Make ready."

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"Well, when we end up having to kill everyone in here first we can always come back and look at it then." Erdolliel concludes pessimistically. The elf then proceeds to unlock the double doors in this room.[sblock=oc]Same as before. OL+15 try once, if it doesn't work, take 10. If it works, she'll hide +13 and move silently +13 through the doors, looking for traps +14 as she goes.[/sblock]


When Erdolliel mentions the possibility of spending perhaps two hours searching the room, Ilya opens her mouth to say something. But Kushnak's interjection silences her, and she seems satisfied with the half-orc cleric's conclusion.

Erdolliel attempts to open the lock on the double doors. This lock is, apparently, higher quality than the others, as the elf has to struggle with it a couple of minutes. However, her skill eventually prevails.

The door opens to the pre-dawn outside world. You see that you are near water's edge, and apparently in the city still. It is probably under two hours before dawn. Most of the night was lost during the shift to the guard station then to this place.

"By my ancestors!" Ilya whispers with emotion. "This really isn't a trick! I really am free!"
[sblock=OOC]Open lock: 13+ fail... Talked to Ti, Erd's taking 20; success[/sblock]


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Erdolliel quickly moves N along the edge of the building to determine it's general dimensions.[sblock=oc]hide +13 and move silently +13 checking to see if it appears that the double doors on the N side also exit to the outside.[/sblock]


Erdolliel quickly assesses the dimensions of the building. As she looks around outside, she also gets a better look at the building itself. It has a sign marking it as "Sodden Hold," though that means nothing to the elf. It is also built mostly of stone with a wood shingle roof. It is covered in thick, long, ropey moss. With her keen vision, even in the early morning dark, Erdolliel can see that the whole building has a green hue.

[sblock=OOC]I know the map shows a bit more than necessary (like the SE of the outside), but I figure I'll short circuit this a bit.

And yes, this is the same map I used in the chimera fight. That was simply for simplicity. This is NOT the same place.[/sblock]


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Erdolliel returns to the group and reports her findings. "It might be good for us to investigate the last section of the building. 'Milady' could leave now, of course. Eskard, we'll need the rope to get me back onto the catwalk."


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"You want to stay here longer than needed?!?!?!?!?" Bazrim says with surprise. "I think if we are to stick around any longer , lets check out this room first, before deciding to head into the unknown. Here we always have the street to run into. That way leaves us fewer options, and none seem like smart ones."


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Kushnak shakes his head at the bickering, and asks Ilya flatly "Miss, do you know where you are? Can make it where you need to safely? We will escort you if necessary. If not, we're going back inside to find out more."


Taking a quick glance outside, Ilya nods. "This looks like the River Quarter, though I don't frequent it. This district is just outside the city walls. I should be able to reach one of the gates without too much trouble."

The elven noblewoman turns to leave, but abruptly turns back. "Here," she says, taking her ornate necklace from around her neck. "You have more need of this than I do. It is the least I can give you for saving me from this horrid place. Take care of what business you have here, because I will be doing everything in my power to bring the law upon this place. My influence is not great, but I will bring it to bear." Ilya briefly describes the properties of her magical necklace. Bazrim is able to discern from the details that it is a periapt of health.

With that, she bids you good luck, pulls the hood of her cloak low over her brow, and briskly hurries away.

Voidrunner's Codex

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